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“There is a fine line between being the god of arrogance and being the god of power!”

A Cool Role Play Story!

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 3 years ago 4 min read


“There is a fine line between being the god of arrogance and being the god of power!”



Once Upon A Time…


There was once a mortal magic-user

He called himself the Green Wizard.

From humble beginnings, he quested and slowly built up his power.

After many adventures which included,

Absorbing nanites from a different sci-fi universe.

(Causing sic-fi Aliens to invade his fantasy world to get revenge for the tech planet he destroyed)

Getting hold of the Yellow Time stone from the Meta God of Time.

(Then “killing” him when the time god tried to get is back!)

Accidentally nearly opening a portal to hell

(Because he felt too lazy to work at solving a problem properly!)

Invading the moon with an allied army of Werewolves.

And later in his career almost accidentally destroying the world a few more times.

Eventually, the forces of his universe had to elevate him to a Minor Chaos God in charge of Mortal Arrogance.





While twiddling his thumbs… In his new chaos realm dimension,

This New God Green Wizard had found a loophole that tapped into so many souls (for that was the currency of the gods) that his power had secretly grown!

He created a network connected to little magical communication devices with free entertainment and free games, that he handed out to the mortals for free.

The Green Wizard had re-invented the magical equivalent of a smartphone!

Soon every mortal had one of these fun things. For Free!

Instead of harvesting entire souls he instead harvested tiny factions of little mortals wants and needs.

Every compulsive little act the mortals satisfied on the free devices sent a minuscule bit of energy to the Green Wizard Arrogance God.

The spiritual equivalent of 0.0000001 cents on every metaphorical one thousand dollars per average human soul value.

Far less than the figurative mere one-dollar price of the soul of a single insect.

However, unlike a human soul that fed the other Gods at the end of a long life.

This power kept coming from every mortal, constantly, all the time!

He was amassing so much power, so quickly that had was struggling to hide it from all the other gods.

He had to keep finding ingenious magical engineering solutions to keep breaking up all these “little wants” to stop them coalescing into any form of all-mighty powerful sentient mega consciousness, OF DOOM!



Oops! The Trial!


Later, for an almost unrelated crime. The Green Wizard was brought forth to stand trial before all the other gods.

(Crimes that involved Creating Chaos Tainted Treasure from raw random energy, Accidentally corrupting the most Blessed Queen Prophet of the Moon Goddess Luna and generally being an unrepentant arse hole!)

The whole universe came to watch the example that needed to be made, under the fake guise of law and justice!

From the Universe herself, Nasus

To the three under gods of balance

And the entire pantheon of all the other greater gods, both good, neutral and evil, both lawful, neutral and chaotic.

They were all there.

They all disliked this little shitty upstart!

It was Never, going to be a fair trial!



The Chaos God of Arrogance??


He was forced onto a special dampening platform in front of all the other powers of the universe.

He nonchalantly showed none of the expected deference, fear, or any respect to the higher beings above him.

“How dare you” they cried

“Who do you think you are?”

“You, little piss ant little arrogance god?”

The Green Wizard Smiled, and said…


“There is a fine line between being the god of arrogance…

“… and being the god of power!”

Then he unleashed a single attack upon them all so powerful, that the gods were forced to change all the fundamental laws and limits of their universe to survive!



The Result?!


This now crippled universe lives on… staggering and limping.

While the Green Wizard simply smiled,

While stepping into the multiverse beyond.




This is on the Balled of Emiley Sage Role Play I run for my kids, Using my homemade Dirge System.

This is how the oldest brother of the two broke my role play.

Despite every curveball, I threw at him as a DM!

Forcing me to re-write all the core rules from scratch!

His line, as far as I know,

“There is a fine line between being the god of arrogance and being the god of power!”

Was totally, unplanned and spontaneous.

And in the context of what was happening, was easy, one of the best lines I have ever heard!

Then his attack was so cool that it forced me to re-write all the rules from scratch!

For Dirge System 2.5

I feel so proud of him for this!



Sci Fi

About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar


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