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The Vampire Man: Part 1

Roses Are Red

By Gloria Michael Published 2 years ago 3 min read
The Vampire Man: Part 1
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

Roses are red and violet are blue they say, but in a forest full of them, the colours look grey. The leaves are brittle and dry, the ground littered with dead leaves and broken twigs, and everything is grey. It’s a cold day, colder than any that has fallen in the last three years, a chill settles over everything like a blanket. A few hours ago there was snow on the ground, and now it is gone, leaving behind a barren landscape. It isn't long until it starts to rain.

A man walks through this world without his wife at his side, he has not seen her since she was still young enough to hold onto him as they ran from their pursuers. He has lost count of how many times he has walked this path, and how many people he has killed or been killed by. Sometimes, the guilt eats away at him, he wonders if perhaps his life is worth something after all. He thinks about the woman who would always be by his side whenever he felt bad, who would tell him that he was going to be okay, even when he didn't know what he needed to be okay. He wishes he could go back, change things, save her, but there's no point in trying to stop what has already happened. So, he keeps walking.

In the distance, there is a small cottage hidden away between two large trees. He stops and stares at it for a moment before continuing forward, he doesn't remember ever seeing it when he last visited. As he gets closer to the cottage, he realizes that it is actually an old abandoned farmhouse, and a lot of damage has been done. In most places, the roof has caved in and half the walls have collapsed completely. There are holes blown into the sides of the house, some of which leak black tar onto the surrounding grass. The front door is hanging open, letting the chilly breeze into the place, a layer of frost has settled over it. He stands outside for a moment, taking in the sight before moving inside.

The inside of the house is just as rundown, there are broken pieces of furniture strewn around everywhere. There’s blood splattered across the floor, along with several more bodies. He takes off his cloak and throws it on top of the mess. He moves further into the building and finds an empty room. It looks like someone has tried to clean it up as best as possible, but it is clear nothing else has touched it since. In the corner, there is a bed, covered with sheets and pillows, and a blanket laid neatly next to it. He puts the sword back down and lays down on the mattress. His eyes feel heavy, but they won't close, so he continues to stare at the ceiling.

"You're awake!" He hears someone call out and sits up quickly. Someone is standing in the doorway, a young girl, around eight years old. Her eyes glow in the dark, almost neon green, the colour of emeralds. She is wearing a pale pink dress, with frills around the bottom hem and lace around the neck and wrists. Her hair, however, is jet black and her skin is a deep tan, making her appear even younger than she is.

"I'm sorry I frightened you," the girl says, coming into the room and sitting down on the edge of the bed, her hands resting calmly in her lap. "My name is Erika."

He smiles and holds out his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Erika." She nods and shakes his hand gently. "What were you doing?" He asks curiously.

"Oh, I was cleaning!" she responds enthusiastically, her eyes lightening as she talks. "Daddy said that you came here looking for someone, but he never gave me your name!"

"That would be because my name isn't important," he replies with a shrug, leaning back against the headboard of the bed. "What about you? What are you doing here?"

She scrunches up her nose and furrows her brow in confusion, "Why don't you know what I am?"

To be continued…


About the Creator

Gloria Michael

Gloria loves writing and experiencing the world in a free form..

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