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Train Station


By Alex JennettPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Train Station
Photo by Tomas Anton Escobar on Unsplash

Johnny did not know where he was. He could not remember any sense of smell or taste or sound. He searched through his pockets and came up with nothing. Although when he looked around, he could tell that he was going faster than normal. The train that he was on could also sense that he was aboard and just along for the ride. It somehow was aware of his timidity.

He did not know if he could continue on the ride or not? It was messing with his psyche. He stepped on the platform not knowing what was about to happen. Would the train ever stop for him, or would it just roll on by? Johnny was not sure what was going to take place on this trip. He did not want to find out either.

Someone was waiting for him on the other side of this vacation. His loved ones wanted to meet him, to cheer him on for leaving so early. Was this a dream, he could not figure it out. Let's go he kept thinking. I want to get out of this place and follow my destiny. "But the train won't let me". That was a bummer and a curse at the same time.

This curse would send him to the doghouse, with his wife. She did not like the train either. It was always crashing and moaning in the distance. Everyone could hear the whining of it coming through its' own station. The bells and whistles would only tolerate what was forthcoming. And send the silence throughout the miles it traveled.

Joanne, his wife. Loved to hear the noise that brought forth from the station. It reminded her of the ocean through the seashells. It was debilitating. And the silence was unbearable. The tracks greased up made the train silent. No one was going to be able to tell when it showed up. The motorman loved that sound. It showed how important his train was to him. And he reveled in it.

The train that flowed through the station was the color of a plum. It gathered speed and burst through with green trails. Divided into a massive head trip. It's just on borrowed time it is. I don't know what else it could be. Many of us believe that the time will come to pass up the ticket booth, we won't need tickets anymore than we already thought we would. Although the tickets do make a good momento.

And now you will hear about the sea that was passed by a huge tornado. The tornado of monstrous steel wheels. The wheels were a nice copper orange. They were made to travel through any type of weather. Snow, sleet, rain, sun, desert. I was kidding about the desert weather. I was seeing if you were on your feet and listening.

Johnny heard the bells and whistles of the vehicle pass through his mind. It was what he was born to do. It tricked him and left him with sparks. Sparks that would undulate and pass into nothing that he could control. Maybe the train would stay in his memory or leave him with nothing that he could call home. A home that was barren without his love by his side.

And until then, he would just purchase a pass to continue on his own journey, if necessary. "Man it's warm and humid out here," he thought. But that was not the only comparison that he coud think of. Let us hope that he would find something to quell his actions and leave him with something that he could call his own.


About the Creator

Alex Jennett

Just starting to publish my works. Enjoy listening to music and writing poetry. I am surprised that since I started writing, within 2 years, with Vocal I have created 78 stories. Music and the written word, help me ease my high anxiety.

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