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The Voice of Death

Justice of Death

By Saad ArshadPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Voice of Death
Photo by davide ragusa on Unsplash

In a small village nestled deep in the forest, the villagers whispered about a mysterious voice that they heard at night. The voice was said to be that of Death, calling out to those who were soon to depart from this world. It was a chilling sound, haunting and ethereal, and it filled the villagers with fear and dread.

Among the villagers was a young girl named Lily. She had always been fascinated by the stories of the voice of death, and she longed to hear it for herself. Despite the warnings of the elders, Lily would often sneak out at night, hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive voice.

One night, as Lily was wandering through the forest, she heard the voice of death calling out to her. It was a whisper at first, barely audible, but it grew louder and clearer with each passing moment. Lily was filled with fear and excitement as she followed the sound, wondering what lay ahead.

As she approached the source of the voice, Lily saw a figure standing in the shadows. It was a hooded figure, its face obscured by darkness. The voice emanated from the figure, and Lily could feel the weight of its words in her bones.

"Who are you?" Lily asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I am Death," came the reply, the voice deep and ominous. "And you, young Lily, are destined to be one of my own."

Lily felt a chill run down her spine at the words. She had always known that death was a natural part of life, but the thought of being one of Death's own was terrifying.

"Why me?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"Because you have a special gift," Death replied. "You can hear my voice, and you are not afraid to face the unknown. You are brave, Lily, and I need someone like you to help me with a task."

Lily felt a surge of curiosity and bravery fill her. She had always longed for adventure, and this seemed like the ultimate challenge.

"What task?" she asked.

Death stepped out of the shadows, revealing its face. It was a skull, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Lily felt a shiver run down her spine as she gazed upon it.

"There are those who cheat death, who elude me and escape their fate," Death said. "I need someone to help me track them down, to bring them to justice and ensure that their time has come."

Lily hesitated for a moment, unsure if she was ready for such a daunting task. But she felt the weight of Death's words, and she knew that this was her destiny.

"I'll do it," she said, her voice firm.

Death nodded, and Lily felt a rush of excitement fill her. She had no idea what lay ahead, but she was determined to see it through.

And so, Lily set out on her mission, traveling through the villages and towns, searching for those who had cheated death. She encountered all manner of people, from those who had escaped death by sheer luck to those who had made deals with dark powers to extend their lives.

Each encounter was a challenge, a test of Lily's bravery and wits. She learned to read the signs, to sense when someone was close to their end, and to follow the voice of Death wherever it led.

As she traveled, Lily began to realize that Death was not just a force of destruction, but also of creation. Each life that ended made way for new life, for new opportunities and adventures. She saw the beauty and fragility of life, and she learned to appreciate every moment.

Finally, after many long months of searching, Lily came across the greatest challenge of all. It was a powerful sorcerer, who had used dark magic to extendFinally, after many long months of searching, Lily came across the greatest challenge of all. It was a powerful sorcerer, who had used dark magic to extend his life far beyond its natural limit. Lily could sense that his time had come, but he was not willing to go quietly into the night.

The sorcerer unleashed all manner of dark magic upon Lily, summoning demons and curses that tested her bravery to its very limit. But Lily was determined to see her mission through, and she stood her ground against the sorcerer's assaults.

Finally, after a long and grueling battle, Lily emerged victorious. She had defeated the sorcerer and helped Death bring him to justice. As she stood over the sorcerer's lifeless body, Lily felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her. She had fulfilled her destiny and helped Death maintain the balance of life and death.

From that day on, Lily continued to travel, following the voice of death wherever it led. She helped those who were ready to pass on, comforting them and ensuring that they found peace in their final moments. She also tracked down those who had cheated death, bringing them to justice and ensuring that the natural order of life was maintained.

As the years passed, Lily became known throughout the land as a great protector of the natural order. She had faced death itself and emerged victorious, and her bravery and wisdom inspired many.

In the end, Lily knew that her time would come, just like everyone else's. But she was not afraid, for she had seen the beauty and fragility of life, and she knew that her time would come when it was meant to. And when her time did come, Lily passed on with the same bravery and dignity that had defined her life.

The villagers remembered her as a hero, a true embodiment of the balance between life and death. And whenever they heard the voice of death calling out in the night, they remembered Lily and the courage she had shown in the face of the unknown


About the Creator

Saad Arshad


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    SAWritten by Saad Arshad

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