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With prejudice and remorse, of course;)

By Paul BeckettPublished 2 years ago 6 min read


I talk to myself, we can too.

I guess it’s polite to scene-set. I I exist in parallel timelines. Two lives separated by a millennium. I don’t feel any commute, or lag, it’s simultaneous, a multitask.

Today is exhilarating as it the marks the success of my life’s work, to end the interbreeding of all mammalian gender species naturally.

Although our panels only concern was the humanoids. Its deemed holistically now as a failure at root for all ‘respirators’

It’s a day I’ve championed since I was able to communicate. Keeping apart keeps a peace, it’s felt. Natural disasters were being deliberately inflicted upon us all by the male species, so with the gamble of hesitation. It had to be halted, by vote.

My pre-meeting morning, as had become habitual was to report the glut of privately own Jets who steered the weather. His games, without regulation endangered both species. Enough.

As context, I began in the 31st century reaching maturity at 7 years, as I said, simultaneously birthing in both realities, the duality suited my operating system.

My maturation in the 41st millennia took considerably longer, a more ‘normal’ cycle of development it is suggested. It is a paradox, yet for some reason I’m not cursed with the burden of altering reality, it’s my sole purpose.

Females favoured nurture Males, were always focused upon ‘endeavour’. Initial conclusion that this would create harmony we’re lost.

The male species, so addicted to competition, never agreeing upon anything, preferring war over peace. Secretly contracts between his corporations (governments) to profit from conflict against the will of the females caused a cataclysmic reality.

The male species could never congregate around a central premise. Ideas becoming state secrets as the generic masculines took to revenue hordes, creating unified global instability.

Previously natural phenomena was harnessed to cull.

When you fundamentally innerstand that time has no direction at all, you truly see the gift. Infinite fields of opportunity had already been explored without moving an eyebrow.

The slap of my tongue on the roof of my mouth a sign of cognitions momentum, echoed around the chamber’s silent anticipation like the timbre of a castanet. I look elsewhere, aiming to disguise the origin, but they knew. My malcontent was well publicised.

When I was educated that escapements, (the mechanisms that ‘loose’ the time in the machine) should tick-tick, not tick-tock, I knew all that time listening was well spent. Nay sayers nod.

The mechanisms fascinate me more than the outcome. I assume this is why I’m under ‘compulsory inclusion’. Pressed into a gang Ive wholeheartedly disagree with until this announcement.

My condemnation of gender politics was ignored until there was no objection from any panel member, such was the total decay of the status quo.

I’ve always sat on fences. Although the group knew, I opposed it, my arguments appealed to their more objective angle. A placebo impregnated. My determination to highlight the flaws were ignored until they threaten all.

I’d been awake 40 hours prior, mixing. Outside of geo-gender politics, I have my own fascinations which I utilised to covertly subvert the natural order. It had marginal of effect, but gestation of my own amusement.

I grow all kinds of matter in clandestine viles. Panel colleagues comment, to my annoyance continuously of my ‘earthly odour’. The view that predominantes is “Im

unclean” as I prefer to sleep with my skin in contact with the soil, where Schumann Resonance is strongest. The scent wasn’t from this, it was the mist of magic.

Spells aren’t sterile, there mess-messages. A sprinkle of justice, the merest hint of remorse, a sprig of condemnation overlaid with Jasmines subtlety. This is my perfume, I’m proud to wear it, as It stops apologists in their track. I see the look of disapproval seconds before their eyes dilate, then it’s done. Taming the soul is such a pleasure to spy on.

I left my apartment early, slamming the door that’s painted to perfection. Such attention means you can see your reflection in the paint. No one gets an invite, so it’s gossips only what actually lays inside.

I’ve always been a dirty bitch with expensive taste, an anomaly. I’m mostly focussed upon luxuriating my inner environment, as I’m not keen on leaving my boundary. Being forced to participate is the only reason I leave my 6 walls.

Spore spreading mostly, I say mostly, it’s a deadly hobby. Not very moral, but it’s only perpetrated on the betrayers. Fungus is the oldest order of life. Respect due. They prefer darkened areas, just like me. Although my preference isn’t for illumination either, promises in flasks, they love to pollinate. I love the ways words also can utilise transduction. I say “Pollenate, I mean poison”.

I was tasked initially with re-reading older ‘(A)gendered text. As the mountain of literature championing masculinity was huge.

Id always jarred at every HE pronoun overlay to mean all. It’s ‘it’, I’d professed ‘they’ at worst, although I could never see the point of ‘they’, as individuals aren’t plural, hey whose hair shall we split.

My role was to add the ‘adapter’ to update all databases, I’d move on, cleansed.

It was boring work, but I could do it whilst undertaking other complex tasks, so it brought in useful additional revenue.

FFS, these useless pigeon-shift-terms! I’ve always been “it”, no egotistical capital, rather, “what’s it doing?”.

Call me mr or for fucking fuckery knows who? SIRRRRRR…. Makes me look over my shoulder, roll over in hysterics, thinking of my genes. Yuck. Nought said yet as most still used Freudian slips as an excuse for misogyny.

Use of gender to describe anything immediately raised my heckles. This passion made me an activist in society, which was utilised for the public good. Endless interpretation.

My antidote to quiet re-ordering of reality was confrontational. Heckles raised by the arrogance of his assumption meant to unwind in the afternoons I habitually travelled to neighbouring towns to start an argument with a misogynist. Trust pilots fly flags of influence see. Doors were shut to me in my own town venting habits as I was becoming infamous for starting fires and as insurance became males domain, females and inerts couldn’t get cover. Without being recognised my anger at the injustice could be poured out only 100 kilometres from my door with an impunity that didn’t trigger a claim upon my name.

I’ve always nurtured antagonism towards assumption of gender, never liking the tether of its limit. Frustrated by a lack of progress, I adopted my own pressure valve.

Sanatorium sabotage experts like me, love an altercation with HIM.

I’ll add some “citizen-credit” hacks later, incase I might be inadvertently identified on cam.

As I commute to the panel, Im compelled to make a ‘note to self’ What is Clair? Friend or enemy? I don’t fully innerstand her input data but we’re meeting in that cocktail bar by the terminal at 10am. I might have a daquari brunch. Alcohol makes me bolder with my views. Why the Dutch knew first hand about courage? well. As long as I can keep the puke down I can socialise….

We met on the train to the last meeting. She seemed like a spy with Autism, a fascinating concoction, so I lowered my defences and as I had moments to kill so engaged a strangers company. Time might tell.

The agenda had only one entry. Cessation to the contract which we ultimately agreed had been breached by acts of rape and incessant war for profit. Males are so conflict oriented, it was impossible to continue.

Both species agreed that the experiment to breed was unsuccessful. The conclusions were lengthy. A documentary of some 142 pages. Blah blah blah.

In the UN governess ID009’s statement she laughed, adding

“Well it looks like HE is going back to mars, rumoured to be re-named ‘Paternity’ leaving us females and inserts like myself to de-clutter Mother Earth, reverting it to the reflection of our first home VENUS.

All so called ‘natural’ Inter species breeding between the female and male species will be removed from programming RAM. Immediate reversion to COMMON-Law status of same sex partnerships will be instigated immediately.

Conscious recollection of pregnancy over transduction

will be removed from RAM as of this date forward.

Return to normalcy programming. Female-Female couples. Babies from tubes. Population will stabilise at 2.1B.

The male species mostly booked the 3 day procession before instantaneous jump to mars on mass. Meaning all conflict would end within the year.

The female species had already collectively agreed upon a loose structure based upon assisted assimilation and return to negotiated or one woman, one vote. I sit outside the structure, but females share most of my interests.

I’d waited so long, stilled. I can feel my pulse inside my eyes, prior to the vote that’s unanimous. We all cry in vain. A palpable relief to the tyranny.


Sci Fi

About the Creator

Paul Beckett

I’m a writer, horologist & joy filled fantasist. Reality to me is plastic. I’m fascinated with time, quantum physics, analogue and fashion.

My writings at least 69% autobiographical, often 99%

Fav:Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams- S.Plath

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