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They're Taking The Hobbits to Alderaan

Part Two: Pending Litigation

By Po IveyPublished 2 years ago 26 min read
They're Taking The Hobbits to Alderaan
Photo by Andrew Santellan on Unsplash

Back at the Wall:

"So we are still in the Andromeda Galaxy," Dr. Who (David Tennant version) explained. "But as to what star system, I have no idea."

"I can't sense Rinoa at all," said Squall.

"Andromeda isn't that far from Earth!" Said Dave.

"Yes...relatively," said Dr. Who (David Tenant version).

"What next then?" Rose asked.

"Yes! What next!?" Said an enthusiastic Jon Snow.

Our first priority is to get the halflings back to Middle Earth, which I'm guessing is in another galaxy. I'm from a realm within the Milky Way Galaxy," Squall explained. "If we can get closer to the Milky Way, I should be able to reach Rinoa again; she can use here sorceress powers to send everyone else wherever they need to go."

"Indeed Squall," said Dr. Who. "I'll be obeying the code of the Time Lords and helping out as much as I can. But, do you mind telling the rest of the group why this is all so urgent?"

"Yes, tell us Squall?" Said Dave.

Squall looked like he was suffering from angst, but then regained his composure.

"My original motive was to stop Dmitri Yuriev from ascending to a higher dimension. Rinoa and I have dedicated our lives, along with SEED, to protect as many timelines as we can from destruction."

"What's SEED?" Rose asked.

"It's a mercenary group," said Jon Snow.

"It is," Squall continued. "We observed that Dmitri's success would create catastrophic ripples along many time lines that could result in something catastrophic overall for large regions of space."

"Well, we took care of that!" Said Dave.

"Yes....," said Squall with angst again. "Rinoa and I may have been a little too quick to put the plan into action. We usually spend a week or so measuring all the--it's really embarrassing actually--I slacked off on making a lot of calculations. She was really mad at me in the first place, so I just sort of guessed at some really complex things I shouldn't have. Making plans based on time travel is very stressful. I know it was stupid, but she makes me sleep on the couch with Zell when she's angry."

"I get it!" Said Dr. Who (David Tennant version). "You ended up making an even bigger mess in the process of trying to fix things. You have to measure twice, and then cut once my gun/sword wielding friend."

Squall put his black gloved hand on his head, defeated.

"That's really why you should leave these things to the Time Lords," said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

"So what went wrong exactly?" Asked Jon Snow.


At that exact moment; another phone booth began to descend from the sky, whilst covered in orange lightning that danced around it. It fully materialized and landed on the ground. Two surfer types from California emerged, wielding positive attitudes and congratulating each other with a boisterous high-five.

"Excellent dude!" They said in unison.

"There's a second one!!" Said Jon snow.

Dr. Who (David Tennant version) turned to look at Squall, silently confirming their fears had come true.

Rose looked at Bill and Ted's phone booth and then back at Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

"This is one of those incredible/terrible/no way it could actually happen scenarios that you told me about long ago isn't it?" Rose said to Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

Squall looked extremely defeated, burying his head even further into his hand.

"You can't say this is really your fault Squall," said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

Squall said nothing in response.

"WHAT'S UP DUDES!!" Said Bill and Ted.

"And dudette!" Ted continued, winking at Rose.

Everyone ignored them and waited for Dr. Who (David Tennant version) to explain.

"We've basically created a sort of black hole that exists in both space AND time," explained Dr. Who (David Tennant version). "It's most likely we will continue to attract people who are traveling across great distances of time and space, possible at an exponential rate. So in a sense, WE are the black hole. Wherever we go, they will follow."

"Why did you two come here?" Rose asked Bill and Ted.

"We were sent here by the Future Council to protect these two little dudes!" Said Ted. "Obviously!"

Sam and Frodo had gotten used to their situation and were now casually dinning on some biscuits that Dave Lister had kept in his pocket from his time at the space ship "Red Dwarf."

"But why?" Rose asked perceptively.

"Well...uh," said Ted.

Rose looked back at Dr. Who (David Tennant version) with smile.

"Exactly," continued Dr. Who (David Tennant version). "These two tiny men must have been the tipping point."

"The tipping point?" Dave asked Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

"Yes, it's like when a neutron star finally collapses and turns into a black hole. That creepy man who originally kidnapped the tiny men was the neutron star right before the collapse...although I suspect much of his life was building up to causing something like that."

"I don't understand dude," said Bill.

"By the time Rose and I--plus Squall--emerged; we had reached critical mass. The odds of two different groups traveling through time and space at the same uh--time and place--are astronomically low and yet, it happened."

"Whoa dude!" said Ted.

"These two easy going dudes now represent the formation of the black hole and it devouring everything around it. It's very likely time travelers of any and every kind will now be pointed directly towards us. They might not be consciously aware of why they are doing so, and will have their own notions as to why."

"But didn't they choose to come here?" Dave asked, biscuit crumbs casually falling from his mouth. "How are we just sucking them in?"

"That's a mysterious thing then, isn't it...," said Dr. Who (David Tennant version), looking stumped.

"It brings up profound philosophical questions," said Jon Snow.

"Perhaps free will and time and space are bound as one," Rose suggested. "Maybe we are generating each new moment in time and space with our free will, so the black hole we formed also affects the choices of others. You get what I'm saying? Causality and time and space are one."

"Maybe...," said Dr. Who (David Tennant version). "That's a little vague."

"That's deep man," said Ted.

"So it's like our minds ARE space?" Said Jon Snow.

"Yes, our minds and space are the same thing, it's obvious" said Rose, sounding a little frustrated. "That's why we've become the black hole."

"Either way," said Dr Who. (David Tennant version). "It's going to be catastrophic. The next couple of time travelers we encounter will start to bend the rules of entropy, among other natural laws. Which sounds cool, but trust me, if this keeps going the terror will be unimaginable."

"Well, what do we do?" Ted asked sincerely.

"The most logical approach would be to return the tiny men to their home planet and-

"We are Hobbits of the shire! Not...tiny men!" Sam protested.

"Of course. We can return the Hobbits to their home planet, and then everyone will immediately go their separate ways; hopefully dispelling this situation," said Dr. Who (David Tennant version). "It sounds like a superficial fix, but it's the best solution currently...short of Bronco Henry swooping out of nowhere and saving us."

"Who is Bronco Henry?" Jon Snow asked.

"He is an intergalactic being of incredible capability, but he's not someone who just shows up because you want him to. He is a large man, maybe even a giant. He seldom speaks, and when he does what he has to say is profound. No one knows how old he really is or where he came from. He can go anywhere and do anything. He's a rebel without a cause. He doesn't take prisoners, nor does he mess around. He's got what it takes and he knows what must be done. He'll blow your m-

"Is he more powerful than Gandalf?" Frodo asked.

"No one can beat Bronco Henry," said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

Everyone paused to think about Bronco Henry; before they were quickly interrupted by a sort of mechanical, high frequency buzzing. The space around them started to shift and warp with radiation.

"Oh no...," said Squall.

"Honestly!" Said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

"Here we go again!" Said Jon Snow.

A vague, human shaped form began to materialize from the warped, radiation emitting space and then fully form. A female being who looked like she was about nineteen appeared; although her presence gave the feeling she was thousands of years old. She was dressed like the playgirl child of a billionaire family. She was wearing a track suit and a large amount of jewelry and chains that looked like they were from many different times and places.

"What is up my dudes!" She announced. "My name is Haxor1337 and I have come to check out these two tiny men. I've been roaming the universe and I am ready to-

"It's happening!" Said Dave.

"What do we do!?" Said Sam and Frodo in unison.

"Seriously!?" Said Rose.

"What a babe!" Said Ted.

"Let's get the hell out of here before it's to late!" Said Dr. Who (David Tenant version). "I'm going to try to get us to 'Middle-earth."

"We are way too far away to travel straight there!" Said Squall. "It could be a disaster!"

"You guy's throwing a party?" Asked Haxor1337.

"Everyone in the TARDIS!" Dr. Who (David Tennant version) commanded.

Squall, Rose, Dave, Sam, Frodo and Jon Snow all raced to the TARDIS and somehow managed to fit inside the cozy British phone booth.

"What about Bill and Ted!" Said Rose, seeing the two stoners from 1980's Earth too distracted to reach the TARDIS in time.

"TOO LATE!" Said Jon Snow.

"Wait my dudes!" Protested Haxor1337.

It really was too late. The TARDIS de-materialized as it began it's haphazard shot towards "Middle-earth." The seven occupants of the TARDIS watched as Haxor1337, Bill and Ted disappeared from view, already a million miles away.


Meanwhile, on the edge of the planetary system containing Westeros:

"I've got some bad new Kylo, my boy," Q said as he popped onto Kylo's video display.

" it?" Kylo asked, already knowing what Q was going to say.

"The hobbits have once again departed, with the help of a Time Lord and some new friends. It's quite fascinating actually."

"What the hell is a Time Lord?"

"They are an ancient race of immortals form the planet Gallifrey. It's really quite interesting."

"I don't care!" Said Kylo, ready to take out his rage on the controls of his own ship. "Where have they gone!?"

"Well...," said Q. "That's a little hard to explain..."

"Begin!" Kylo demanded.

"Don't get testy with me sad boi. Just because you like to dress up in black, don't think you're that powerful. I could do terrible things to you with just my mind...without even thinking about it actually."

"Fine then," Kylo said, pushing his rage down. "Where have they gone?"

"It appears they tried to take the Time Lord's magic phone booth to-


"He uses a phone booth type machine called a TARDIS to travel anywhere."

"Where did they go?"

"I'm not going to talk to you if you get testy!"

"Fine...please continue."

"They tried to go back to the hobbits land, a place called 'Middle-earth."

"Where is it?"

"That's the funny thing," said Q, looking amused. "It's located on the planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy."

"What the hell is Earth? Where is the Milky Way Galaxy?"

"From the perspective of the wider Universe, it's next to your galaxy 'Canes Venatici I.' Even if you use your primitive light speed it will take you two and half million years to get there."

"So use your power then Q, if you're so great. Show me."

"If you insist," said Q, sighing. "Middle-earth is located in an alternate dimension parallel to the one the 'humans' on Earth occupy; relatively speaking, it's around the region of what they call England."


"Are you ready to go space boy?"

"Send me."


In the region of Eng-land:

"It's--we've done it!" Dave Lister celebrated, looking around at his companions with a smile. "We are back to Earth!"

"Yes...," said Dr Who (David Tennant version). "This is very peculiar."

"Did we accidentally end up back home?" Rose asked. "How is that even possible...we were aiming for the tiny men's home."

"Indeed...," said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

Squall, Dr. Who (David Tennant version), Rose, Dave Lister, Jon Snow, Frodo and Sam had all ended up in a field on the very outskirts of London. Frodo and Sam walked around, exploring the local flora.

"Perhaps we could make tea Mr. Frodo?!" Said Sam, holding up a piece of English ivy.

"That doesn't look good for tea," said Squall.

"Oh well," said Sam, throwing the plant back on the ground.

"What's happened then?" Rose asked Dr. Who (David Tenant version) who was still trying to conceptualize what had happened.


Meanwhile, on the televisions of Earth:

It was 2:34 PM on the planet Earth when every single news agency on the planet (except for a small, independent station outside of Tahiti, that was operated by a lone man who just did not care) began to broadcast the same story. Here is an excerpt from the "Times Now" station in India (translated to English):

"Another wave of incredibly unusual phenomena has been reported. As we reported earlier this morning, a variety of...crafts, individuals and hard to define entities have been appearing in waves both on sky, land and water. Some of these appear to be alien ships while others have been reported as individuals with the ability to...(the news anchor had to re-read the teleprompter several times at this point) travel anywhere. Scientists have reported a rapid escalation of dangerous geological and astronomical phenomena. Based on emergency estimates by top minds around the world, it's suspected that some of these entities are actually...(he looked at the teleprompter again) time travelers and other beings capable of traveling over massive distances of space. A global emergency network of diplomatic responses has been put into motion and-

The news broadcast ended abruptly as the Kool-Aid Man and Chester Cheetah, in flesh form, exploded into the newsroom; wielding their latest promotion.


Back on the very outskirts of London:

"Uh oh," said Dr. Who (David Tenant version) as he watched the London sky grow dense with beings from all over the universe.

"What a day this is!" Said Jon Snow.

"Nothing dampens his mood," said Rose.

"This doesn't look like just time travel," Dave observed. "I'm pretty sure I just saw Jimmy the Peanut Butter Dragon fly over Big Ben."

"Who the hell is 'Jimmy the Peanut Butter Dragon?" Dr. Who (David Tennant version) asked.

"He's from my time...he's the mascot for Dragon Taste Peanut the future London...," Dave explained. "Which I thought we were already in, except I was stuck in The Red Dwarf for millions of went back in time?!"

"NO!" Protested Dr. Who (David Tennant version). "NO! NO NO! This is a giant mess! A nightmare. This is what happens when you mess with both time and space simultaneously."

"What has it come to sir?" Frodo asked Dr. Who (David Tennant version) with wide, vulnerable eyes.

"We are experiencing a complete collapse of the fundamental rules of the universe. Causality has become...loosened. At this point anything and everything could happen, not just time travelers coalescing wherever we go. If this keeps happening the whole universe will collapse into an eternal chaos that blips in and out of existence forever. No matter where we go, this is going to follow us. And it's getting worse rapidly. There is only one logical solution...and it is...drastic."

"This is my fault...," said Squall.

"What's the solution?" Dave asked.

"We'll have to erase OURSELVES from existence," Squall explained. "Since we are the origin of the problem. We won't have a choice either; it's either that or see the whole universe destroyed."

"Just when I thought I was having a good day," said Jon Snow.

"The randomness of what is happening is going to keep increasing," said Squall. "To the point where fundamental laws will break down."

"I already said that," said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

"It's like we are trapped in a story by a James Joyce wannabe," said Rose.

"Couldn't we just erase the tiny men form existence?" Rose asked.

"What the hell!" Said Sam.

"No," said Dr. Who (David Tenant version). "That won't be thorough enough. We need to remove the entire problem at the roo-

"Watch out!" Dave yelled suddenly.

Everyone leap away dramatically, as the entire line up of the band Santana (Woodstock era) began to materialize around them.

"Let's get the hell out of here!" Said Dr. Who (David Tennant version) as he jumped over Michael Shrieve's drum kit.

The six of them fled towards the heart of London and away from Santana. The members of Santana were all deeply confused as to why they had emerged in a field outside of London in the middle of their acid fueled set at Woodstock.

The manifestations of the laws of physics, time and causality all rapidly degenerating were quickly taking effect all across the universe and a cosmic level of panic began to set in.

"This isn't good, this isn't good!" Exclaimed Dr. Who (David Tennant version) as he ran.

Everyone charged behind him, completely bewildered as what to do next.

"Why are we running right now?" Said Rose. "Where are we going?"

"Are we really going to erase ourselves?" Said Dave.

Harry Potter blasted by them on his Nimbus 2000 Quidditch broom; locked in intense combat with Thanos and the guy from the Meinike Car Care commercials that you used to see all the time.

"I guess this will be the last thing I see," said Jon Snow. "Could be worse."

Far overhead London, the U.S.S. Enterprise was locked in a naval battle with The Avengers and the drawing I made of a spaceship when I was 12. The entire skyline was densely packed with a tremendous exchange of energy weapons. Every major city on the Earth was in the exact same state. The group finally made it to the heart of the city; feeling doomed and reaching for any thread of hope.

"Well, we are inside the Earth city now," said Squall. "But what good does it do?"

"Can't you contact your wife the sorceress?" Frodo asked Squall.

"I've been trying this whole time," Squall explained. "I can't reach her at all...even If I could...this is way beyond her power."

Matthew Lesko emerged from out of nowhere in his green, questioned mark emblazoned suit. He approached the group rapidly.


"What the f@#&!?" Said Rose.

"This is truly the end," said Dave.

The Death Star and The Mantle's Approach could be seen close to Earth, exchanging the full barrage of both massive ship's energy weapons. The sky had become completely darkened by them, and doom seemed unavoidable. The very fabric of both space and time began to warp and collapse in ways that were impossible to explain.

"I guess this is it then," said Jon Snow.

Frodo and Sam had embraced each other, ready for the worst.

"I'm sorry," Dr. Who (David Tennant version) said to everyone, reaching for his Sonic Screwdriver, ready to erase the seven of them from existence, hopefully re-setting the cosmic catastrophe.

"I'm sorry everyone," he said solemnly. "So sorry..."

He reached for the Sonic screwdriver's activation button, ready to do what had to be done.


On the edge of Earth:

"What the hell is even happening right now?" Kylo Ren said to himself, watching the space around him warp and dilate. He kept calling Q on his video display over and over, but couldn't get a response.

"Was this part of your plan?"

He banged on the video display, as if that would do something.

He called again...but nothing.


Q finally appeared on the other end of the display.

"Kylo my boy!" Said Q, turning around dramatically on his end of the video call. He must have been focused on something else. Wherever Q was in the Universe, it was obvious from the video call that he was just as endangered by what was happening as everyone else.

"Can you use your powers to do something?" Kylo asked. "Something incredibly strange appears to be happening to the space in this area."

"Umm...," said Q, shifting around nervously.

"You can't, can you...?"


Q looked back behind himself and then at Kylo. He jumped up suddenly and a large bucket of KFC fried chicken went flying from his lap.

"Gotta' go!" Said Q, running the other way and leaving the video call on his end on.

"What the hell!" Said Kylo, slamming his fist on the video display.

"I guess I'll just do this myself!" Kylo said, shifting his Tie Silencer into sub-light engines, ready to land his ship in London. Not knowing the true gravity of what was happening; Kylo decided to continue his pursuit of the halflings.

"When you need something done right..."


In the midst of the chaos in London:

Dr. Who (David Tenant version)'s thumb hovered above the activation button on his Sonic screwdriver whilst he perspired intensely.

"Is this really it...?" He wondered.

Everyone else stood there, frozen. They watched in horror as he almost pressed the button.

The entire sky above London (and the rest of the Earth) had become completely darkened and blanketed from all manner of ships and vessels from across the Multiverse. Massive battleships the size of Earth's moon were all tearing away at each other in a senseless and all encompassing barrage. Any and all rational motivations as to why they were doing so had already vanished from the minds of the universe's citizens. Only the chaos remained.

Dr. Who (David Tennant version) lowered his thumb to the point where the Sonic screwdriver would activate.

"What's that! In the sky!" Dave Lister exclaimed.

Everyone else in the group immediately looked up.

"It''s BRONCO HENRY!" Said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

The massive, 600 meter, stallion shaped frame of "The Mustang" was making a dramatic downwards swoop through the massive energy weapon battle blanketing the sky. Bronco Henry could be seen standing on top of the ship on one of the control bay windows. He was controlling the ship with his mind.

"What is he doing!!" Said Squall.

"Oh, you just watch!" Said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

"Incredible!" said Dave and Rose in unison.

Jon Snow was about to add his own remark of amazement, but was shortly distracted by Julian Casablancas tripping over him while engaged in a fist fight with Mr. Potato Head's wife.

Bronco Henry continued to lower the ship with his mind until he reached the top of the highest buildings in London.

"What is he planning?!" Said Frodo.

Once he had reached the desired position; The Mustang let out a massive, electromagnetic charge with an effect radius of one astronomical unit. A large amount of the ships above London were instantly disabled.

"That's only electromagnetic!" Dr. Who (David Tennant version) said, mostly to himself. "Most of those ships are running on foreign energy sources!"

The Mustang released twenty seven more blasts, all with a radius of one astronomical unit. Each one was designed to disable whatever specific power source the ships from the multiverse utilized.

"Impossible!" Said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).


Here is a broadcast form the CBS News Network; Canada's most trusted 24 hour news channel:

"Well...(the news anchor adjusted her pants-suit back to normal, as it had become severely disheveled in the chaos). There have been reports across the globe of a giant, all encompassing, sequence of...lights...of...various colors--she paused here to talk to someone off camera--

"Do we really need to report this Kyle? There is a giant, glowing light in the sky across the entire globe! Who is this going to be news for? All you have to do is look up."

The person she was talking to responded:

"We are a news network Stacy, that's what we do. Please just do your job."

"Alright...," she said, fixing her pants-suit again.

"According to emergency estimates from various global agencies; the light seems to be...fixing...the effects of the extreme barrage of unexplained phenomenon."


Everyone watched amazed as Bronco Henry lowered The Mustang to the battle ground in front of them.

"Bronco Henry!" Said Rose.

"You've deactivated the ships around the Earth Bronco!" Said Dr. Who (David Tennant version). "But what about the rest of the universe! It's pointless unless we can reset the time/space black hole the seven of us have created."

"Never mind that," Bronco Henry said gruffly, popping a piece "Dragon Taste" gum into his mouth.

"What are you going to do Bronco?" Squall asked.

"We can send the hobbits back in time to the point when they were kidnapped by that fiend."

"That would just generate an entirely new chain reaction," said Squall.

"Doesn't have to be that way," said Bronco.

"Please do explain!" said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

"We're not going to just send them back in time," Bronco began to explain. "That will just generate an alternate time-line. What we can do is actually reset events back into the past; and then set them up to play out differently. Causality has become extremely loose at this let's take advantage of that and do something special."

"How the hell did I not think of that...," said Dr. Who (David Tennant version).

"Don't beat yourself up doctor," said Bronco Henry.

"How can we guarantee the exact same things won't happen again?" Squall asked, watching an alternate dimensional version of Conan O'Brien interview Philip K. Dick on a purple, transparent talk show desk that was flying through the sky.

"Think about it," said Bronco Henry.

"We're thinking!" Everyone else said in unison.

Bronco Henry began to explain:

"Although we will be re-setting the universe back several days, we won't actually be resetting are own existences...that would....not feel right. So even thought you won't remember on a conscious level, it's most likely you won't make the same mistakes again. Actually..."

"What is it Bronco?!" Rose asked.

Bronco Henry muttered something under his breath about "this being the seventh time." It was likely Dr. Who (David Tennant version) and maybe Squall knew what he really meant by that, but they didn't push the issue.

"I feel confident that things will play out smoothly this time," said Bronco Henry.

"But won't that mean Mr. Frodo and I will be sacrificed by that dire man?" Sam asked earnestly.

"You'll be fine. I know that this time you will listen to your instincts and make the right choices. Next time you see that guy, just have your amazing wizard friend be there. It will be okay this time around. So don't be worried."

"Don't slack off on those calculations this time Squall," Bronco added.

"I...won't," said Squall.

Jon Snow knew he would be reset back to the monotony at The Wall; but what they had to do was more important than his own personal feelings.

"Let's do what we must then," said Jon Snow.

"I guess it's back to The Red Dwarf then...," said Dave Lister. "Alright then Bronco Henry."

Dave spread his arms out wide, ready for what would happen next.

"Re-set us then!"

Bronco Henry laughed to himself.

The loosening of the fabric of space and causality had reached the extreme point. The universe became strange beyond explanation, but no one was worried anymore.

"Dr.," said Bronco Henry. "I want you to use that Screwdriver of yours and aim it at hobbits dimension parallel to this Earth. Squall...I'll bridge the link between you and your is she gonna' be pissed!"

Squall put his head in his hand in angst again.

"Are you still doing that?" Asked Bronco Henry.

"I'll handle the rest of it," Bronco Henry continued. "And everything will be fine."

"Thanks Bronco Henry!!!" Everyone said in unison.

Bronco Henry casually chewed his gum as Dr. Who (David Tennant version) and Squall began to utilize their powers.

What happened next didn't look like what anyone had expected. There was no massive wave of all encompassing energy or any time altering phenomenon. Bronco Henry gave everyone a wink and it happened. Time was reset in the blink of an eye. It was no more noticeable than the difference between 3:27 PM and 3:28 PM. Bronco returned to where he came from just as quickly as he had come.

Everyone else went comfortably back to where they were three days ago. And this time around they did manage to make the right choices; evading the catastrophe. At least for now...

Whether intentional, or out of some freak space/ time mix up; one single being in the entire universe was left unaffected by the reset.


Kylo Ren lowered his TIE Silencer in the middle of London; in cloaked mode, as he was on an unfamiliar planet. He lifted himself out of the cockpit as his long black cape wagged menacingly in the city wind. He jumped down to the ground and his heavy black boots collided with the concrete. He scanned around himself, noticing the very primitive level of technology on this new planet. He clutched cautiously at the lightsaber at his left side, unsure of what could happen. An inhabitant of the city strolled by with an exaggerated walk as Kylo decided to de-activate his invisibility clock.

"Woah! Dude," said the young Londoner. He was wearing a bright blue, Adidas track suit with lines running down the side of the coat and pants. His hair was in the style of what the Londoner assumed an ancient Indian Yoga Master would wear. "Who are you?"

"Can you tell me where the halflings are?" Kylo asked with an overpowering look in his eyes, which did not completely cover the hidden tears of a sad boy.

"Yo dude," said the Londoner. "I'm pretty sure you missed them bra."

He put his hand on Kylo's Sith, black robed shoulder, in a sincere gesture of consolation that exuded the smell of cannabis.

"That sucks fam."


About the Creator

Po Ivey

Po Ivey lives in Madison, WI, where he writes fiction in his free time. His inspiration includes Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick and William Gibson. He write's about the nuances that make the whole world a cast of actors. He also plays music.

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