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Valekta (VOL 2)

This is the second of 5 Volumes. I know the chapters are a bit small and its very action packed for a book but i still hope you enjoy :)

By Adrien JacksonPublished 3 years ago 10 min read
Valekta (VOL 2)
Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash


Berry and Candy Jump in to attack.

Candy Turns the beasts hand into glass candy by using candy coated

And Berry shoots it.

The Orc grabs it’s hammer and smashes them but Tsoruka punches him in the face first.

“It’s too strong, we need a stronger plan,” says Tsoruka.

Tsoruka then dodges the Orcs' next attack.

Candy turns the Mallet into Glass Candy and Berry shoots it.

Then they get an idea.

Candy and Berry repeatedly shoot and freeze the Orcs’ body.

But the Orcs skin is far to strong

“I didn’t think I’d be using this but...Rainbow Dream”

Calls Berry

The Giant Orc begins to Cry.

He has a Flashback

“Honey I have another child but we don’t have any money”

Says the Orcs girlfriend

“It’s fine I’ll find a way.” says the Orc as a human

“Okay Oscar” she says

Oscar walks to a store.

“Here get this game for free, beat it and earn 1 trillion dollars”

Says a shady man in the alleyway

“O-Okay,” says Oscar

Oscar grabs the game and smiles

He enters his cousin's house to play.

He joins the game as a foul beast hated by all players.

A giant Orc.

He was tricked and trapped in the game and if he were to die he’d be trapped and players would definitely try to kill him, however Berry presented an eternal dream that he exited the game safely and returned home with the money.

The Orc begins to cry as his body freezes to death.

“He’s in a better place now and also we have the required money!” says Berry.The Little kids meet their first and last opponent in this forest. A single goblin.

Ethan punches it and the 5 exit.


“That was fun guys!” says Candy.

“I might be sticking around, your cooperation is impeccable and your loyalty is intensely thick,” says Berry

“Me and Ethan will be at the center but if you need 2 more people to join you, you know where to go” says Emerald.

Emerald and Ethan leave.

“Let’s go to Maximio tower in Maximio City to fight the Maximo tournament and beat some members of Black Ruby.” says Tsoruka.

“Full steam ahead boys, we got a long way to go” says Berry.


The three go ride the Scarlet Train to Maximio city.

The Scarlet train is a subway formerly run by Black Ruby’s 2nd Emperor of Justice: Kana.

The three ride the underground subway and surprisingly no people are riding.

In the front car however they see the Crow.

The man who tried to attack Candy.

He has the number 8 printed in his eye.

He must be a member of Black Ruby.

“Well well well, we meet again Candy Vodilla”

Says Crow.

“Tsoruka,Berry, stay back.” says Candy Nervous.

Candy jumps and tries to attack Crow but he simply summons a portal and the two ride on top of the subway going 326mph

Crow’s Nail’s are steel claws and he cuts Candy with them.

Candy struggles to hold onto the Bullet Subway.

“This will be quick, my special attack only works on Gem Beasts in their physical form and at this rate this is his only way to win.” Crow says to himself.

Crow jumps at Candy who’s at the edge of the Train.

“Taffy Rope!”

Suddenly a strong sticky force pulls Crow toward the wall.

Crow grabs onto the train and Claws open a way to enter the Train.

“WHAT!?” yells Crow.

Crow pulls himself into the train but the Taffy sticks onto him.

Tilting the train.

Tsoruka and Berry hold onto the train seats.

“We should help him!” says Berry

“He said that he has it so I believe that he can do it.” says Tsoruka.

Berry smiles.

Candy uses his Candy coated attack and Crow’s hand completely freezes onto the train. As they arrive in Maximio Candy punches Crow into the train, exploding it completely.

Berry and Tsoruka jump out and Crow explodes with the train.

Candy runs into the Maximio entrance and Tsoruka and Berry jump over the Entrance Hall.

“That was EXHAUSTING” says Candy.


The three enter Maximio Stadium which is holding a 512 player Tournament.

If you fall,exit the ring or die then you lose.

Candy is #489

Tsoruka is #210

Berry is number #501.

The Announcer yells “Game 1 number 489 vs 071 Candy vs Alexandre.”

Candy steps up onto the platform.

Alexandre Rushes toward Candy.

He punches with fire.

Candy continuously punches Alexandre in the stomach.


Alexandre flies back.

“W-what incredible power not many are fast nor strong enough to push and/or dodge my Fiery Fist attack!” thinks Alexandre.

Candy closes his eyes and runs toward Alexandre.

Alex prepares to jab Candy in the throat but Candy dodges.

“That speed!” says Alex and the announcer in unison.

Candy opens his eyes and punches Alex in the Stomach breaking all 24 ribs with that Mana infused punch.

“S-Status” calls Alex

Alex if hit again could possibly die.

Alex pushes himself into the ring.

Before he can be thrusted out.

“Dang it! He’s persistent, I'll give him that” says Candy.

“Taffy rope” he says

The Taffy drags Alex out of the ring.

After a while Candy,Berry and Tsoruka make it into the top 64.


“Next match Tsoruka vs Candy 210 vs 489” yells the announcer.

Tsoruka and Candy step up to the stage.

Tsoruka breathes in and out slowly.


Tsoruka runs circles around Candy.

Candy summons his taffy and pulls Tsoruka toward the outer walls.

Tsoruka pushes himself forward as fast as he possibly can but the taffy is too strong.

Candy punches Tsoruka in the face.

Tsoruka suddenly starts rapidly kicking Candy but candy in his focus mode dodges every hit with his eyes closed.

Candy punches Tsoruka in the face so hard that Tsoruka loses consciousness. And blood bursts from his nose.

Tsoruka had gotten a major concussion.

Tsoruka had been storing energy in his left hand however, creating a smoke bomb and an alarm to wake himself up.

“KEEP IT TOGETHER Tsoruka” Tsoruka thinks to himself as he sweats an ocean.

Candy jumps back.

“Knowing these 2, this match could last 100 years.” Berry says

Tsoruka charges at Candy and Candy summons sugar who punches Tsoruka in the face with the same strength as a Rushing meteor from space.

The whole Stadium explodes into oblivion so you could imagine the pain

Tsoruka felt.

Tsoruka didn’t give up yet though.

His Jaw was literally shattered into more pieces than the stadium.

“The crap is this guy made out of?” says Candy.

Tsoruka throws a weak punch to the face and Sugar blows another Meteor punch this time 2 times stronger in Tsoruka's stomach.

Tsoruka screams in pain and faints again.

Tsoruka uses his smoke bomb again but this time Tsoruka feels dizzy and falls fully.

All of the other members quit to help rebuild and Candy wins however he helps build as well with the other 62 members including Berry.


Berry visits Tsoruka in the hospital and she tells Candy to go to a guy named Gangi in Sansuhara. So Candy goes to Sansuhara by going through the Cherry Forest. Candy picks a couple cherries because he’s starving.

On his way through the forest he sees a ninja with the number 7 tattooed on his forehead. The ninja races toward Candy and Candy deflects the speedy hit.

“If you think you're fast you’re wrong! Tsoruka is more than 2 thousand times faster than you,” says Candy.

The Ninja jumps back.

He kicks Candy but Candy catches it and uppercuts the Ninja.

“My name is Sifutsu! A Japanese martial artist also known as the ninja and I won’t let you pass here.” says the Ninja.

The Ninja suddenly summons clones.

Candy kills all of them in one hit.

“This kid really is strong” Sufitsu thinks.

“For you have passed I'm not a part of Balck Ruby but I was formerly. Now I serve as the guard of Sansuhara Garden. To enter Sansuhara you must be confirmed strong enough.

Candy enters the Garden and sees Alexandre. And an old man at the top of a pillar.

“I’m sorry child if you are the one Berry sent we are currently under attack by the Black Ruby members” says Gangi.

“Listen, you need to unlock your emperor form to beat them. To unlock it you must pass a certain amount of Mana.”

Says Alex

“Mana is Magical energy that enhances your strength.” he says

“Status” says Candy.

Candy’s Mana level is 2,087,000 and Total level is 196.

Alex stands in shock.

Black Ruby members 5 Sadime, number 3 Kross, number 4 Crimson and number 6 Ruth all appear before Gangi. Kross takes him out with one blow.

Candy befores them all.

“Hey Scumbags, lookin for me? The real Gangi” yells Candy pretending to be Gangi.

Alex shivers in fear.

Kross says “I remember you”



Kross runs toward Candy but this time Candy dodges.

Candy then closes his eyes.

Kross unleashes a flurry of attacks Candy dodges every hit with his eyes closed.

When he opens them his eyes appear golden.

Emperor stage.

Candy punches Kross in the stomach, sending him flying.

“Who’s next?” yells Candy.

Kross was the strongest one there.

The others evade.

Crimson and Kross come back.

Candy pushes and Pushes but Kross barely even moves.

Candy begins to lose hope.

Berry and Tsoruka run toward them.

Candy slowly falls asleep.

Tsoruka pushes the 2 away.

Crimson runs away and Kross deals with them.

“Well I didn’t expect this...You were faking being Gangi because I killed him.”

Candy passes out after using too much Mana for too long.

“I won’t forgive you… the sins you’ve made the players you kill.”


Tsoruka kills Kross with one attack to the neck and Kross does the same.

Both die.

When Tsoruka dies his head begins to cry.

Berry gave him a dream that he’d still be alive.

Berry and Alex pay their respects as Candy gets up.


Candy absorbs both of their mana leveling him up to 200 and both bodies.

Alex tells them both.

“There are 7 arts of battling Earth,Water,Lightning,Wind,Fire,Magic and Plant.”

“Berry uses Water, Candy uses Magic, Tsoruka used Lightning and I use Fire.”

“With this you can build certain attacks by knowing which element is easiest to manifest for yourself,” he adds.

“To beat them we’re gonna need new powers, I’ll be your new mentor until I can’t teach”

“I can’t teach much since my teacher just died but I expect you both to be able to beat at least Aoban Black Ruby Member.

“I beat number 8 Crow” says Candy.

“Good,” says Alex.

Alex feels a presence.

Candy and Berry hide behind a tree and 3 players jump toward Alex.

“Alex,you’re still weak!” one says

“Myrin…” Alex mumbles.

Myrin slaps Alex.

“Master died because of you.” he says

“Us Professional players have a role to keep! To teach the noobs how to play, how to Reap and be Reaped” Myrin says.

Candy sticks his head out.

“You’ve been followed eh?” Myrin asks

Candy jumps out.

Myrin punches Candy but he ducks and closes his eyes.

“NOWAY THAT SPEED IS UNMATCHED! No matter, if he has a clear shot at my torso I’ll be able to kick him first” Myrin thinks.

Myrin kicks but Candy dodges.

Berry then shoots a water arrow through Myrin.Myrin turns but Candy freezes his leg.

“Don’t move or you’ll lose your leg.” Candy says.

Myrin begins to sweat

“Hmph…” Myrin scoffs

“Alex...Train them Well.”

Candy let’s him go.


As Myrin leaves Alex stops in front of the Pub for a quick Root beer.

The three enter the pub with 3 people in it.

A man rolling a dice, 1 man sleeping and a bartender.

“One Root beer.” Alex says.

“This is a pub not a kiddy resort.

Alex gets furious.

They sit down.

The man rolling a dice throws it at Candy.

“Let’s play a game of Uno. Losers die, we need four players.”

Candy and the bartender play with the man in the suit.

The sleeping man joins in.

“The man in the suit is already cheating. He peels up the card before passing it. But he’s so fast! He must be a professional” Berry thinks to herself.

Candy looks at his hand.

He sweats.

The sleeping man places a red 3.

The Dice man places a skip on the bartender.

Candy places a yellow 3.

“Easy!” the Customer says.

He places a yellow 2.

The Dice man throws a draw 2 with the bartender following with a draw 2.


Candy places a draw 2.

The 4 repeatedly place draws until the customer fails to have another and must draw 22 cards.

The man with dice places a skip

And Candy draws 1 card.

The customer places down a green 5.

The man with the dice named Benjamin smirks and places a wild card.

“The color is now blue.and also Uno”

The 3 others shriek and sweat.

None have any blue cards.

The bartender draws.

Candy places a draw 4.

“The color is red.”


“CHEATER” the man yells. Revealing his hat has the number 9 in it.

“DRAW 4’S AREN’T ALLOWED IN MY GAME.” The man yells.

“So you're from black ruby eh?”

“Well I’m playing how me and my family used to play? Got a problem.”

“Cheaters are gonna get cheated.”

The man's skin cracks like a broken shell.

He explodes and so do the bartender and the other 2 players.

“How’d you know that that would work” Alex asks

“I didn't,” Candy says.

“Let’s move!” Alex says.

Candy and Berry level up.

6 more shards left and then black Ruby is gone.

The next member was reported in Sapphire falls.

The 3 head towards the Memorial in Skaville City.


About the Creator

Adrien Jackson

I really only wrote Valekta 👀

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    AJWritten by Adrien Jackson

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