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African life touching story

By Kedi Abdurahiman ShadirPublished about a year ago 45 min read
True story
Photo by jurien huggins on Unsplash

foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please what gets you put on the fire so for that reason we should also have do you know how long I've been here waiting for you I'm sorry man will you shut up sorry for yourself I'm sorry man what happened again of course it will not happen again not try to get the miserable life foreign [Music] [Music] I love you [Music] Deborah I feel for once put yourself in the shoes of that girl God forbid I can't put myself in her shoes he is not my level she can never be my level she is beneath me and that's how it will be forever oh yes that's to say you're mocking God for creating her right please do not Pitch me against God because of that thing that pain there don't Let me refresh your memory but the stone that the builders rejected somehow some way will become the Chief Cornerstone not with Helen Helen is a total waste I wonder what she's doing in this house what is she doing here you know I smile when I see you and Mary I'm lying to yourselves yes you lie to yourselves how [Music] so because you're here crying so people who think I'm a teacher you're happy is there any tea you want me to do for you yes then I'll quickly attend to it and then eat my food eat my food go to the dining [Music] your services is no longer needed [Music] I'm very happy in this house you're happy I hate you no because you lie too much you lie too much don't talk when I'm still talking now listen to me hold your ears hold it then you don't clean go to your room pass your things and leave [Music] um and you cook can you do the chores in this house and run other errands in this house can you that's not a problem I can that if I choose to learn yes you know what I see you and Miriam a sport brat did you just say that oh yes I did you're an African woman a Nigerian for that matter so you should be ashamed of yourself please I will not have insult me because of that smelling thing in there I am not insulting [Music] you but if it is I will keep telling you to your face and that is the truth I'll keep telling you the truth and if by any means she leaves this house because of your ill treatment to her I will make sure that no other maid crosses that gate and then you will realize how important she is in this house [Music] Clean Sweep wash everything I can do it what's there ah let that go please [Music] I want you to know that hard time will not always be there will kill me foreign [Music] [Music] you displacement doctor regime [Music] [Music] don't tell me it's because of that and that's why you're sad no why would I be angry tell me by the time I am done with her in this house she will regret ever coming to this house to walk you don't have to I've told her when she's done cleaning the dining she should Park her things and leave the house okay she should pack and leave no appraisals she should not leave she shouldn't why ask me why will you be the one to wash the plates clean the house cook and other house chores you you have a point but we can share the responsibilities at least I cleaned the house wash the plates while you go to the market buy foodstuffs and Cook and Cook me and cook me try not to cook please do I don't know how to cook how about we keep her in the house ask her to teach us how to cook when we are done we kick her out of the house it seems something is wrong with you no no I should descend solo to beg that idiot to teach me me Deborah to teach me how to cook as for me it won't work no uh-huh so just leave her [Music] good morning edu Enterprise just brought in their proposal [Music] thank you [Music] good how about Lincoln agency I spoke with them like 10 minutes ago sir they said oh submit it very a little Savage you let go you don't look happy sir are you okay yes I'm fine just leave thank you [Music] foreign [Music] yesterday I am sorry about that that's okay you you look tests are you okay I'm fine nothing so tell me are you going to come today the weekend will be better you know the weekend is still far it's not fair it's not three days from today okay no problem I'll just I'll just wait but promise me you're going to come sorry [Music] bro [Music] you don't look happy man what troubles you [Music] this marriage stuff is really really taken a lot from me how I don't understand I have visited the farm just take your time go through what I've done and just go through it and study what I've done there first likes me there's something meaning [Music] no why wow I like her [Music] I couldn't hear you who is he who is he who if you make me repeat myself I will do that with a slap his name is Casey I am not interested in his name who is he to you he's my friend what kind of friend boyfriend casual friend or sex mate I mean I'm I'm I'm going bersec I'm going insane so marriage stuff is making me lose a lot and it seems to me as though much bigger and make sure of iron and clay you can never be together if he falls to the ground like certainly what I'm talking about I am Chelsea and not in any way compatible compatibility is the Bane foundation and backbone of a union foreign well I do not on the this kind of issue the matter on ground is serious will have to be forget about my escapees women so tell me what are you going to do do I know because you've proposed to this girl Prince of our family members I don't know and that is the reason I called you here to please tell me what do I do later you will see I am not a serious human being but now you're seeking for an advice uh well what to do is um I advise you to put the word in a hood yes shoot the wedding date so you can find a reasonable reason to make this a girl your wife to the rest of your life another point beyond the point now you can see how many wise man do I do it [Music] what kind of friend foreign [Music] don't tell me you've been standing there watching me no whoever he must have eaten deep into your heart you can say that again cute and I love her wow well I'm so happy my big sis has been into some love but I asked who is he no no you want to know everything it's your eye come on please don't mind me with time I will unveil okay for now just chill did you manage to see the eye on here who knows so it's your game so please but please I can't wait to see you please please [Music] successful yes please sit until Helen you can't stand you're part of this family please sit six okay um I want you to bring your boyfriend to the house no don't worry we need to know him should in case anything happens to you tomorrow do you understand here's something but mother will be coming back tomorrow how do you teach you if you've seen me bring a man to the house that won't be a problem my mom said she'll be coming back too so just bring him early as long as we're done seeing him he will leave before Mom comes back okay I can't tell you yeah we can go back to whatever you were doing thank you welcome no I won't take it in fact Casey belongs to me [Music] okay [Music] all right baby okay okay I'll be on my way just few minutes okay Library wow you're looking buddy exquisitely beautiful oh thank you and tell me so where you go eat tonight with this it's my man of course just have fun all right Daddy thank you do take care of yourself [Music] thank you [Music] why are you not taking your wine how's the Expressions to be happy why you don't want to spend the night with me it's me we we whispants the night together three nights ago how you know that my job is very demanding I don't know why you just keep coming up with Chelsea it's all right um can we go to your house and spend the night then tomorrow I'll go to my place and dress up for work please why my house you always want to prove that you're difficult each time I the man instruct you on what to do why my job you started all this he said all this so and I'm helping you okay darling we can just go to your place past the night and then tomorrow early morning I'll go home and get ready for work please let's avoid this you have lost it there's only for that yes it is 319 million there and my court is 50. no that's not too much do you know how difficult it was for me to [Music] it seems are you not going again no I didn't walk out what happened we couldn't just be together this night it does not answer my question that please can I go and assault myself then we can have the discussion no chess I insist s you have it now talk to your father God and you are not comfortable you start feeling that I think someone just moving smoothly for us there's no relationship that we are born to be ups and downs but the sources of every relationship lies in front of your hands you have to make it work that I'm trying honestly I'm trying but then but you don't need to put a first no that jewel is a nice young man and you will make an awesome husband for you but you have to find a way to balance your differences have you eaten we're talking about you and you're talking about food for your dad [Music] in the kitchen actually went out as you can see I'm back what happened see Dave I don't have time for your question and answers then please just come help me I'm pretty sure you you had a choir with him again and so come on big sis you're not supposed to be doing this David is none of your business can you please come help me yeah sure sure let's go out I'll help you both you really need to stop this [Music] time to make this right oh it's time to make this right it's time to make this right alone to work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah join me is um there is something I've been meaning to ask you can you tell me more about yourself your your parents where you're from and any other thing you think I need to know so and you've asked me something else I'll say what you just asked me know there is nothing else to ask you outside what I just asked can I leave now foreign [Music] chose [Music] [Applause] trip called me very late last night complaining that you refused to pick his calls after he bought patted ways yesterday that's right but you see why it is sufficient that you had the problem of disagreement at the bar but to refuse to pick that young man's call is unfair and that is because I don't know what to tell him I'm calling back no I won't that I don't have anything to discuss with him one that young man dad draw is a difficult one here [Music] another three minutes in fact foreign let's go I'm not going with you guys why I'm expecting an important visitor the guy you're crushing on you have started again I am not crushing on anybody but these signs are there there's no need to deny it okay okay fine you win so can you run Alone brother Julian is waiting for you tell her okay to do one or two things in the house okay you have to bribe me cut your back bye okay Adams [Music] what are you doing what do you mean by what am I doing I've been waiting for you huh where is Deborah she she wouldn't go with us why she's expecting a visitor okay so are you expecting a visitor no so let's go okay [Music] thank you [Music] time to make this right it's time to make this right it's time to make this time to make this right here [Music] I spoke with him some months ago he said he's on his way [Music] [Music] good morning my name is Casey Casey yes I disagree with that that cannot be a name of a football man well that's my name that's your name okay okay please um my name is Kingsley Chris but I be ready to Casey now you are talking so who are you looking for well hey I'm here for Helen Helen yes sorry she's not permitted to have visitors especially men what is wrong with this get man yeah you make them get mad they start feeling like I stand God I know what to do just call her [Music] foreign yes I have been at your gate for over 20. it's supposed to be assess but okay hold on I'm coming okay I'll be waiting for you is it the one yes ma he said that he has been standing outside the gate for over 30 minutes but get my audio allow you to come in the gateman is he mad does he want to lose his job that means I should bring it in of course you have to go and bring him in and tell Adam I said if he tries any nonsense again I'll make sure he loses his job go get it [Music] Adam what are you embarrassing my sister who that one I just don't want it to be a visitor I can at the boss I should let you in or you lose your job what two inches away yes do you have service to it I love how are you fine [Music] [Music] foreign good morning how are you I'm fine thank you Ma Casey right yes yes get him something to drink um please please be welcome thank you cute let me go to the kitchen and fix something laughs [Music] okay okay hope you're enjoying the drink yes honestly you are you are cute thank you call me Deborah Deborah thank you Deborah good why not come with me to my room yes so I can show you the wonders of the world embred it in a Woman by creation okay should be fine okay you will like it trust me you like it you like hey baby let it not just be what I'm thinking well I trust my Casey he will never betray my love for him for anything and that includes anti-debra does it mean she's interested in my case no she's not possible maybe years ago he's supposed to jump before leaving his number [Music] you can see it Casey Casey Casey [Applause] oh my God can you see oh baby baby you're killing me deeper deeper baby oh my word you're the best oh yeah yeah I love you so much babe I I knew you're so sweet okay see I'm coming oh my God thank you [Music] time to make this right oh beautiful job [Music] wow you know you are the most beautiful girl okay [Music] [Music] so why did you ask me can we go to a peaceful place a cool syringe to discuss ion [Music] I want us to go to a better place let me spoil you let me make you weaken the memorable oh wait wait wait I'm under it you know I love you and I want us to run things together I want you to give it to me while I love Ishmael you wow what about angels charity and Chica what a long list that means I'm doing well yes you can ask them I treated them well while I was dating them I made them so happy in fact they kept on coming back they want me but I said no you are the only one I want you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with I'm not interested really you can run but you can no hide from the German no one rejects this um [Music] yay my Americana [Music] my American foreign [Music] so what's wrong with you are making me have bad luck having my day baby I am now you want to ruin everything [Music] [Music] Hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I want you to give my mom and my sister's time sooner or later even come to love you and treat you as their own [Music] just keep doing the right thing soon they will realize how important you are not just as a house girl not just as a house help but as an integral part of this home [Music] thank you for your kind words wipe your tears [Music] why didn't you go to church [Music] should have known that Sundays are my resting days because of my tight Shadows during the week well understood okay you know what I'll make plans for next week so we'll go together is that okay right now [Music] honestly I enjoyed myself in the U.S I had fun because it is conspicuously written all over you should say it says within all of happy oh yes conspicuously big grammar anyway you can say that again I had fun anyway I found with the marriage arrangement with Chelsea what is going on how far have you gone I want to go to church [Music] I want to go to church but like say it again say it again want to go to church sadist s because she wants to go to church when you want to qualify you come to ask me go to the church and collect your money if you talk again I'll slap you sorry man sorry for yourself miserable self thank you Mom do you know she went to church no please and as for the marriage plan placing everything on board for now what why [Music] Chelsea and I are two different people who may never come to a common understanding no matter how we force ourselves to do that honestly Joel I need to understand what word you said why don't you break it down give me the exact meaning of what you just said okay Chelsea and I are not compatible we keep having issues unresolvable issues draw [Music] it's natural to have issues with your spouse or intending spouse they're with people isn't it bad okay it's as if you say a death matter but the ability to resolve it amicably is what matters the most that ability simple and understanding when it comes to disagreement is what we don't have but it will seem to be complaining too learn to tolerate your woman that's why you're mad well I'm trying but Chelsea is making it so difficult for us to cook then try harder your ability tolerate your woman's excess I'm a woman have my excesses and we have been living together so for you to tolerate it from another woman they're supposed to be your wife is it finds you as a man not the size of your manhood or the size of your pocket what is this time to make this right oh it's time to make this right the marriages [Music] [Music] love is yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] without cooking [Music] that's not true because I am very hungry I just wanted to call you to come serve my food you me should not cook Mom I'm coming from the kitchen the kitchen is empty there's no food in the pot all the pots are in just anything I believe you're joking no you're not serious about this is she back from church brother from which church I don't think that guy went to any church I don't think yes she was going to church bye it's not everybody you see the Bible that you think is going to church it's possible she's using that to trick us to go out to go and see one of anemiah's boyfriend yes I know her she has been doing that she'll use Bible pretend that she's going to church she's not going to church she's using to sneak against her boyfriends you know this yes how long has this been happening in this house yes now the other day she did the same thing today again same thing you mean this has been going on yes let her come back to them face me because she'll not be pregnant in this house if she wants to be pregnant let her go tomorrow let's say this home that is where she can be pregnant what foreign I'm so hungry come on guess what I mean you're hungrier because it was the hunger that I had wanted to call you to come serve me food it's hungry my mom is insisting that the wedding will hold of course the weather will hold but both of you need a break you need to work on your compatibility and adaptability to each other exactly what I told my mom but she threw it back at me how you see my mom said that it is in the hand of a man total related woman it's so weird it seems your mother doesn't know which house is yes tall listen Joel you see marriage you don't walk into either big hurts people force you to you don't walk into marriage out of pity you go into it because you guys are compatible yes once you're married anything that happens afterwards becomes a personal problem a family problem I wish my mom I wish she would understand all these things there is no half time that will lead to second half in my marriage how do you mean when you're married you're married there is no going back do you get it if you don't get it forget about it time to make things right oh it's time to make this right it's time to make this right time to make things right yeah Chelsea from the look of things that God really loves you I know and I love him too you love him so why are you two not blending it's not available Glory I've had you it's okay Chelsea you need to try harder yes you see it is in the hands of every internet to make sure that their relationship works out which one is your trying you've been trying you need to try others Chelsea yeah I'll put in more efforts [Music] okay if you say so I am looking out for a positive answer I need to roll yes I told you I have an appointment to cash [Music] don't give me that you like this come on [Music] [Music] comes back out of here so where are you coming from Church me that knows how to speak English church church stupid come here God is my witness I'm coming back from the church will you shut up stupid memories did you come directly with God so that I can ask him if he saw you in church if I repeat myself again what I will do to you people that saw you coming back from church today would not recognize you tomorrow when they see you come here we go around together give it all the boys whether they ask you to give or not to just give you a free will free will if really you receive freely you're giving so that's come fragments in this house it will not work you see the name of God David God is my weakness which God your own God or the one we know about I'm coming back from the church May their nose have to have to speak English I'm coming back from the chair no longer church it's not change because they lie if you were telling the truth you'd have known how to pronounce church church everywhere so turn your back [Music] wait a minute are you saying it's over between us that's not what I mean [Music] diplomatically that is what it means why maybe because you don't know excuse me yeah and you know what I'm willing to move on whichever way you want it whichever I'm cool oh you can prepared you're ending it that's what you have in mind before calling for this meeting yeah probably you don't know how to put words across and I'm here to help you Spirit a bit Joel you and I know that I try to make this relationship work but you blew it come on Chelsea come on don't think that way all I'm asking is let's just give ourselves a little time at least to go and be fresh and you know cut down on all those things that brings issues then we can come back and life continues I'm Chelsea I I don't mean um I know a lot of water will cross the bridge but guess what I'm fine [Music] cause through Love Never Comes [Music] [Music] myself you Jason Adam will have a meeting tomorrow what's meeting all about good I would like you to tell Casey that you don't love him [Music] that your heart belongs to Adam and you've been deceiving him all those while this is exactly what you would say in the meeting I'll do myself thing you must do it it's a must must except you want me to tell my mom to throw you out of this house [Music] I'm sure you wouldn't want to go back to the streets where you truly belong so that's why you must do it okay tomorrow we have dates [Music] good what kind of life is this problem hitting me left right and Center [Music] yeah what's up man how did it go this girl is so difficult to deal with just making everything very complex for us can you be dressed it wholehearted do you now still need a shirt to tell you that that girl is not your wife listen man I love her she means the world to me come off it sorry she doesn't love you well you can find a very good wife for yourself elsewhere now you still have the chance that will be the least my mom would like to hear right now sometimes you talk like a kid keep your mother aside and be a man talk to you later bro [Music] [Music] come on honestly this weekend I tried honestly I tried I tried to make this relationship work wow this point I think um it's over between I your son can you just just come down and hear me out I know how you're feeling and I'm sorry I am very very sorry just hang on hang on don't end it yet still hold on let me talk to Joel he will definitely come and apologize to you he has no right to say that mom don't press further I don't need these apologies I'm fine I I can force myself on a man I think I've tried I've tried honestly Chelsea let's see why did you do this I mean what is at stake how dare you draw how can [Music] I come to love without looking for something in return I don't think the match means church will conditioner I mean from what we've seen so far it will know I'm of the opinion will let them do their separate ways never Instagram or married Chelsea is that something you're not telling me so why you why are you insisting Jewel must marry Chelsea that is what [Music] I said word from you [Music] thank you time to make this right oh it's time to make this right it's time to make this right boyfriend I said that something was wrong but if I could tell you she accepted to be my girlfriend I think it's an opportunity for me well there's no harm in trying I'll try my best after it's what I wanted [Music] to go back to Chelsea back [Music] you are wrong I'm sorry but that may not be possible it's impossible no one is a stick model heaven will not fall if I don't marry Chelsea really yes um your only son for that matter I mean it should be more concerned about my happiness life after marriage with anybody that is finally set to wait and our compatibility that should be your worry what is compatibility without money happiness it's not like a child listen it is in the hands of every couple to make their marriage work Chelsea has been doing her best preparing herself to be a good wife to you you have been the one causing the problem all along it is your fault for real yes really mom you're saying this not afford to lose this business Empire what yes he gave me the connection that made me rise to a shareholder in that company with the understanding that you will marry Chelsea I told you about the proposal are you accepted so why do you want to back down now I told you everything I explained to you so it's all about the your share in the company why are you panicking you already a shareholder so it shouldn't be that easy for him to kick you out as you think it doesn't work like that yes Jesse's father made me to sign and undertaken that you will marry Chelsea and if anything should happen you fail to marry Chelsea I will resign and that means I will lose all my shares in the company is that what you want for your mother is that what you want for us at this point in our lives you cannot afford to go down it's time to let this time to make this right yeah no [Music] that is not possible even if it's true how did she manage to keep it away from me hey fear women they can hide anything from a man now I see why each time I want to touch her she will always complain of being tired [Music] like me this one is made of the greenhouse [Music] [Music] I'm safe services [Music] asleep [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] why are you sleeping on the floor I'll be sleeping here for some time now it's not true [Music] I don't have any reasons [Music] why remember that I was cooking and I dozed up in my rooms because of the malaria drugs I took yes after that day Madame instructed that her ship is sleeping in the kitchen to avoid another foodborne oh goodness you'll be right yes I came to get some food okay let's entertaining while I'm calling the food for you [Music] time to make this right oh it's time to make things [Music] [Music] very good [Music] [Music] the river [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why can't you love [Music] looking for something new return [Music] this time I left the plates unwashed [Music] [Music] Beauty [Music] today [Music] you find yourself that I slept in your room she killed me no one is going to lay a finger on you okay if when you can I'm ready for work be leaving soon [Music] what no that's not possible play the truth and she's not even in the kitchen where she belongs no it's okay go look for hide in all the rooms as well as your brother's soul you find her bring her to me now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what were you doing in my brother's brother I'm listening how do you mean [Music] I saw you sneak enough there's no doubt we passed the night there so yeah just go ahead and defend yourself on this limb Auntie nothing happened between us that's not a question what were you doing in my brother's womb that you had to pass the night there that's the question [Music] well that's not why I'm here I'm here to remind you of our meeting today 12 p.m Maxwell Street make sure you're there okay [Music] all right [Music] are you sure thank you how how are you sure about that because she's in the kitchen doing her chores really has been looking for high everywhere later I will tell you why she did not see her nobody gonna be [Music] oh [Music] it is [Music] you shouldn't be Amanda can make a good wife for you yes my secretary yes no I cannot go to that level of talking to my sexual relationships you know having anything to do with her moreover you have always had your eyes so I don't know if you have made some kind of crooked movements with her thirdly she's not in my class when it comes to marriage I advise you keep class aside yes attitude and compatibility is what you should watch out for [Music] Amanda is a good place I can attach to that I can't believe you're saying this why anyway um I have to go now see you later all I call you on for us it's okay my serious serious friend you can say that again got you through Love Never Comes [Music] um I'm going to make this meeting very brief so that everybody can go to their various homes um Helen what can you tell us about your love life with Adam Casey I'm sorry for deceiving you all along Adam here is the love of my life [Music] because he gludges my heart that is why I didn't want to have sex with you [Music] no the truth about whom my heart belongs has come to light Casey I want you to move on why I remember the love of my life um so Adam what you have to tell us surely to do what belongs to I'd better you back off now um Cassie what you have to say [Music] okay baby [Music] punish you for accepting to be used as an instrument to destroy my beautiful relationship [Music] thank you please come tomorrow [Music] it's time to make this right it's time to make this right time to make this right here there are some I want to know how is your evening going to be nothing much foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] for the dream do you know what we stand today is it breaks up to Chelsea come back here can you talk to us now [Music] what have you suddenly lost your tongue is like last night do you think we are playing with you what no that's not possible you didn't say that did you what movie is true what is so incredible sneaking her out of his room no evil child is it true [Music] thank you what is it [Music] I'm fine don't look okay what's wrong your mother [ __ ] me why they found that that's I slept in your room last night oh how come how did they find out [Music] I'm sorry it's okay [Music] it's something before coming back [Music] it is [Music] [Music] essentially yes [Music] okay Jewel of all the women in this world I mean the house help runs around for you saves you food do you know what that did to you that brought you so low that Billy told you to even grass level mom please would you respect that's my woman you are referring to in that manner [Music] the choice and I want all of you to respect it please Joel I'm going to shock you you don't have anything to do to do friendship that cheap mate what can I ask you why do you why do you have this poor innocent girl so much what has she done to you she has done nothing to you the only crime I know she's committed is accepting the job to serve you in this house which is an honorable thing for her to do because girls in her condition will be on the streets for an easy life yes like seriously I can't even complain like how would you do you feel sharing the same bed that's that's smelling thing my friend are you going to watch your tongue or not you didn't bully your house girl woman that's your choice want to bully your sister go ahead and Bully her as always stupid [Music] I'm that girl together do I want to hear has she ever spent a night because I will not hesitate to throw out of this house trust me I will do more than that mommy wouldn't do that would you this is a joke or something just tell me we might not even throw her out is there a better ways to use [Music] [Music] take me [Music] oh look actually called you here to discuss with you about your friend Drew and more ears yeah your friend Jerome I think I do not love him no I love him so much from the dead of my heart but ever since I discovered that uh our parents his mom and my dad are using us to achieve some business in I I lost interest in the whole thing I now see it as a Matchmaker that won't yield any positive fruits so now you discovered what is going on don't you think it's time to make things right by letting your parents know they cannot unite both of you in marriage because of their selfish interest yeah that's what I'm doing this will cost you a lot because you I'm Jewel might end up being husband and wife at the end of the day yeah I know but you see marriage is a is an affection between both parties and not what I found myself into I admire your courage I shall take my lead now thank you just pass a message across to him okay I would like to thank you for shopping clothes jewelries research and I don't know or any other thing you will need but are you serious right now I'm not joking okay tell me when would you like us to go like I am ready if you want us to go now I'm ready I'm not doing anything yes that sounds funny okay let's let's buy the weekend freaking is fine if you want us to go back we can find your wish is my command you know hey Casey [Music] cool it's fine everything went fine I mean how did you go between you and Amanda just that I couldn't um I couldn't answer the big question I couldn't propose why I don't know why I couldn't just find myself doing it come on Joel take a good look at that girl she's beautiful she looks homely and I believe she's going to make a good wife for you I know but my heart is stuck somewhere else oh foreign [Music] because if I do I will kill you I'll skin you alive I did not use any channel on him really he came for you that's this you so of all the girls classic ladies with beautiful background background beautiful educated from in and out of this country he saw all of them left them came for cockroach like you dirty thinking you're not even beautiful yet he came for you don't know how will you know when you're so mischievous how will you know I've always known it because on the first day you stepped your miserable food into this house and you had autism motive but this Motif this time will kill you idiots I hate this thing I hate her maybe she just threw her out of the house she should just leave let her go [Music] as if you weren't there when your sister said it I should rightly said let us not threw her out that was frustrate her to go on her own accord because you don't know what your brother is thinking it's not my head I mean we have to nip whatever she do my brother in the board we have to separate them we shouldn't let them get too close else it would be hard to separate them ha but I know what I'm saying I serve a living God God will not allow my enemy to triumph over me it's not possible that's cockroach to win over me never as I believe in God I know what I'm saying time to make this right oh it's time to make this right [Music] continue [Music] Glory Grace [Music] why can't you love [Music] to just love because of love unconditionally is the best [Music] [Music] break of these things [Music] I don't care I don't care how she looks all I'm saying she's my love I don't care I don't care how you see her all I'm saying she want my heart to you she want my heart [Music] Glory Grace [Music] take me [Music] why can't you love to just [Music] in love cause unconditional love is [Music] okay it's fine even I was the one that just said what he said now you would call me a corrupt person that's the truth isn't it well that's nice I was with Chelsea yesterday what does she want s yes okay I'll I'll check on it later you can go she said your relationship with either much make with a business reason by your mother and her father how did she come about that [ __ ] nothing Under the Sun is hidden especially when it got to do with movies she also said she loves you but I can never go into marriage with you yes she feels you and have been used by your parents for some reasons or not for now so what do I start again at the end of this if my brother fall for you I will have to convince my mom to let him marry you that sounds nice I think I'm interested so while the game begin very soon I can't wait to say this and I'll be glad to see you do that dear dear [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] sorry I understand Miriam went out and Deborah is still in bed so it's down to both of us okay [Music] you're so funny but for my father oh we think you're arrogant why because you don't talk always I can't remember the last time I'm this happy Place do not switch the mood now tell me how are we going to spend the night together you already know the answer no I don't tell me yes thank you so when I'm coming back for what what should I get for you [Music] well Deborah before you came in we were in the middle of a discussion so if you don't mind excuse us really hold on did you just call him dear please I don't want you to have problem with that because of you [Music] what is going on well Deborah at this Junction you should know what is happening but it's okay if you claim ignorant and I will explain to you I am in love with Helen and I intend to marry her never will not happen Helen is a maid well that changed the moment I fell in love with her it's obvious she has Bewitched you [Music] never I will not take it from you calling my woman names trust me a woman [Music] [Music] you're so funny am I yes well I'm glad I'm glad I made you laugh thank you for making you're welcome [Music] what do you want from me you just say I have fallen deeply in love with you and you know I want you to be mine how is that possible she just meets me today you you know can I ask you a question have you heard of love at first sight that is what is playing out honestly Miriam I I love you so much I I want you to give me the opportunity so I could show you the love that you have never seen before I love you from the depth of my heart and I want you to say yes so I can show you a love that you have never experienced in your own existence yeah just say yes she used to me and I would give you an unforgettable experience I will have to think about it please okay I'm a gentleman so I'll let you think about it [Music] twinkle yeah [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] all right yeah good morning [Music] jewel is not yes no sir he told me he'll come in a bit late today sir it's okay okay I give you a good opportunity to win something big you missed it why how I don't understand are you a kid [Music] so as beautiful as you are you don't know how to seduce a manager he's my boss and I don't want to overstep my Palms overstep your bums I give you the powers [Music] listen as for losing your job you would I will make sure he doesn't get to that okay but why are you doing all this for me because you're a good girl you will know your language does not have such attributes and I have no doubt do you regular kids such attitude when it comes to relationship Joel is [Music] why [Music] foreign [Music] I don't know what you've given to my brother that made him to love you this much but I assure you that whatever it is he will not marry you understood he will not give God shut up what your brother feels for me is genuine love don't believe we are meant for each other let's see I'm taking you please don't stand on the way of our love [Music] once foreign [Music] borders just to find you [ __ ] laughs [ __ ] you talk much I should guess yes okay um you just won a jackpot no guess again your NYC color Pizza is finally out that wouldn't make me this happy then why are you happy um I met my Mr Right today whoa like seriously yeah and what's his name name is Kinsley see you have to bring him home I need to see those Mr right that is shocking your head like this so I will but we have to take it one step at a time don't worry you'll get to see him meanwhile I'm hungry is there food in the kitchen just help yourself [Music] [Music] oh yes yes [Music] okay let's do this is [Music] so funny [Music] about it do you need that Deborah our boss sister yes asked me to seduce our boss in order to marry me I can't sleep I'm not joking I'm serious [Music] yes ask you to seduce the past yes and you know she's very windy did you see me his brother she's so brutal so wait if what you are telling me now is true what do you think I don't know well if I'm to advise you you must be very careful because that's all I can see it must be extremely careful you know that lady is brutal just be careful don't worry I know what's whatever you're doing please use your head you know she's the boss's sister and your job will be at sick and I was expression when she was telling you I was just looking at her you did not like it seriously this is really good um foreign yeah I'm fine and you okay good to know you're fine you want to see me okay good to know you're fine [Music] okay there's no problem um it's okay okay well today it won't work out today let's see how it goes tomorrow tomorrow afternoon will be cool all right oh okay it won't be a chance what about morning okay then that's how we did we'll take care I just finished speaking with Mike Senator baruna's son okay and he's interested in you or only prefer to stick to German that won't be necessary why you know I'm already in love with Joel is a good guy I wish you all the best [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] hey Mark how are you doing all right do you work on book yeah so um this is the yeah but I can't find anyone here what's wrong with you I said this is my woman my woman are you serious too well don't tell me this is the girl you're talking talking about this Village girl are you serious fine I know I'm not meant to be saying this in our presence but this is absurd what are you doing with this local girl please if you want to sit down sit down let me order something for you to drink but if you don't suit yourself you're talking right I'm not joking is this a joke how can you be seated with this it's all right but Joelle [Music] it's all right I can sit here on both of you never will I do that don't leave when you're done we're going to crush this out Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] you showed this homework of course it will work Anita is a sexy girl so there's nothing to worry about what if she feels to what is about to happen okay but even if it fails then we go for Plan B Plan B can we explain it that's too much let's exercise patience and watch how this plays out first okay what it doesn't work thank you [Music] foreign [Music] come let me show you the one that's in between the time for woman now listen if you don't tell me who you are and how you get into this room I I will arrest you and make sure you spend the rest of this week in the police cell you think I'm joking do you think I'm playing with you treat you like a team what um they recommend yes um I have a thief in my house [Music] thank you foreign good morning Amanda how are you doing I'm fine I want to ask you some questions if you don't mind and I need you to give me an honest answers it's okay if I have answers to your questions why not I'll give it to you good why did you break up with my boss my relationship with your boss residual is a product of greedy business partners which will never last what makes you think so yeah it's something that I know um my relationship with him was not built on Mutual or Genuine love we have for each other but um our parents suggested that she was so we gave in thanks for your time anyways it's okay if you love Jewel you can go for him he's such a nice guy wow so you know for real let me drop you off okay it's okay [Music] you mean my brother saw you look like this I didn't feel anything for you yes he didn't feel anything hey it's now obvious so that witch has caged my brother she has locked him up in a bottle [Music] I should have known that is your making [Music] I am in love with Helen and there is nothing any of you can do to separate us clear for your prostitute [Music] have no words for you don't worry I'll contract another game I can do this this time around I'm going to press the right buttons and make sure that he falls in love with me just now you'll come to tell us you press the right buttons someone has already called your name like I said don't bother don't leave you come and go oh yeah go now business has ended [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] stop it you smell it [Music] I said get out of my office if you live here right now now get out [Music] thank you guys [Music] Amanda I don't know what is wrong about myself but messages I sent this money I've not gone through you think it's it might be Network or something Amanda Amanda [Music] what answer me what are you okay you're lost in turn and I've been calling you since I'm okay did you notice me when I passed don't worry I can't do it I can handle leads I can handle it wait [Music] I hope it's not what I'm thinking did you try it [Music] thank you Adams have fun Deborah I need money and your only person can give that money to me how do you mean you're serious I'm not joking are you giving me the money I should take care see the truth oh oh you want to Blackmail me Deborah you can call this black are you giving me the money or I take everything how much you want 300K that's so much for me yeah yeah I don't care where or how I don't get the money and I'm not leaving one stone behind [Music] Adam Adam [Music] pretty much [Music] Hallelujah [Music] Hallelujah [Music] what are you doing which works what are those heads meant for [Music] the markets or do you have it where you came from that if you if you're not from the bush you want to use the washing machine and wash those clothes pack them packets go outside and use your hands and start washing immediately pack them that's what I said don't waste my time [Music] [Music] this place [Music] [Music] hello what are you doing [Music] don't give it to me do you know how much this is costing the market you want to use the iPhone so that to be easier for you if I see your hands touch this again I'll skin you alive start watching use your answer wash it to be clean wash it stupid [Music] and please if I use iPad 2 no easier for me somebody in this house [Music] and I'm using my hand to wash [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so where are you that wasn't the agreement we agreed you would come pick it up yourself [Music] I'm not a child you know hello hello [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign criminal no no no a trained criminal like how in the world did he know I was with a knife how do you believe in this cow mom oh my God how could you how could he allow it to happen I tried my breasts I tried to separate them but Joel keeps behaving like someone that has been hypnotized my son has been caged that girl is a witch and she has caged my son trust me to know what for her so where is the idiot the getman said she went out with Jewel no problem is it not this house she's coming back to she and her Almighty dwell I'll be here waiting for them I've had a doctor here Helen today tomorrow every day we should just let her leave she should just go no never leave the house nobody 's in her but that's not the problem not to worry I know what to do to her this time around she will run out of this house I'll see you later I'll be describe [Music] he still baffles me ah why would it take you time to take my call the phone was on silent I didn't know it was ringing listen to me attentively I want us to end this hide and seek game I'm listening I want you to convince your mom to Allah marry Helen why don't ask me why that's the only thing you will do and I will leave you completely that will be very difficult for me to do I know it's what you must do you do it your time starts now [Music] baby what is it you're not okay it's a problem I don't cook what's the problem tell me I am fine [Music] time to make this right oh it's time to make this right it's time to make this [Music] time to make this right here [Music] I think we should just let him what what did we just say foreign [Music] [Music] laughs I am your pregnancy I'm not pregnant am I pregnant I'm not pregnant I have money I have small malaria your body is not hot you are pregnant you're asking me you're asking Deborah if you're pregnant is she responsible for the pregnancy foreign she follows everywhere you go [Music] baby there is nothing to be afraid of okay I am not prepared to be a father of getting married money is all the preparation you need right yes my mom has assured me that she's going to sponsor our marriage he's also going to give you 10 million naira so without whatever business you want to do please yes yes I'm prepared idiots he thinks they're wise the longer working opportunity for you to marry me is here and I'm going to grab it with my twins babe here it is my account always disappeared in this day let's go and see my mom now I'm ready if you're ready yeah baby are you sure of 10 million yes honestly mom I just pray the guy accepts to marry her I am setting him very certain I hope so Mom I'm leaving this house for good of my life are you serious yes Mom I'm serious mommy you made this house a living hell for her so please I want to take her away in peace we'll be in the hotel for some time depending when the house agent can suggest for me thank you you're rejecting me please please just let them get married please what of course he's your only son and our only brother we can just jeopardize his happiness all because of the hatred we have for healing we need him around he's the man of the house please Mom Casey have a good day everyone you know him of course well Mom this is Kinsley the father of my unborn child pregnant yes big brother but um carefully here has agreed to marry me so let the marriage process begins never will not be alive to see that happen Over My Dead Body we're standing watch you get married to Kingsley Kingsley is mine and mine alone you will not get married to him you get that never nothing of thought would happen never never it will not happen casely [Music] what no don't tell me no no no no no no no no it doesn't happen [Music] it's white [Music] first because he's pregnant for him secondly he has accepted to marry her name What Becomes Of Me what do you mean do you mean find yourself another man this is my own man he's my man and I will not let her have him you will not have him Kingsley is mine and there is nothing you will do about it oh really you are challenging me call it whatever you want I do not care I will crush you I will make you cry you enough one two cross your own blood sister make her cry because of a man yes yes Mama because of a man not just any man because I'm crazy [Music] um kiss we have had you the marriage plans will begin at once thank you thank you brother enjoy listen you got my permission to my healing it's time to make things [Music] she had the Gods to preach such a simple agreement that her son will marry my daughter [Music] does she know what she's time to lose [Music] because she agree that sounds does she understand the risk no one dares the lion I leave to tell up no one looking for something in return [Music] it just because of love unconditionally [Music] I want you to lay down yourself [Music] I want you to understand that Miriam would never have a thing to do with your man if she hasn't known that you were dating him why my Casey all the men in the world Casey White [Music] put yourself together please pull yourself together you see everything that happens in this life happened for a reason [Music] just cheer up and move on with your lives [Music] [ __ ] thank you for your understanding [Music] oh babes um I think I like him be gay there you really like him [Music] Chelsea matchmaking is not the best way in finding a husband these days huh why do you say so because that would be natural [Music] oh babes I'll give it a try but remember I need a man I need a man around me I need a touch of a man I agree with you put in my opinion I will advise you don't do it yes but anyways I can see that your mind is made up only wish you good luck you know I'll always support you thank you so what do you have for me it was all my fault I take the blame if I just listen to my conscience [Music] you would have been in this Crossroads dad you don't need to blame yourself I can move on [Music] you have a lion's heart but it's also possible by Divine Providence that God didn't want you to marry sure but moving forward is the right spirit so I agree totally with you please [Music] time to make this right oh it's time to make things [Music] it's fine you can go ahead [Music] I will forever hold you I asked if I promise thank you so much thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why can't you love without looking for something new return greedy [Music] in love cause unconditional love is this [Music] [Music] [Music] Beauty I don't care I don't care how she looks all I'm saying she's my love I don't care I don't care how you see her all I'm saying she want my heart to you she want my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you


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    KASWritten by Kedi Abdurahiman Shadir

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