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Tinkerbell x Vidia ch1

Tinkerbell fanfic w/ spooky elements

By Koda RedPublished about a year ago 3 min read

“Call me twighead one more time!” Tinkerbell wound up for another punch, but before it could land Vidia grabbed hold of her hair and yanked it. “Ow! You dirty-”

Vidia took the chance and pushed a gust of wind into her, knocking Tink to the ground. Tink sat up and aimed a kick into Vidia’s stomach as soon as she was close enough.


Cheers rose up from the gathering crowd. Tinker’s Nook was, as Rosetta once described it, “a sour pit of gossip and dirty gizmos”. This made it the ideal place to pick a fight without risking snitches.

“Get her!”

“Kick her butt, miss Bell!”



Tink got to her feet just in time for Vidia to tackle her.

“You think you’re so cool?” a cloud of dust was springing up below them as they wrestled, “You’re just a hoarding rat!”

Tinkerbell coughed on the dust, “And you’re nothing but an angry, flying fart!”

Around them, another round of cheers had died just as soon as it erupted, and for a moment, Vidia wondered why, but her curiosity quickly returned to rage when she felt Tinkerbell’s knee hit her chest.

“Why you little-”

“Pardon the intrusion.” A soft, but powerful voice made them freeze and look up.

“Oh-” The fairies quickly separated and stood facing their Queen, though they held back on eye contact.

Queen Clarion was a tall, solemn woman who looked alarmingly like a porcelain doll dressed in rose gold. She hovered for a moment just above the ground, and Tinkerbell glanced downward to see if their Queen had any feet to land on. She wasn’t sure why she kept checking. She could never see any. One day she’d work up the courage to ask, but now seemed like less than the opportune moment.

The Queen addressed the bystanders. “Back to work, tinkers. You know this is too common to warrant a day off.”

Reluctantly, the crowd obeyed, some taking their sweet time, hoping to hear what the punishment would be, if any.

Queen Clarion turned her attention back to the perpetrators with a mildly exasperated look.

“So there was this beaver-” Tink started.

“I don’t need an explanation Tinkerbell.” She said.

Vidia tried, “But you don’t understand, she was going to-”

“Vidia, why are you even in Tinker’s Nook? Shouldn’t you be pollinating?”

“Well yes, but that’s just the thing-”

Queen Clarion sighed. “You remember my last warning, don’t you?”

Vidia and Tinkerbell exchanged a nervous glance. Of course they did. But they were praying her majesty’s memory wouldn’t serve as well.

“Right. You… said we’d have to clean the lavatories.” Said Vidia. Tinkerbell elbowed her in the ribs.

“Nice try,” the Queen said, “But I can’t afford to be so generous this time. Not only did you ignore your own duties, but you distracted at least thirty fairies from theirs, and scared off several animals. Lucky for you, however, the Fall Forest needs a few volunteers to help with a renovation project.”

“Renovation project?” Tink repeated. It didn’t sound so bad.

Queen Clarion nodded, “There’s a grove that’s been abandoned for years, and needs some cleaning up for the coming season. Leaves raked, trees planted, fox holes dug. That sort of thing.”

Vidia furrowed her brow, “Uh, that sort of thing is garden fairy work. What makes you think we can do that?”

The Queen smiled, “I’ll let you in on a little gardening secret, hm?” she leaned closer, and lowered her voice, “Plants don’t need magic. All you have to do is stick a seed in the mud.”

Tinkerbell gasped.

“Well,” Queen Clarion straightened, and clasped her hands in front of her. “You better run off and pack your things. You’ll leave tomorrow morning.” she turned to leave.

“Tomorrow?” Vidia blurted, “But- but spring is coming in the mainland, we have to prepare-”

“Oh, it shouldn’t take more than a week,”

“A week?” They both shouted.

Queen Clarion gave them a small smirk, then spread her wings and floated from the nook without a backward glance.

LoveSeriesFantasyFan FictionAdventure

About the Creator

Koda Red


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    Koda RedWritten by Koda Red

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