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The Stranger

A story of love, fate, and angels

By Sandeep Kumar Published 4 months ago 5 min read
The Stranger
Photo by Joeyy Lee on Unsplash

She had seen him before, but she didn't know his name. He was always sitting on the same bench in the park, reading a book or listening to music. He had dark hair and glasses, and he wore a leather jacket and jeans. He looked like he was in his twenties, but she couldn't be sure.

She was curious about him, but she never had the courage to approach him. She wondered what he did for a living, what he liked to read, what kind of music he listened to. She wondered if he had a girlfriend, or a family, or any friends. She wondered if he ever noticed her, or if he was too absorbed in his own world.

She walked by him every day on her way to work, and sometimes on her way back. She always glanced at him, hoping to catch his eye, but he never looked up. She felt a strange attraction to him, a mix of admiration and pity. She wanted to know more about him, to talk to him, to make him smile.

One day, she decided to do something about it. She bought a coffee from a nearby shop, and walked towards the bench where he was sitting. She rehearsed what she would say in her mind, something casual and friendly, like "Hi, I see you here often, do you mind if I join you?" or "Hey, I like your jacket, where did you get it?" or "Hello, what are you reading, is it good?"

She reached the bench, and cleared her throat. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything, he looked up at her. His eyes were blue, and they pierced through her like a laser. She felt a jolt of electricity run through her body, and she froze.

He smiled, and said, "Hello, stranger. I've been waiting for you."

She was stunned. How did he know she was coming? How long had he been waiting? What did he want from her? She tried to say something, but no words came out. She just stared at him, unable to move.

He put down his book, and gestured to the empty spot next to him. "Please, sit down. I don't bite." He said, with a hint of amusement in his voice. "I've been wanting to talk to you for a long time."

She hesitated, but something in his eyes drew her in. She felt a strange connection to him, as if she had known him before. She slowly walked to the bench, and sat down next to him. She held the coffee cup in her hands, feeling its warmth.

He leaned closer to her, and whispered in her ear. "Do you know who I am?"

She shook her head, feeling his breath on her skin. She felt a surge of fear and excitement, not knowing what to expect.

He smiled, and said, "I'm your guardian angel."

She gasped, and looked at him incredulously. He was joking, right? He had to be joking. There was no such thing as guardian angels, let alone one that looked like him.

He saw her disbelief, and chuckled. "I know, it sounds crazy. But it's true. I've been watching over you since you were born. I've been protecting you from harm, guiding you through life, and sending you signs of my presence. You've seen them, haven't you?"

She thought back to all the times she had felt a sudden warmth, a gentle breeze, a soft voice, or a flash of light. She had always dismissed them as coincidences, or imagination, or wishful thinking. But now, she wondered if they were really him.

He nodded, as if reading her mind. "Yes, it was me. All along. I've been trying to get your attention, to make you aware of me. But you never noticed. Until today."

She felt a pang of guilt, and lowered her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't mean to ignore you."

He lifted her chin, and looked into her eyes. "It's okay. I don't blame you. You're not the only one who can't see me. Most people can't. They're too busy, or too distracted, or too skeptical. They don't believe in miracles, or magic, or angels. They don't believe in me."

He sighed, and continued. "But you're different. You have a pure heart, and a curious mind. You have a spark of wonder, and a touch of faith. You have the potential to see beyond the ordinary, and to embrace the extraordinary. You have the ability to see me."

He smiled, and said, "And I'm so glad you do. Because I have something to tell you. Something very important."

She felt her heart beat faster, and leaned in closer. "What is it?"

He took her hand, and squeezed it gently. "I love you."

She felt a shock of emotion, and looked at him in awe. He loved her? He, an angel, loved her, a human? How was that possible? How was that allowed?

He saw her confusion, and said, "I know, it's hard to understand. It's hard to explain. But it's true. I've loved you since the moment I saw you. I've loved you through every joy and sorrow, every success and failure, every dream and nightmare. I've loved you more than anything, more than anyone, more than myself."

He paused, and said, "And I know you love me too. Even if you don't realize it yet. Even if you don't remember it yet. You love me, because we are soulmates. We are meant to be together. We are one."

He kissed her softly, and she felt a wave of bliss wash over her. She kissed him back, and felt a flood of memories return to her. Memories of him, and her, and them. Memories of past lives, and future lives, and parallel lives. Memories of love, and happiness, and eternity.

She broke the kiss, and hugged him tightly. She remembered everything. She remembered who he was, and who she was, and who they were. She remembered their story, and their destiny, and their purpose.

She looked at him, and said, "I remember. I remember you. I remember us. I remember everything."

He smiled, and said, "I'm so happy. I'm so happy you remember. I'm so happy you're here. I'm so happy we're together."

He kissed her again, and said, "Come with me. Come with me to heaven. Come with me to our home. Come with me to our paradise."

She nodded, and said, "Yes. Yes, I'll come with you. I'll go with you anywhere. I'll do anything for you. I'll be anything for you."

He stood up, and lifted her up. He spread his wings, and wrapped them around her. He flew up, and took her away. He flew up, and took her to heaven. He flew up, and took her to him.

He flew up, and took her to their happy ending.

Author Note

Hello, dear reader. Thank you for reading my story, The Stranger. I hope you enjoyed it, and felt the emotions that I tried to convey.


About the Creator

Sandeep Kumar

Hi, I'm Sandeep Kumar, a fiction writer from Delhi, India. I joined Vocal Media to share my stories with a wider audience and to connect with other writers and readers.

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