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Trying Times vol. 1

By Adam ClostPublished 3 years ago 31 min read

~~~~ How do YOU print your life?

Can you CUSTOMIZE what you create? Can you truly make it your own?

How many times have you been left staring at your AHP with that same disappointed feeling, thinking “This is the exact same model and colour as the last ergo-chair I printed…. I wish I could design my own.…” OR “Another double-cheeseburger…. The pickles will be just as bland as last time.”

Well, if you’re sick of being stuck buying and re-using the same old standardized, “economical” templates that are available to everyyyyyone else in the world through the “Globe-Made-It” system, then you NEED to sign up for the private, personalized, fully customizable line of living needs provided by Temptation Revolution!

At T-Rev, we promise to deliver an endless variety of templates for new foods and flavours, basic household items, entertainment or other home appliances, and personal items or collectibles. And you can be sure that our, or YOUR templates, can’t be found on the Globe-Made-It network, or anywhere else!

We have algorithms running day and night in order to examine and assess the standard range of items available to most consumers today, and then dream up products that go WAY BEYOND these, in both quality, and uniqueness.

To ensure we consistently provide you the opportunity to print unique, creatively crafted options, we will also send along customizable versions of every item you order, which will allow you ‘ultra creative-types’ to mix and match, or experiment in whichever way you’d like!

We have fully-functional, E.S.C.E.-certified A.I. customer service representatives to help assist you with any issues you encounter, from the creation and customization stages, right through to printing. They will, of course, require access to your home connection through Globe-Net, in order to communicate with you, and help correct any programming or design errors first-hand…. But that is a small price to pay for the ultimate in direct-connection-service, am I right????

For a nominal fee, we’ll also deliver weekly shipments of the exact printing materials you will need to create the highest quality version of your most recent item selections. With harvesting labs across the globe, we have the ability, and capacity, to create bio-materials of the very best quality, and have them delivered to you before you can even complete an order!

Finally, for all you ‘get-up-and-go’ers’ looking to change your lifestyle…. Whether you’re looking for adventure, excitement, or even just some new hobbies, we have a BRAND NEW line of items that’s just for YOU! Think about how EASILY and QUICKLY you could change your life!

Our “U-do-U” line offers; Home exercise equipment, outdoor exploration gear, art and game development technologies, musical instruments, fully-printable versions of over 1,000,000 books from the Global Library of Educational Pursuits, and even templates for cookware, recipes, and the widest variety of ingredients in the world….

Our ultimate goal, our ONLY goal really, is to continuously grow our line of products and options, in order to give YOU the opportunity to explore, and expand the potential of YOUR life.

We live in a time where you can have an unlimited amount of whatever you like, right in your own home…. Don’t you deserve unlimited options as well?

What are you waiting for!?!? Tap on the screen to reach one of our AICS right now, and sign up with Temptation Revolution today!

Revolutionize what Tempts you to explore life….


Exaggeration used for effect, it is not possible for materials to be delivered before you order item templates.

Consumers print and use items at their own risk. While every effort is made to ensure consumers are aware of risks inherent with dangerous items (ie. firearms, weights, sharp or otherwise dangerous objects) Temptation Revolution cannot be held responsible for the misuse of these items.

Consumers are also provided with guidelines around daily consumption needs, the risks and uses of potential ingredients, and the potential, however small, for allergic reactions. Temptation Revolution makes every effort to ensure that their templates indicate potential ‘mimicked allergens,’ and that the raw materials sent to the consumer’s home are allergen free.

Any and all health issues related to the misuse of printed products based on, or directly printed from Temptation Revolution templates is the fault of the consumer.

Information and communication with any Artificial Intelligence Customer Servants, or other representatives of Temptation Revolution, will always be recorded for safety, customer service assessments, and company, or product improvement purposes.

~~~~ The commercial ended.

Mitchell leaned forward to set his bowl of iced ‘choco-magma with maple salted Brazil nuts and mint caramel,’ a creation of his own design based on a Temptation Revolution template, to the side of his connection platform.

He needed to stretch. He’d been sitting for hours, but as he stood up, a flashing “Vid Call" button appeared towards the bottom right of his central screen.

“Mitch my man! How are you?” the voice chimed as Esceur (pronounced Esher, but no one other than Mitchell could ever seem to get that right when they looked at his name in symbolic writing) smiled brightly on the other end of the video feed.

Mitch waved, quickly swallowing the bit of ice cream he was savouring in his mouth, “Go——- Good Esceur! How about you? Aren’t you at work? It’s only like 1pm.”

“Yeah, but it’s a Day 6 on the cycle. I only work 3-5. Losing track of time?” Esceur laughed, somewhat jokingly, but also somewhat concerned for his friend who had the tendency to almost ‘fall away’ from the world when he was absorbed in a new source of entertainment.

“Ha, nooo no, just been really engaged in this new series of ‘World Exploration’ videos being released by TravelWell.” Mitch responded, confirming that there was, as Esceur assumed, something that may have been distracting, or ‘removing’ him from reality in spurts. “Have you seen any of them? They are all at least an hour or two, but it’s really got me thinking about places I’d like to go and explore.”

“Oh yeah? You should start making some serious plans then!” Esceur exclaimed, attempting to encourage his friend to make good on something he was actually showing an interest in. “There are so many free resources out there on Globe-Made-It now to help people choose places to visit and plan full trips based on their interests and experience levels…. I mean, it’s not nearly as challenging or frustrating as it used to be. I should know.”

“I know, I know. I’m thinking it’s something I may start to look at seriously once I finish the series” Mitch responded, already sounding to Esceur as though he were a little tired out by the simple prospect of actually researching and planning a trip to…. anywhere. “Then I’ll have a better idea of where I should start. Or, at least, where I would like to start…. The things I want to see, you know?”

“Sure, sure, makes a lot of sense. Just don’t want you to forget this feeling. Enthusiasm is hard to come by my friend, especially now. I find that even I rarely feel it, ha!” Esceur offered the lie to Mitchell in the hopes of, again, encouraging his friend, but without sounding too preachy. “Really…. You could start with a few places close by, right? I know there are supposed to be some really incredible ‘Eco-expeditions’ that go on in the ‘Pro-bio’ regions a few hours away. Or you could even start by just taking some historical tours of the 2-3 cities that have developed up north. I’ve been on one, and it’s incredible how people managed to survive up there before any of the regions were turned into functional cityscapes.”

Mitch listened to Esceur politely, all the while thinking “I don’t need you to tell me what to do. I’m not stupid. I will do stuff in my own time.”

“Sorry man, am I dumping too much on you at once?” Esceur asked, forcing a half-hearted laugh as he posed the question.

“No, not at all.” Mitch said sharply. “I just…. It’s not something I’m seriously thinking about just yet. Like I said, once the series is done I’ll dig into it. So right now it’s all just a little unnecessary to discuss.”

“Right,” Esceur agreed quietly. “I was just thinking about things that could get you out and about, and drive up that interest even more, that’s all. OH! It would also help you work towards that activity level goal we talked about a while back. I almost forgot, how is that going? It’s been almost a month since we talked about it.”

Mitch was hesitant to answer. He hadn’t done much since the first few days after he and Esceur discussed his desire to include more physical activity in his daily routine, especially on ‘off days.’ At work he felt like he moved around enough. He stood for at least half of the time during meetings, he would engage with co-workers he was collaborating with by walking to the elevator and going to their floor, rather than just vid-calling them from his desk, and he took the stairs when going down floors, rather than riding the elevator both ways.

“Ahhhh…. You know. I did really well there at the start” he finally replied. “There was a string of days where I was going to walk in the VR Exerlab here in the building at least once or twice a day.” Mitch didn’t know if what he was sharing was outright lying, or just bending the truth, but he told himself it was okay. He was doing his best, and he would do better now that Esceur was sure to help refocus him.

“Well…. That’s……. That’s great Mitch. Are you still working at it now?” Esceur was trying to be as gentle as possible.

“Oh ya, for sure! I mean, the last few days haven’t been great…. But it’s just because this series has just been so inspiring and interesting. I can’t pull myself away from it.”

“You know,” Esceur ventured to make a suggestion, “One thing that I found helped me get more active was signing up for that whole…. Oh what is it named…… I can’t remember the exact name of the line, but it’s the ‘Temptation Revolution’ line that allows you to customize and build exercise gear for a home gym.”

“U-do-U,” Mitch chimed in.

“YA that’s it! So you know of it?”

“Yeah, I get suggestions from them sometimes since I’m already a subscriber.”

Esceur hoped his enthusiasm would help Mitch take the bait. “Oh man, that’s great you should sign up for that line. It’s so worth it. You could watch that series and do some activity at the same time. You wouldn’t even need to deal with planning out exercise time, or waiting for machines in the VR-Ex in your building to be free.”

“Yeah.” Mitch said, “Yeah…. Maybe I will look into that.” Suddenly a link popped up from the vid-call window.

“I just shorted you a link to their ‘Starting Out’ section of that line. I found it really helpful to get the A.I. there to assess my needs. It will give you a personal plan and suggest the right equipment. AND it’s all just a small added fee onto your membership. Honestly th——“

“Okay.” Mitch cut Esceur off. “I get it. I get it. I’ll look into it later today or tomorrow” he said with a stern, frustrated tone in his voice.

He was sick of feeling like he was being directed to do something.

He was sick of people treating him like he was a child, like he couldn’t, or wouldn’t figure all of this out for himself. He would do it when he wanted to do it…. And right now he wanted to stretch and finish the ‘treat’ he had created.

“Oh… okay. Well, that’s great. All in your own time right?” Esceur had very little enthusiasm left. He didn’t mean to, but he was starting to sound defeated.

Esceur was finding it more challenging lately to try to support and encourage Mitch. At times it felt promising, while most other times it felt hopeless. It was mentally taxing for him, which might have been why his check-ins had come fewer and farther apart over the past few years. Ever since they’d left school, started their careers, and stopped seeing each other on a campus each and every day, their personalities, their goals, and their life-trajectories seemed to arc in drastically different directions. It wasn’t fair of him to feel this way. He knew he should be working harder to stay in contact with Mitch, but….

“Mitch isn’t reaching out to you either.” He would tell himself. “He doesn’t work at anything. He doesn’t put the same level of effort into your life as you do to his. He doesn’t even put the same level of effort into his OWN life. Why should you?”

In the end, they had been friends for years, and despite the hurt of being dismissed at times, or being told that he acted as though he “knew everything, when he didn’t,” and that “it was so easy for him to say, think, or do something,” he couldn’t just watch his friend decline without trying. He cared about Mitch, and he knew somewhere deep down, Mitch was struggling with himself as well. “Maybe he just needs another small push” he would remind himself before each call, or before each one of the 2-3 ‘meet-ups’ they were now down to arranging each year.

“Look, I’ve got to let you go. I was actually about to do some stretching and then rewrite a troubleshooting directive for the office V.I. programs” Mitch offered. “I….. I honestly appreciate the advice and the link. I will look into it. And I’ll give you a call back later in the week, I know I didn’t ask about you much, I’m just….. busy today.”

“Yeah, yeah, look that’s no problem” Esceur offered. “I did kind of just call you ‘out of the clouds,’ so we’ll talk again soon. Have a good one.”

As the window closed on Esceur’s connection platform, he sighed, resigning himself to the fact that he likely wouldn’t hear from Mitch again until he chose to call. Would that be in a week? A month? He was unsure of when he’d be able to handle another brief, disappointing conversation with the friend he was watching deteriorate…. So he got up to head down to the VR-Ex in his own building to work off some of his frustrated energy.

Mitch watched the vid-call window close down on his connection platform and slide to his right-most screen, while the channel viewer, which had paused after the last commercial, retook it’s place as the dominant visual on his center screen. It was displaying the title for the next video in the TravelWell series. Mitch slowly bent over to stretch forward, exhaling a laboured puff of air as his hands reached down and made it as far as his knees. In this position, his back felt as though it were made of carbon fiber laces that had been stretched to the point of tearing. Next, he stood up straight again, reaching his arms upwards, and leaning from side-to-side, just managing to shift his upper body beyond vertical alignment with his lower half. After that, Mitch returned to his ergo-chair with another puff of breath, picked up his bowl, and nodded at his screen to signal it to start the next video.


“Hey Mitch!” beamed Arnold, another V.I. programmer at his office. “I have been working on coding a new interactive display for the V.I.H. division, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to take a look at it?” He asked in a hopeful, pleasant tone. “You’re easily one of the best programmers on the shift…. If not the best.”

“Huh?” Mitch mumbled, looking up at the lean, middle-aged man, and feigning a lack of interest, or awareness of his presence. “Sorry, what did you say?” he asked, popping out his earbuds.

“I was just wondering if you’d take a look at some of the code I’ve been working on….. to kind of, proof it for me, or suggest edits” Arnold reiterated calmly, displaying a patient, positive attitude, despite feeling a little ignored.

“Oh. Yeah. I can do that.” Mitch responded sharply. “Just…. Send access verifications to my desktop. I’ll have a look after lunch.”

“Thanks so much. It’s nice to have another set of trusted eyes to look over everything. I know I’m a little older than you, but I’m still relatively new to this division. It’s ni——“

“Yep. No Problem.” Mitch tried to cut him off in a ‘less rude’ way.

“—— to have someone as skilled as you to rely on….” Arnold whispered quietly as he walked away from Mitch’s office.

Mitch looked up from his work station and watched Arnold wandering back into the main room of their floor, stopping to talk with Evan and Emmanuel on his way back to his office on the far side of the floor.

He is always SO positive…. But I know inside he looks at me and judges me. He walks around and talks to people to show off, not because he cares. He probably thinks I have no self control…. He should look around, I’m average. This is how MOST people are. Not everyone can be like him. Sersha and Gui are the ONLY two I can even think of who look like him. They probably think the rest of us are pathetic, just because we aren’t like them. They have no idea how hard it is…

Mitch continued to watch Arnold’s conversation with Evan and Emmanuel, fixating on how Arnold looked compared to the other two he was talking to. Their conversation and enthusiasm for each other looked genuine enough, but inside, he was certain it couldn’t be.

Mitch heard that Emmanuel had actually gone to Arnold at one point last month to get some advice and guidance with regard to changing his lifestyle. He had been off sick for over a week, Mitch remembered, and when he came back he went straight to Arnold….

As if the rest of us couldn’t give him advice that was just as good. I haven’t had to miss more than two days each month due to sickness. You don’t have to be ARNOLD to be healthy.

Apparently, the first thing that Arnold had told Emmanuel to do was to get a simple blood and genetic test done. They only cost roughly what Emmanuel would make in an hour or two, and would be processed the same day if he had it done early in the morning. Emmanuel relayed this suggestion to Evan, Mitch, and a few others around the office as well. He really believed these tests would help him make better decisions for himself.

Apparently all of the information was simplified and designed to give anyone, even people with very little knowledge about biology, very specific, personalized information about all sorts of things; how their organs were functioning, whether they were developing any serious health conditions, how well their cells absorbed energy and reproduced, minimum exercise levels that would keep them at their current level of health, advice about the forms of exercise that best suited their body type and genetic strengths, and even what an ideal nutrient profile would be for a meal they were printing, or preparing from scratch (as some still enjoyed doing).

It doesn’t NEED to be that complicated. These people care way too much. They are so vain. Who cares if I’m not Arnold. - Mitch let these thoughts bounce around in his head, becoming more and more frustrated as he stared out of his office towards Arnold, who now appeared to be congratulating, or celebrating the other two men for some reason.

Food is food. I stand at work. I walk around this building. I go to the VR-Ex sometimes. Most of how we look is genetic too. That’s why so many people are like me. That’s why we are the average. Arnold has amazing genetics I bet. Sersha and Gui too. He should leave Emmanuel alone. Emmanuel is healthy. Evan is healthy. I’M healthy.

Arnold continued on his way back towards his office, and Mitch sat there staring at his screen, awash in bitterness about the unfairness of the genetic lottery, or those who happened to have enough money to manipulate their genes…. unlike Mitch and his colleagues.

A knocking sounded against the set of plexiglass panels that made up Mitch’s office window, which had automatically returned to their default ‘frosted’ setting after he had refocused on his work station. It was Evan.

“Ay Mitch!!!” Evan poked his head in the door, sounding really excited about something.

“Oh hey Evan. How’re things lately? I know I swamp myself in here sometimes, and we haven’t actually talked much this cycle. Sorry….”

“Yea, yea, das okay…. Ya know, things ‘er good. Real good. I wan’ned tuh talk to ya about maybe doing a fitness thing ta’gether. Ya see, Evan’s be——“

“Ya I know.” Mitch cut Evan off. “Emmanuel’s working with Arnold right? I don’t know if that’s for me. I don’t really like to exercise with people.”

“Oh na na it is not with Arnold. Actually, Emmanuel is goin’ it all by himself. That’s why Arnold was so happy wit ‘em ta’day. He’s shared da meal plans he used all this month. Every week he has been tryin’!”

“Oh, well…. That’s great. I mean…. It’s just no——” Evan broke in again.

“He is even doin’ some work on his own. 2 nights in da week he will go to da VR-Ex in our office. Did you know we got one!?!?”

“Well, I…. Yeah I had hear——“ Mitch tried to respond.

“Well, he lost 3lbs this month! Not his goal, but good. Very great I think! He says he feels so much energy. He stopped feeling sick. NO sick days this month, even on off days, never feeling sick.”

Mitch replied in a stern, irritated voice, “Ya look, that’s great for him…. I just don’t need to do that. I don’t really ever get sick. I feel really healthy. I’m fine.”

“Oh… well, das good then. For you.” Evan responded, a little defeated. “I will still try to follow Emmanuel. I thought, maybe we help each other. Keep on track. You…. You let me know.”

And with that, Evan solemnly wandered back over to his work station next to Emmanuel’s, patted Emmanuel on the back, and took a seat beside him. Mitch watched the two of them and noticed Emmanuel turn slightly towards Evan, pointing and smiling at him a little. The two punched knuckles and turned back to their work.


“Huuunnnnyyyyyyyyy it’s so good to see you.” Mitch’s mom beamed a chipper smile onto his screen from under her new purple wig and matching sunglasses.

“Mom…. Where are you? Why do you have sunglasses on? Are you outside?”

“Yes, yes, it’s one of those rare, great days to be out! Your father and I have started on with an exercise club here in our living block actually. We do alternating activities each day with them. We take 1-hour walks as a large group, and come out to a lane pool for individual swims every other day. It’s so wonderful, I’ve never seen your father so happy to be out and active. I think the social part of it is what really gets him going! It’s so great because I was getting worried about him last year you know? After he completed his career-cycle, he just kind of sat around and ‘blobbed out.’ He was barely even engaging in conversations with me, and then…. Oh hunny I’m sorry I am rambling on. How are YOU!? You look a little tired. Your face looks a tad swollen. Are you still feeling sick? I know you spent the last off-cycle or two feeling rough. I hope you’re not working too hard….”

“No mom I….” Mitch tried to cut her off.

“You know overwork can lead to illness just as much as anything else. Do you need us to send anything along to you? What about a visit sometime soon? It has been a month or two since we’ve gotten to see you in person. How about a dinner out????”

“Okay mom just….” He tried to butt in again.

“OHHHH do you know who your father bumped into on his walk last week!?! I wasn’t there. Sometimes we take separate group walks. It’s always good to give each other SOME space you know - hee hee - He ran into Esceur! We hadn’t seen Esceur for probably a year or so. My MY does he ever look great! I mean, I remember that he was really starting to get involved with different activities, and doing all of that research about his cells and stuff…. And…… what else was it he researched?”

“It was a whole range of….” Mitch still couldn’t squeeze himself into the one-sided conversation.

“I feel like it had something to do with chemicals. No. Was it brain activity? I can’t really remember…. I DO remember being very impressed by him though! He also mentioned being able to get your father and I started on our own advanced-age-health program, but luckily part of our new activity group includes some direction for that type of thing. It’s really been so great for us Mitch. Did you try to——”

“MOM! PLEASE!…….” he broke in, finally tiring of the rambling. - Maybe if someone pointed out to her how much she drones on, she would understand why I DON’T end up visiting very often anymore.

“Oh…. I……… I’m sorry Mitch. You know how I can get talking when I’m excited. Just……. You go ahead. Tell me how things are going.”

“Well….” Mitch started, already exhausted by the prospect of having to explain away his lack of progress on the goals he had shared with his parents over the last few times they had talked. “Work is good. A lot of the newer hires really seem to look up to me. I get asked for help and guidance a lot.”

“Well you are certainly gifted at what you do, so I’m not surprised. Are you being patient with them? Try to remember, all of that coding business you do is not as straight-forward for most people as it is for you.”

“Yeeeees mom I do try. Most of our hires know their stuff, they are all just unsure of themselves, that’s all. A lot of requests for double-checks and things like that.”

“Well as long as you’re doing your best to be understanding and supportive. We all struggle in our own ways right?” She asked.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Mitch fired back.

“It means just what I said hun…. We all need support sometimes. We all need a push to get motivated about things.”

“Right. So…. I’m not motivated?”

“Mitchell, that was not directed at you. Why do you always feel like I’m attacking you?” his mom asked, sounding more and more frustrated.

“Just used to it I guess….” Mitch responded.

“Used to…… Mitch, your father and I have never been overly critical, nor have we ever tried to direct your life. We do our best to be supportive, but yes we do express concerns when we have them. Others do too. Why Esceur was just——”

“Just what? Just felt compelled to speak to dad about me behind my back? He’s concerned now too?” Mitch spat through gritted teeth.

“He did NOT put you down or talk about you ‘behind your back’….” Mitch’s mom fired back at him. “He and your father were both expressing to each other how they would love to see you pursue some of the things you’ve talked about again and again over the last few years. You have NO RIGHT to be offended or upset with either of them. Or with me. We want to see you live out your hopes and dreams. We are not trying to make you feel bad about yourself, but we are concerned that you let too much of what you talk about wanting for yourself slip away.”

“I don’t let ANYTHING slip away” Mitch said, as his voice rose slightly to meet his mother’s tone. “I am enjoying my life perfectly well. I’ve been watching this new travel show, and it’s really been inspiring me towards planning some big experiences for myself. So you can STOP worrying that I don’t think about any of that. I have even been taking the time to experiment with foods and flavours, rather than just printing out the same old stuff like I’M SURE you and dad do. I bet even ESCEUR just eats the same old bland templates….. I USE my time how I want. So STOP thinking I don’t.”

As Mitch finished his speech, huffing and puffing from frustration, his mom quieted herself and tried again to support the things he was doing, or at least said he was doing, rather than focusing on things he might not have been.

“Well, I’m certainly glad to hear you’re expanding your pallet and trying new things. What kinds of things have you been designing and printing up.”

“Nothing really…. Just…….” Mitch hesitated a bit, realizing that he couldn’t remember the last item he’d actually designed. He only had a list of different snacks and treats in his head he could recall toying with. “Just regular foods, but, with….. different flavours and stuff.”

“Well, tell me about one. Maybe your father and I will use your design to print out our next dinner and expand our regular menu” she said, hoping to reset that connection between the two of them and make Mitch feel valued.

“I…… uh………. I don’t know recently I’ve been printing out different types of ice creams and tater-slices. Not really meals.”

“Oh….” Mitch’s mom hesitated a little at the admission. “But I’m sure you’ve got a few favourite meals you’ve designed. Tell me about one of those.”

“Well…… I do tend to eat pizza regularly” Mitch offered. He said ‘regularly’ to be vague, he didn’t need his mother revving up her judgement machine again if she knew that was a daily, ‘go-to’ meal for him.

“What about…. Anything from that virtual magazine subscription we bought you for your birthday. It was called ‘FLAV-itmin 4 Life’ wasn’t it? They seemed like they had a lot of great suggestions for how to plan meals and create healthier alternatives to the typical foods everyone prints and re-prints, over and over again these days.”

“Yeahhhhh, I looked through a lot of their suggestions….. I mean, I get regular updates from them as well with the subscription, I just don’t see much that really catches my eye” he lied.

The truth was that Mitch had shut off the ‘updates’ feature, as seeing it regularly only left him frustrated about his reliance on old templates. He never wanted to take the time to customize anything unless it was some kind of gratifying goodie. He had unlimited sweet, salty and savoury flavours to choose from, so why waste time worrying about basic meals he might eat at work or something when he had other things he wanted to do…. It only mattered to him when it came to those delicious options he would eat during his leisure hours.

“Really!? Your father and I really….” his mom started, but then thought she’d better not address yet another area in which she was making strides while Mitch was not. “I mean….. I’m sorry it wasn’t more useful. Perhaps your father and I won’t set a renewal for it then.”

“Yeah, it was a good thought, but just not for me.” Mitch offered, trying to sound grateful for something that now only served to remind him of another way he was ‘failing.’

“You know what, I’m gonna go mom. I actually have a call this afternoon with Esceur.” Another lie, but Mitch was tired of feeling as though he had nothing to share, and didn’t want to let his mom ask any more about the travel show…. It would inevitably lead to another conversation about how he hasn’t researched or planned anything yet.

“Not a problem at all hunny. I’m sorry your father has been in the pool the whole time, I’m not sure how many laps he even has left. I’ll get him to call you later in the week!”

“Alright, that would be great mom. Just…. Message me first. I might be busy with some things later this week” he responded quietly.

“Okay, I’ll make sure he does. Love you Mitch. Take care of yourself hunny…… OH, and let us know when we can take you out! Even if it’s just for a coffee or something. We miss you.”

“Alright mom. Thanks for the call.”

Mitch swiped the vid-call screen away and stood up out of his ergo-chair. He wandered in circles around his apartment for a bit, mulling over what his mom and dad must be talking about. What his dad and Esceur must have said to each other about him.

They all think that I am lazy. They think I don’t want to do anything. They don’t know. They don’t know how stressful my life is. I work hard. I do LOTS here at home. I mean, I’m almost through the current catalog of this travel series. I’ve seen tons of places I would like to go now. I could start planning a trip tomorrow and know EXACTLY where I want to go.

Mitch wandered over towards his printer, still steaming inside and working himself up over what he imagined others thought about him. He couldn’t stop his own anxiety about the overwhelming amount of things he wanted to do with his life, and how he would never have time for any of them. He decided that he would start to work on some tomorrow.


Mitch decided that today would be the first day he would plan meals that were more structured, and more well-rounded, for himself. He would start with his dinner that evening, and since he had to head back into work tomorrow, he would also design and print out three meals for his work day.

THEN, after dinner, he would choose a region to plan a trip to for his upcoming break-cycle. Just something short and sweet. A three-day trip up north maybe, like Esceur had suggested to him. He might even invite Esceur!

Finally, tomorrow after work, he would start to use that ‘movement schedule’ Esceur had built for him months and months ago. Every day he would choose one morning movement that he could do before work, and one afternoon movement that he would do after dinner. THAT would be a good start to an activity routine.

He looked down at the printer as it completed it’s work creating his snack. It was a double-plate of ‘sweet’n’spicy tater-slices.’ He pulled a bowl of leftover ‘dill-lavender cream puff dip’ from his mini-preserver beside the printer, wandered back over to his connection platform, and plopped down into his ergo-chair.

“Tonight I’ll get started on ALL of that. I’ll be such a different person…. A week from now everyone will be shocked” he told himself. Then he nodded for the vid-screen to start the next segment in the TravelWell series.


~~~~ THIS. IS. TravelWell.

Thanks for watching our newest series ‘World Exploration with J.J. Juggernaught’ we certainly hope you’re finding the inspiration YOU need to get your own world exploration started.

All premium subscribers will receive digital tour guides for J.J.’s travels, so that you can plan trips based on that incredible things J.J. has done and seen in each video of the series. ~~~~

The advertisement hummed in the background as Mitch ventured back over to his printer to collect his second round of the newest flavour-combo he had designed for ‘iced muffins.’ Cinnamon nut muffins with a vanilla-chili icing, and spiced-sugar crystals on top.

“Man these things are so moist. Temptation Revolution wasn’t kidding, the specialized ‘pastry printer-head’ is incredibly high quality” he thought, as he placed the last two muffins of the dozen he’d printed a few days ago onto his plate.

Then something in the advertisement caught his ear…..

~~~~ Here at TravelWell, we aim to inspire, and EXPAND YOUR EXPERIENCE! So if you are a premium subscriber, make sure you take advantage of our A.I. Travel Guides, who will help you plan every step of your next journey, ‘beyond all you know, and all you can imagine.’

Our dream, is to make your dream, a Travel Reality. ~~~~

As the advertisement ended, and Mitch wandered back towards his connection platform, a link stayed up in front of the video that had loaded…. The last left in the entire ‘World Exploration’ catalog.

Mitch fell back into his ergo-chair, placed his plate on his connection platform, and stared at the screen. It had been a few weeks since he’d had that flash of enthusiasm for ‘making changes.’ After two days of that feeling, he’d fallen back into routine. He hadn’t really even gone above and beyond for his first few meals….

I can just use basic things that I like for the first few. If I try to do too much, or try things I don’t like, I might not keep this up.

He had told himself this before even trying to design meals based on his FLAV-itimin subscription, or any of Esceur’s suggestions from months before.

As long as I start getting my morning and afternoon movements in, it won’t really matter what I eat anyways.

Unfortunately, he was too wrapped up in the TravelWell series, which, at the time, seemed as though it held an unlimited amount of information, just like his printer held an unlimited amount of options for him. So, once again, he struggled to make time for his movements after only a few days of trying.

THIS was his opportunity though. He WAS a premium subscriber, and an A.I. Travel Guide would be exactly what he would need. It could plan an entire trip for him. The trip could involve healthy meals, and give him some experience with planning those for himself. He could make sure it involved activities that would force him to move, and THAT would set a foundation for enjoying activity for when he got back home. The best part…. It was going to be planned FOR him.

Mitch quickly clicked on the link and entered his goals for the first trip he would ever organize, or at least, have organized for him. After entering all of the things he wanted his first trip to include, and envisioning all of the ways it would change him, he permitted the A.I. Travel Guide to access his health and contact records, and go to work.

— — Rough Estimate for Trip Planning: 1 Hour

— — Estimated Options Based on Trip Parameters: 1,954 (Filterable)

Mitch was pleased with the effort he had put in, and the fact that he really was going to force himself to make a change now. He leaned forward with a slight grunt as he reached for his plate, and then leaned back into his ergo-chair with a nod towards his screen to initiate the final video of the series.


Mitch heard the recognizable chime of his vid-call window from across his apartment space. He hustled over to answer the call while his printer finished generating his breakfast for the morning - A ‘Bacon & Egg Pan-wich’ from his ‘Frequently Printed’ list in his Temptation Revolution account.

The vid-call screen popped open to reveal Esceur drinking a thick, purpley-greenish liquid from a big glass jug. “M—M—-itch!” Esceur swallowed a mouthful and continued… “Good to see you man! I didn’t know if you’d be home or not, I was actually just going to leave a message and see if you wanted to maybe go out for dinner and some drinks this week. It’s been at least a few months since we’ve hung out hasn’t it?”

“Mmmmm, yeah I think so….” Mitch responded. “I haven’t exactly count—”

“Ahhh don’t worry about it. I’ve also got something I want to talk to you about. A potential opportunity for us to take a little trip…. On my company’s account!”

“Oh…. That’s uhhh. Why is that?” Mitch tried to sound excited, but was a little overwhelmed by the idea being thrown at him so suddenly.

What if I had my own trip planned? Esceur acts like I don’t do anything, and that I would automatically just be able to go with him. As if I have nothing better to do than jump at this opportunity he’s so graciously offering.

“It’s actuallyyyyy because I might be moving somewhere to head up a new division of the company…. This would be my chance to get a tour of the area. I’ll basically…… we’ll basically be treated like kings for a week.”

**Booo-da-boo-dee-doop** “Your breakfast is prepared,” Mitch’s printer signaled to him in a soft, soothing voice.

“Just a second Esceur, my breakfast just finished printing” Mitch called as he scurried back towards his printer on the far side of his apartment.

He returned, sitting his plate off to the side of the screen so that it wouldn’t be in the direct line of sight of his camera. He often felt like others would judge him based on what he was eating, and he didn’t feel the need to go through that this morning.

“What did you end up choosing today!?” Esceur was quick to ask, and seemed genuinely interested.

“Ahhhh…. Nothing special. Just some stuff off the T.R. custom menu” Mitch responded, trying to avoid announcing his actual meal choice.

“Oh, okay….” Esceur just decided to leave the topic alone. It was clear that Mitch didn’t want to share the information for some reason. “So anyway, what do you think about the trip idea? Let’s get some dinner this week and talk it out.”

“Ahhhhh, yyyeaaaahhhh sure…… Sure we could do that. It wouldn’t hurt to talk about it and see what it might look like. The problem is I’m just a little busy right now with work, I don’t know if I could get the time off.”

“Well honestly, it doesn’t have to be immediate I have a few months befo——”

“Aaaaaand I actually have had a trip planned for myself too that I’m getting ready to take.” Mitch added.

“REALLY!? Well that’s great Mitch…. I mean, wh-where? When? I’m so happy to hear that!”

“Oh…..” Mitch hesitated again, realizing he hadn’t even filtered down his list of A.I. generated itineraries from a month ago. “I’m not exactly sure just yet. I used the TravelWell system, you know, from that series I was watching a while ago? I used their A.I. Travel Guide to generate a huge list of possible trips and activities for me….. but I’m still making my way through it all.”

“Well, that’s still great to hear. You can tell me more about it later this week. Just let me know what your work cycles are shifting to this week. We’ll pick a free day and get together and talk about all of it.”

“S-s-s-sure. That sounds like a plan Esceur.”

“Alright well…… I guess I’ll let you go if you’re busy?”

“No, I’m not…. I mean, I was watching something, but it’s not urgent. It’s just this new series that does interviews with sound programmers from different genres and mediums….. anything from human-created to VI-programmed music, and even movies. It’s really sparked an interest in the profession for me. Something I might look into….”

“Yeah…. that sounds really intriguing. I may have to give it a watch too” Esceur said, half-heartedly. “I’ll uhh…. I’ll let you get back to it. Don’t forget to message or call me with your work schedule. Let’s be sure to make some plans this week.”

“Will do Escuer” Mitch answered with a half-smile. “We’ll talk soon.”

As the vid-call window closed and swiped off of his screen, Mitch glared at the center screen of his connection platform. The next video in the series he was currently watching awaited him. On his left-hand side, on the smallest ‘utility’ screen he had on his platform, sat a file marked “TRIPS” that Mitch spotted it out of the corner of his eye…. In fact, he noticed it every day, but he hadn’t clicked it since it had first appeared there.

“I’ll make sure I choose a place to go before I see Esceur” he told himself. Then he pulled his plate into the centre of his platform and nodded at his screen.

Short Story

About the Creator

Adam Clost

Canadian teacher & globetrotter

Reader of a wide variety of non-fiction (science/physics, philosophy, sociology/anthro/history) and science fiction (recently Chinese Sci-Fi).

Hobbyist writer, mostly Sci-Fi, for fun and as a creative outlet.

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    Adam ClostWritten by Adam Clost

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