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The UK's Almost Last Days

By Jennifer Ubah

By Jennifer UbahPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The UK's Almost Last Days
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

“They have really took us out now,” whispered Jacqueline, still shell-shocked and a bit shaken at what had just happened.

“Arghhh,” moaned Anne.

Jacqueline rushed to her side. “Are you alright?”, she asked Anne.

“I’ve been better,” said Anne as she got into a sitting position, trying to shift the rumble on her leg with her body weight.

“Harriet! Oh sugar, where’s Harriet,” said Jacqueline worried.

“I-I-I’m here”, croaked Harriet.

“Where?” wondered Anne.

“Over here guys,” replied Harriet in a little mousy voice.

“I think she’s under that lamppost,” said Jacqueline anxiously.

“A lamppost!!” exclaimed Anne. “You have got to be kidding me!”

“Like I said, they have really got us now,” Jacqueline repeated her earlier statement.

Anne scrambled close by, in pain herself whilst looking for what she assumed to be her injured friend. She was right. Harriet was entrapped in rubble, a lamppost and what seemed to be the tyre of a large truck. Jacqueline followed.

Anne and Jacqueline began to try and get their best friend out of her dim situation. Anne pushed hard on the bottom of the lamppost that was on Harriet’s leg, along with bits of rumble.

“I can’t believe the tarmac on the road has come up; what have these monsters done?” asked Anne flabbergasted.

“Who knew all those aliens films we watched- that there’s truth in it,” mentioned Jacqueline.

After pushing off the last bits of rumble, Anne stared at amazement at Harriet’s leg. Her mouth had dropped and was wide open. Jacqueline looked up from where she was stroking Harriet’s forehead to try and calm her down, towards Anne. “What is it babe?” she asked.

Jacqueline followed Anne’s eyeline. “Oh sh—,” went Jacqueline.

“Wh-what is it?”, said Harriet lifting her head slightly. She let it down as she felt so fatigued.

“Your leg is in really bad shape,” affirmed Anne.

“Really? How ba-?”, quipped Harriet. When she looked up slightly again and saw her bloody amputated lower leg she howled with shock.

Examining the bloody leg slightly, Anne apologised to Harriet like it was her fault. “I’m so sorry Harri,” said Anne.

“Ahhhhhhh”, Harriet let out one last long wail then settled back down, unable to move.

“We need to get her to a hospital.”, said Jacqueline.

“What hospital J?”, enquired Anne, slightly annoyed at the dumbness of her friend.

“I dunno,” Jacqueline shrugged feeling helpless. “Maybe we can find someone else to help.”

“Yes maybe,” said Anne, still so worried. Anne suddenly noticed that Harriet appears to have fainted.

“Oh no,” she said to Jacqueline. “I think she’s passed out. “Come on, let’s carry her to the corner out of the sunlight.”

“OK,” replied Jacqueline.

The two girls lifted their severely wounded friend onto their shoulders, as she sort of stands and took her to a quiet alley.

“Sugar Anne! What do we do?”, questioned Jacqueline, panicked

“Well if alien fart face, Xglmm whatever, means what he said a few days ago then we have to be discreet and figure out how to help Harriet”, said Anne.

“Surely they’ll be someone around here that can help like a doctor,” thought Jacqueline aloud.

“Hmm. Come to think of it, where is everyone?”, pondered Anne whilst looking around.

4 hours passed.

Anne exhausted herself, from her non-serious injuries, stirred then awakened. Forgetting that her world had literally just been turned upside down, she shifted thinking that she’s at home in bed and then she realises her mum was murdered two weeks ago and one of her friend’s legs has been blown off.

Anne buried her hands in her head and started to sob. How on earth could life ever turn into this, she thought to herself. She takes off her locket at the back and holds it in her hands to have a look into the heart-shaped pendant that has a picture inside. It is of her and her mum. A tear touches the pendant and suddenly there is a spark of gold light.

“Oh my gosh,” said Anne.

“What is it?” asked Jacqueline.

“I think this heart locket my mum gave me has special powers,” said Anne.

“No way,” said Jacqueline. “What makes you think that?”

“It just flashed a gold spark of light,” said Anne.

“Oh my gosh! It might be able to save Harriet’s leg!” said Jacqueline.

“That’s the smartest thing you’ve said all year,” responded Anne. Anne then scrambled to her feet and then held the locket by the chain, dangling it over Harriet’s amputated leg.

“Please…please work,” she whispered, as if trying to gently command the locket. And like a ray of sunshine, Harriet’s bad, amputated leg grew to its original healthy form.

The other two girls squealed with delight. “Well I think you are a certified 16-year old superhero Anne,” praised Jacqueline.

“I don’t think so, it was all in the locket,” said Anne. Harriet got into a sitting position and enquires what is going on. Jacqueline assures her they’re fine but they have not seen anyone for hours since the explosion. And just as Anne is about to offer her two cents. A loudspeaker fills the air with noise.

“What the- when did we ever had a loudspeaker,” wondered Jacqueline.

“Ever since Mr. Alien Head found his way to our wretched planet,” told Anne.

“Greetings fellow aliens. It is I, your leader, X346. And I am happy to announce that all the humans in the UK are gone. Kaput. Fluff. Done. Gone. We have succeeded in our mission. We have to thank the UK’s Prime Minister Jerry Sole for helping us defeat the humans, although we had to defeat him too…hahahaha,” said head alien X346 giving a throaty laugh.

“Now that we have defeated the UK, we must plan for our next power of attack. I am thinking maybe a country nearby. But we shall quickly changeover earth to how we like it back on Mars. But first let us party it up! We have special DJ Q568 who will lead us in our celebrations. Please take this time to recognise what a great leader you have in me, and enjoy discovering earth. Hurray to us for the victory! Goodbye for now.”

By the time that speech was over Jacqueline was shaking uncontrollably.

“M-m-my parents are dead,” she said trembling. Anne goes over to her to console her. “It’s OK, it’ll all be OK. We may be the last ones left in this nation but we sure as hell won’t be that last ones on this planet! Come on guys let’s try and get moving! I think I know what we have to do to save the rest of the world!” says Anne determinedly.

“I can’t…I can’t go,” said Jacqueline still trembling.

Harriet, the ex-wounded, now strong, chimes in this time. “Now that’s not the brave Jacqueline I know. Come on, on your feet, I think I know what Anne wants to do,” adds Harriet.

Anne and Harriet get to their feet with a strong sense of determination, and they help to pull Jacqueline up and shift her onto the street.

“Try to stay in the dark spots girls, I reckon most of the aliens will be somewhere in central London, like Trafalgar Square partying it up, I think we’re safe to try and get to No.10, we can walk there from here I’m sure,” instructed Anne.

Thirty minutes pass on the walk to No.10 Downing Street, where Anne assumes the head alien X346 is, and she is right, as they discovered very soon.

As the girls approach the gate, two aliens guarding the gate see them and their funny hexagon shaped mouths pop open, shocked that there are humans still alive here. The aliens get into gear, and start to charge towards them by running.

“Anne the heart-shaped locket!” shouts Jacqueline. Anne shook, rips the heart-shaped locket from her neck and holds it up, strong, towards the aliens. And suddenly the two turquoise, black-spotted aliens fly 20 ft into the air away from the girls.

“Thanks Jacqueline!” thanked Anne.

“That’s my girl,” said Jacqueline. “Come on girls, let’s get in and finish off this bad boy,” she said, suddenly filled with courage.

The three teenage girls, run through the gate and into No.10 street. Anne holds the heart-shaped locket at the door and it bursts open. I think Anne’s mum knew what she was doing when she designed the locket, thought Anne.

“She knew all along,” Anne whispered to her two best friends, who she has been best friends with since she was 3 years old and couldn’t imagine any other people she would like to be in an alien apocalypse with.

Aliens, left, right and centre try to intercept their journey but the locket keeps them protected, acting like a forcefield. At one point, Jacqueline managed to kick one of the aliens in the face which was she was very proud of. “His face was so slimy,” she informed the other girls with delight.

The girls burst open the door of what used to be PM Jerry Sole’s office and see head alien X346 swivel round in his chair. His face was thunder and had turned bright orange, probably representing alien rage, thought Anne.

“And how on earth are you still here?” asked X346, completely bemused. “That explosion was supposed to wipe all Britons out.

“Well not us you creep,” said Anne. And with that she lifted up the heart-shaped locket against him and he convulses uncontrollably. Jacqueline and Harriet pummel him and keep him on the ground until any sign of life left him. In the meantime, Anne gets onto the computer and records a video message using the webcam. She adds it to the No.10 news website and within minutes she hears the sirens of airplanes raiding London, dropping bombs on all the aliens in London.

Mission complete (for the humans that is).

Two days later.

Anne, Jacqueline and Harriet are standing in Hyde Park on a high platform with a crowd of humans from other parts of the world in the audience. The Puerto Rican President Jacqueline Herrera is awarding them the UN Bravery award for potentially saving the human race from complete and utter destruction.

“To the bravest souls we think the world will ever know. Thank you to Anne, Jacqueline and Harriet for their bravery, courage and intelligence to save the world. May we all try to emulate their courage. And thank you to Caroline Humber, Anne’s mother who worked in the UK government administration as a scientist and worked secretly to find an antidote to save planet earth from the aliens’ advances. And now we will reinhabit the UK and bring life to it again. Three cheers for the human race,” proclaimed Jacqueline Herrera.

And just like that mankind was saved from an everlasting extinction and doom.

The end.

Young Adult

About the Creator

Jennifer Ubah

A girl who loves to creative write, with a media degree.

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    Jennifer UbahWritten by Jennifer Ubah

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