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The storm brewing in the westfold.

A case for liberty.

By Jordan ZunigaPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

We stood on thin ice, even when it wasn’t snowing in our lands. The atmosphere was cold and oppressive, uncertain and fearful, regardless if winter had come. I gazed into the eyes of my dearly beloved, as her smile spoke of gratitude from the ice skating on a frozen pond. “I thoroughly enjoyed this trip. May we enjoy many more throughout our years of marriage, Joseph!” She declared. I gazed at her coldly, shrewdly and my heart began to sink. Her eyes spoke of concern, as she drew closer to reinforce her care. “I cannot bear to think of what many more years are to even look like, when such decisions that have yet to be made and I have my part in them, will affect the lives of many. I do not think myself, equal, to the task to which I am assigned, Abigail,” I replied. Abigail smiled, her hand slowly was placed on my palm. “No man or woman, is truly equal to the task to which they have been assigned. Regardless as to how highly others may think of themselves, ultimately, none of us are equal to what we do. We do not gain wisdom by being equal to that which we are called to pursue, we find growth and become wiser, by overcoming something bigger than what we currently are. Great men do not become great by staying as they were before. Men find greatness, by pursuing something bigger than they are, and having the humility to recognize that nothing they have achieved, was truly done on their own and by their own strength. You will find exaltation and maintain it, by making sure your character, your heart, is in the right place and has the right qualities needed to be successful in what you are called to do. Don’t forget this, Joseph,” Abigail counseled. “You are right. It’s getting late. We should head back home,” I encouraged. Her arm wrapped around mine as we slowly strided from the frozen lake towards the snow.

January 12th, 2032

My dearest love,

Every person carries not only a desire for liberty, but all the more is burdened with a duty for both its preservation, and the discipline to utilize it with both responsibility, and restraint. Freedom is not the liberty to pursue all that the heart desires without recognition of the consequences thereof. Rather, it is the acknowledgment towards both an inspired and desired purpose, the discipline to pursue wisdom and sound counsel towards the proper way and course of action, and the continuation to maintain an effective and productive character, that walks uprightly and responds with integrity, efficiency, and ultimately humility. It is the weighing of the costs of compromising its stability, the inspiration to fight to the death to preserve the continuation of its livelihood, and ultimately, the acknowledgment of the sacrifice of both the blood and treasure, the costs, to preserve it. Freedom and liberty, are both preserved and cultivated more abundantly, with a population that understands the sacrifices made to preserve it, the patterns of criminality, deception, guile, cunning, and ultimately tyranny shown throughout history to replace it, and the will to fight against all things that threaten it both within and without, to preserve it. Freedom, is a costly blessing. Liberty, is a fragile and easily threatened aspect of civilized society. As I go to make my final case towards the cause of liberty, where a tyrant seeks to destroy all that generations prior have sacrificed to make possible, I both hope and pray that the right words would be granted to me, to make the strongest case possible. Capable of defending the freedom I am blessed with, and forwarding the cause of all free men, women, and children that share a portion in our country.

Sincerely, with high hopes and expectations,

Your dear husband.

The air was tight as the minutes passed by. I gazed into the mirror with a stare, and put a hand to my face. “I have both an enormous burden and responsibility to plead the cause of liberty and freedom, and yet here I find myself fretting as to whether or not I will succeed. I’m more a walking contradiction than a steadfast and confident steward for the cause I am assigned to,” I spoke aloud. “Despite all the years we have endured and the storms we have weathered, you still overthink things to the last detail. I have some wise counsel for you. Stop stressing! You will do fine!” a female voice replied. I turned with surprise and saw my beloved wife’s face. “Abigail? How, did you-?” I asked.

She smiled at me, taking a few steps forward while straightening my choice attire. “You didn’t think I would leave you alone at this hour, did you? You look good in a suit, by the way,” Abigail responded. I sighed with a chuckle shortly thereafter. “I prefer warm clothing. Flannels and jeans, you know that as well as I do,” I responded. She smiled and looked into my eyes. “Yes, but regardless, Joseph William Prescott, you do look stunning in that suit,” Abigail reinforced softly. I smiled at her, as she looked back at me. She had a way of encouraging others, no matter how dark and dismal the skies may be. “Thank you, Abigail,” I responded with a kiss on her cheek, as she blushed rapidly. I looked at her as she looked at me. “This day, will be a defining moment in history. The tyranny that is growing in the east, must not be allowed to push forward into the west,” I noted.

She looked at me as I looked at her. “Sir. They’re expecting you,” a Masculine voice interrupted. I looked to see a familiar face. “Roger. Very well. It is time,” I declared out loud as I stepped forward with Roger.

The thunder of conversation amidst the hall continued as the door opened and I slowly walked inside. All eyes seemed to dart towards my attention as the debates continued. I took my seat upon the right side of the aisle, as the floor slowly decrescendoed into silence.

“The chair recognizes Mr. Joseph William Prescott of the state of California,” the Chairmen acknowledged. I stood in front of the podium, attempting to reinforce my tie and remain calm and steadfast. I released a prolonged sigh, then took a deep breath as I began the final case.

“Every nation, has its own story. Every country, has its own tale to be told. Through every account written from the moment of its conception, every triumph from the clutches of defeat, to every loss it has endured thus far. From the blood and treasure spent defending it, to the lives lost and the crimes against it, and it against others, all things must be taken into account. Our nation, is by no means an innocent bystander in the plot line of history, nor a tyrant nation against all who share borders throughout the story of this earth. Yet, even I, despite all that our nation has both done and endured through, would argue not only for the identity of this nation, but more so, the integrity, the principles that belong to its identity, and the future we have as we push forward into the unknown, but to remind others of the very truths that have remained self-evident, and that are undeniable and sacred to every last man, woman, and child, that are called citizens, of America. Children, of the westfold.

The west, was and always has been, a beacon of hope. The idea of a new world, the hope for a new dream, and the inspiration towards a new journey, has inspired many to come and join our nation. It was the west, that declared the truths of all mankind being created equal, despite the callousness and mercilessness of others towards their fellow man, and it was in the west, where the new world saw a new day against the soul crushing tyranny that arose in the old world.

It was in the west, where it was boldly declared that men should be judged not on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character. Now, we have men and women who seek to have their character judged, by the color of their skin, and to have certain character qualities predetermined by their skin color and their sex. Contradictory, and a heinous backsliding, towards the blood that has been spilt to secure that victory.

Our way of life, our system of government, must be built on the premises of impartiality with regards to the rule of law. Men must be solely judged on both the content and the quality of their character, not on the color of their skin, and the prospects of liberty, freedom, and justice for all, must be prioritized all the more. The very reason government exists at all, is because mankind has been a walking contradiction since its downfall.

And now, even as others seek to subvert all that we are and smear our very reputation, our identity, we now are faced with a challenge of reidentifying as to who we are and what we are, and what we stand for, so that we may have the strength to endure that which seeks to crush all that we are and could be, and all hope for our future, with it. Those who say that we are inherently racist, inherently evil, I ask of you: When did the sole identity of a person and the qualities associated with their character, be confined and predetermined unfairly and by unjust standards? When did the qualities and measures of a man become solely predetermined and inspired through prejudice and bias, by something that is both completely irrelevant and unapplicable towards that which a person's character is defined by? If we are to measure a man on the content of their character, let the very abstract ideals and concepts that determine its quality be the sole principles, that both weigh and balance the strengths and weaknesses, the value, on the scales of judgment. If we are to judge, let us judge correctly, properly, and efficiently, or we should not be deemed worthy to judge, at all.

And my judgment, on the case for freedom, for the future of the westfold, regardless of the views and perspectives from others to the matter at hand, is that, liberty and freedom are not simply gained. They are ideals and values that must be fought for and must be paid in blood. I ask you this: When did the burning of the westfold, the destruction of the new world, and all it holds sacred, become the price we pay for freedom? If every man, woman, and child has to live in the constant state of walking on eggshells, is that truly a life of liberty? Of freedom? No! The New World, I assure, you will continue to remain a beacon of hope to the world! As a lamplight shining in the darkness, like a city sitting on a hilltop, as steadfast steward that justice shall conquer injustice, liberty shall triumphantly defeat tyranny, and that right will prevail over that which is wrong! And I am both convinced and wholeheartedly persuaded, that neither angels nor demons, nor principalities, nor powers, nor authorities, or the spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places and the territories over all of which they reside, shall dissuade the west from being what it is! We will fight and find liberty, through strength! We shall conquer over injustice, we shall triumph over tyranny, and the west shall prevail over that which is wrong!”

The stamping of triumphant approval filled the hallway. “Here, here!” A voice shouted. “I second that motion!” another stated. I took a deep breath, and sighed. “It seems, hope will be preserved after all,” I thought to myself.

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About the Creator

Jordan Zuniga

Aspiring christian creative writer creating pieces to provoke thought and give God and Lord Jesus Christ the glory! God bless and I hope you’re doing well!

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    Jordan ZunigaWritten by Jordan Zuniga

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