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Vanishing the Abyss.

As they made their way back to civilization

By IvanPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Vanishing the Abyss.
Photo by m wrona on Unsplash

In the ancient ruins of a long-forgotten civilization, a team of archaeologists uncovered an artifact of unimaginable power. It was a dark, obsidian stone, intricately carved with strange, twisted symbols that seemed to writhe and shift in the flickering torchlight. It was said that the stone held the power to summon a demon of incredible power and evil, but the archaeologists scoffed at such stories. They were scientists, after all, not superstitious fools.

But as soon as the artifact was removed from its resting place, strange things began to happen. The sky grew dark, and the air grew thick with the stench of brimstone. The ground shook, and the archaeologists heard a voice, deep and rumbling, speaking in a language that none of them could understand.

And then, with a burst of smoke and flame, the demon appeared.

It was massive, towering over the humans like a mountain. Its skin was black as coal, and its eyes glowed like red-hot embers. Its voice was like thunder, shaking the very earth beneath their feet.

"I have been summoned," it said. "Who dares to summon me?"

The archaeologists trembled in fear, realizing too late the terrible mistake they had made. They had unleashed a demon upon the world, and now they had to face the consequences.

But they were not alone in their struggle. A team of magical experts had been tracking the artifact for years, sensing the dark power that radiated from it. They had known all along what the archaeologists had unleashed, and they had come prepared.

The team was led by a powerful sorceress named Althea, who had devoted her life to the study of dark magic. She had seen the devastation that demons could wreak upon the world, and she knew that they had to stop this one before it was too late.

The team also included a wizard named Marcus, who had a talent for warding spells and protective enchantments. He had brought with him an arsenal of magical artifacts and talismans, hoping to use them to protect the team from the demon's wrath.

There was also a young apprentice named Amara, who had only recently joined the team. She was eager to prove herself, and her enthusiasm sometimes bordered on recklessness. But Althea saw the potential in her, and she knew that Amara could become a powerful ally in the fight against evil.

Together, the team set out to find the demon and stop it before it could wreak havoc upon the world. They knew that time was running out, for demons were notoriously difficult to banish once they had been summoned.

As they journeyed through the wilderness, they encountered many obstacles. They battled fierce monsters, navigated treacherous terrain, and faced countless dangers that tested their courage and their magic.

But their greatest challenge came when they finally reached the demon's lair. It was a dark, twisting maze of caverns and tunnels, lit only by the flickering flames of the demon's hellish power.

The demon was waiting for them, and it was not pleased. It roared with fury as the team approached, lashing out with claws of fire and bolts of lightning.

But the team was ready. They unleashed a barrage of spells and incantations, hurling bolts of light and balls of flame at the demon. Marcus laid down wards of protection, shielding the team from the demon's attacks.

Amara, in her eagerness to prove herself, charged straight at the demon, brandishing her wand. Althea yelled at her to stop, but it was too late. The demon swatted her aside with a backhanded blow, sending her flying across the cavern.

But even as Amara lay motionless on the ground.Althea and Marcus continued their assault on the demon, weaving spells of light and darkness, summoning spirits to aid them, and invoking the power of the artifacts they had brought with them. The demon was powerful, but they were determined to banish it back to the abyss from which it had come.

As the battle raged on, the cavern began to tremble and shake. The walls cracked, and rocks rained down from the ceiling. It seemed as though the very fabric of reality was being torn apart by the demon's presence.

Althea knew that they had to act fast. She closed her eyes, focusing all of her will and power on the demon. She could feel its dark energy coursing through the cavern, but she knew that she had the power to overcome it.

She unleashed a final spell, a beam of pure light that shot straight at the demon's heart. The demon howled with rage, its massive form writhing and twisting in agony. And then, with a final burst of light, it was gone.

The cavern fell silent, and the team looked around in awe. The demon was gone, banished back to the abyss from which it had come. They had succeeded in their quest, but at a great cost.

Amara lay motionless on the ground, her body broken and battered. Althea rushed to her side, using her healing magic to try to revive her. But it was no use. Amara was gone, her life snuffed out by the demon's fury.

The team mourned for their fallen comrade, but they knew that she had died a hero. She had given her life to banish the demon, and they would always remember her sacrifice.

As they made their way back to civilization, the team realized that they had been changed by their experience. They had faced unimaginable horrors and triumphed over evil, but they had also lost a friend.

They knew that they would never forget their adventure, nor the lessons they had learned along the way. And they knew that they would always be ready to face whatever darkness lay ahead, armed with the power of magic and the strength of their will.

FantasyHorrorFan Fiction

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    IWritten by Ivan

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