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Turning around is also a kind of deep love

Turning around is also a kind of deep love

By Faygath FyaharhPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Turning around is also a kind of deep love
Photo by Azrul Aziz on Unsplash

Four years later. She was about to graduate and brought the boy back home to the county to meet her parents. Who knows, when the parents asked about the boy's situation, their faces immediately turned grim. The father sneered and asked, "You're just a dim sum maker, my daughter is a college student, can you give her happiness?" Finally, the girl cried and sent the boy back to the hotel. When she returned home, she made it clear that she was not willing to give up the relationship and even went on a hunger strike to resist. When her parents locked the door to her room, she climbed through the window to her aunt's house next door, stole out, and went to the small hotel to look for him.

  Back then, they met at a bakery near the campus. He was the famous pastry chef in the store and would blush at the sight of her.

  One day, when there were few people in the store, he made an egg tart on the spot, put a raisin on top, and recommended it to her, saying softly, "This is a princess egg tart, I think it suits you."


  The princess tart with a thousand grapes had been her exclusive for four years. It has been sweet to her for four whole years. Perhaps, the opposite of sweetness is extreme sourness. Now, the pain also came shockingly. Always filial, she really can't bear to watch her parents in tears, day by day haggard, on the one hand, but still firmly hold his hand: "It's okay, we still want to be together!"

  However, when she sneaked out for the sixth time to go to the hotel, the attendant handed her a small paper folded crane, saying that the boy had checked out and left. She was so flustered and confused that she didn't know what to do. In those days, she lost sleep almost every day. When she finally got the money to go to the bakery in the provincial capital to find him, he had already quit and left. During those days, she didn't know how many tears she shed, and there was only deep despair in her heart.

  No matter how painful one is, time still passes. Later, she finally faded her cowardly hatred for him, and the company's well-paid department manager fell in love. Then later, she married and had a child. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. The first love, only a faint trace remains, but the paper crane, she still folder in their diaries.

  The first time I saw the paper crane, I was a bit confused. I was not sure how to open it.

  The words inside were written densely: "I once hoped to let you be my happy tart princess for the rest of my life, but what I brought you was pain. Every time you sneak out of the house will be thinner and paler, I am heartbroken. In the past three months, I have approached your parents many times privately, begging and pleading, to no avail. I can't bear to let you struggle so much, only to quit first, so that you completely forget about me, only to have a gap to fill the new happiness.

  The fountain pen handwriting cross-paste, there are his tears. She was reminded that her parents once said disdainfully that he never fought, and walked away from the matter, what kind of man?

  Now it's useless to talk about this, but she still couldn't help but call her mother: "Did he come to you many times at first? Who is lying?" The mother was silent for a long time, sighed, and said quietly, "He is an infatuated child."

  He had indeed approached her parents countless times. The last time, her mother remembered very well.

  He was black-eyed, his shirt wobbling, a little disoriented, and said, "I'm going to leave her, never contact her again, and let her forget about me completely. But auntie, I will call you in the future, please tell me how she is doing, okay? Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist going to her ......"

  "For the first year, he called once a week. He slowly knew that you fell in love, married, and had children, he called once every six months. He specifically instructed me not to let you know, to save hanging around. He called from all over the world, not fixed in a city. Three months ago, he called for the last time, saying that he also wanted to start a family, saying that he forgot far less quickly than you, but that there was finally a little blank in his heart."

  She listened over here, tears flowing all over her face. It turns out that forgetting is also a blessing, and turning around is also deep love. He was alone in a different city bouncing around, taking out the most precious years of youth, only to continue this first love of only one person.

Short Story

About the Creator

Faygath Fyaharh

I can love you to death, can not love you to shame.

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