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By AbarnaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Thirukkural is a classic Tamil text consisting of 1330 couplets or Kurals, written by the ancient Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar. It is considered one of the most important works of Tamil literature and is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Indian literature.

The Thirukkural covers a wide range of topics including ethics, politics, love, and spirituality. Each couplet consists of two lines, with each line containing seven words. The first line of each couplet sets forth a principle or maxim, while the second line provides an explanation or elaboration of that principle.

The Thirukkural is divided into three sections or books. The first book, Aram or Dharma, deals with ethical behavior and righteousness. The second book, Porul or Artha, deals with material wealth and worldly success. The third book, Inbam or Kama, deals with love and pleasure.

The Thirukkural has been translated into many languages and has been praised for its universal appeal and timeless wisdom. It continues to be studied and celebrated by people of all ages and backgrounds.

The Thirukkural is a collection of couplets or Kurals that offer guidance on ethical and moral behavior. Here are some examples of morals or principles that are emphasized in the Thirukkural:

 Ahimsa or non-violence: The Thirukkural emphasizes the importance of non-violence and peaceful coexistence. One of the couplets states, "To refrain from harming others, even when one has the power to do so, is the highest form of virtue."

 Dharma or righteousness: The Thirukkural emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior and righteousness. One of the couplets states, "To act in accordance with righteousness, even if it brings suffering, is the duty of a virtuous person."

 Compassion: The Thirukkural emphasizes the importance of compassion and empathy towards all living beings. One of the couplets states, "The greatest gift a person can give is compassion towards all living beings."

 Humility: The Thirukkural emphasizes the importance of humility and the avoidance of arrogance. One of the couplets states, "The truly wise are those who are humble, for they know that knowledge is endless and that there is always more to learn."

While there is no specific award exclusively for the Thirukkural, the text has been recognized and celebrated in various ways. For instance, the government of Tamil Nadu, India has established the Thiruvalluvar Award, which is given to individuals who have made significant contributions in the fields of literature, art, science, or social service.

Additionally, there are several other awards in India and abroad that recognize contributions to Tamil language and literature, many of which have been awarded to scholars, poets, and writers who have studied, translated, or written about the Thirukkural.

Furthermore, the Thirukkural is considered a valuable cultural and literary treasure and has been recognized as such by UNESCO, which has included it in its list of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

Thirukkural has been translated into more than 80 languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and many Indian languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.

The Thirukkural's universal appeal and timeless wisdom have made it a popular text not only in India but also in many countries around the world. Many scholars and poets have translated the Thirukkural into their own languages, helping to spread its message of ethical behavior, moral values, and universal brotherhood to a wider audience


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