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Violence of the Virtues bk1

Setting the stage.

By TestPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Violence of the Virtues bk1
Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash

It is the year 2008, October 22, at the rim of Jupiter and Saturns belt tunnel bridge pops out of nowhere. At the center of the tunnel bridge peered an amoeba like humanoid and was intentfully looking a debris at the center of the belt. There was Voyager 1. The sentient teleported to the vicinity of the roaming satelite. It was looking for something in particular. Something golden, something in the innards of this vessel.

It saw the brightest golden disk, the amoeba wrapped itself and made an imprint of the beveled symbols.

"I have you now, you silly puny mortal men. Thanks to you I can make my own, and I shall be the one who can muster of my own destiny and see to it Eithen will be mine." gloated the Amoeba humanoid.

The tunnel bridge closed at the moment where Saturn's ray reflected Voyager 1's hull. A dab from the slime of that amoebe stayed with Voyager. No one knows, that the Golden Disk of Carl Sagan has been compromised.

At the edge of the last known shores of Eithen fifteen forms of sentient amoeba slug like figures globs along the shoreline. This was the extinct Vhx-ku.

Although Vhx-ku can not hold a mold into submission long enough to have form and structure. The historical annals of Eithen did not mention of Vhx-ku. For its foundations omitted and dominions were not told to the generations past and passed.

"I have come back, I hold the key now to our fate and destiny. They have ignored and dismissed us for almost a century, now it is time to plunder our way in their midst and see to it all these incessant fools that are unneccessary to the planet shall be rid of. All fifteen of us will propogate, populate and have our own planet." Ami-wan gloated and bloated before the council of fifteen. This was the one who took the imprint of the Golden disk of Voyager 1.

Moli-Tou sludged alongside Ami-wan and held a form of a Rak.

"Now lets see if we can stabilize the form and sustain it", Moli-Tou transformed itself into a form a Rak. A Rak is a Chimeric noid that can make its own nesting place and manufacture buildings and structures beyond imagination.

"Hold for 2, I am equalizing the formulas and throwing junk from that disk that does not serve us.", Ami-wan glaring itself inwards and spat a glob at Moli-tou's base sludge.

"Wait it for it, this junk of an audio file seems to be jarring into my receptors, Augh, who the, what the, what is a Johnny B Goode? hmm junk, tuning it now. one more access into the binary, there", Ami-wan synthesized a mold of a string and sculpted as if it were creating for the first time.

"This feeling is satisfying to the core, liking it. Hmm, at least something good came out of the disk. Moli-Tou fly and lets see if it holds."

Moli-Tou being transformed into a Rak held the form of a few minutes getting used to the mold and flew itself up and down crashed and kept on going to see if it held. The fifteen watched closely and had a few laughs when Moli-tou crashes and to everyone's surprise the form held. It held longer than usual.

"We have the formula, now the agenda begins, line up and take the thoughts of all forms, shapes, sizes of all inhabitant in this world. We shall it take from them, all of them and one by one annihilation begins by infiltration" Amoul-tri of the council goaded and coerced all slime, slugs, and the forms of the Council of Vhx-ku.

Within 2 hours all Vhx-ku now have the power of transformation from amoebic into solid molds. No more slugging through a century being ignored, dismissed and thrown just like any other garbage.

It is the time of taking of Eithen, the fifteen now with the knowledge on how the agenda will and can work to their advantage.

AdventureFantasySci FiSeriesShort Story

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