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The Seven Guardians (Total Episodes 1 to 10) In this slide you can read episode 5 & 6

Episode 5: The Forest of Illusions & Episode 6: The Desert Sands

By Vijay PeriannanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Episodew 5: The Forest of Illusions

After their encounter with the sorceress in the cursed castle, the group continues their journey to find the next guardian. They receive a tip that the guardian is hiding in a dense forest that is said to be cursed. They reach the outskirts of the forest and realize that the rumors are true, as they see illusions of their deepest fears and desires.

The group cautiously enters the forest, knowing that they cannot trust their senses. They soon come across a river that is guarded by a powerful creature. They try to reason with the creature, but it attacks them without warning. The group is forced to fight the creature, but they are unable to defeat it.

As they retreat, they come across a hermit who offers to help them cross the river safely. The hermit tells them that the forest is cursed by an evil sorcerer who has made it his home. The sorcerer has placed illusions all over the forest to trap and deceive anyone who enters.

The hermit gives them a potion that will protect them from the illusions and leads them through the forest. The group follows the hermit, but they soon realize that he too is an illusion created by the sorcerer.

The group is trapped in the forest and must find a way to break the curse. They remember a legend they heard about a magical flower that can break any curse. They embark on a dangerous journey to find the flower, knowing that time is running out.

As they search for the flower, they encounter several illusions that try to trick and trap them. They fight their way through the illusions and finally find the flower. They return to the river and use the flower to break the curse.

They cross the river safely and finally find the guardian they have been looking for, a young boy named Hiro. Hiro is skeptical of their intentions at first, but the group is able to gain his trust and explain their mission.

Hiro reveals that he has the power to control plants and uses his powers to create a path for the group through the forest. They leave the cursed forest behind and continue their journey with Hiro by their side.

As they journey towards the next guardian, they realize that the sorcerer who cursed the forest is still out there and must be stopped before he can do any more harm. They know that their mission is far from over and that they must stay vigilant if they want to save the kingdom from the forces of darkness.

Episode 6: The Desert Sands

The group continues their journey to find the next guardian, but their path takes them through a vast desert. The scorching sun and harsh winds make the journey even more difficult, and they soon find themselves running low on supplies.

They stumble upon a small oasis and decide to rest there for a while. As they relax, they notice a group of bandits approaching the oasis. The bandits are led by a ruthless leader who demands that the group hand over their supplies.

The group refuses to give in to the bandits' demands and decides to fight back. They engage in a fierce battle, but they are outnumbered and outmatched. Just when all seems lost, a mysterious figure appears out of nowhere and helps them defeat the bandits.

The figure introduces himself as Ali, a skilled warrior who has been traveling through the desert in search of adventure. Ali offers to help the group on their journey and they gladly accept his offer.

As they continue their journey, Ali tells them about a legendary treasure that is said to be hidden somewhere in the desert. The group decides to search for the treasure, hoping that it will help them on their mission.

They face many challenges and obstacles along the way, including treacherous sandstorms and deadly traps. They also encounter a rival treasure hunter who is determined to find the treasure before they do.

Despite the challenges, the group perseveres and finally reaches the location of the treasure. They discover that the treasure is a powerful artifact that has the ability to control the elements.

As they examine the artifact, they hear the sound of approaching footsteps. They turn around and see the bandit leader from before, who has returned with a vengeance. The group prepares for battle, but they are caught off guard when the bandit leader uses the artifact to control the desert sands and attacks them.

Ali steps forward and challenges the bandit leader to a one-on-one battle. They engage in a fierce fight, but Ali is able to defeat the bandit leader and claim the artifact for the group.

With the artifact in their possession, the group continues their journey with renewed hope and determination. They know that their mission is far from over, but they are ready to face whatever challenges come their way.

As they travel towards the next guardian, they reflect on the bonds they have formed and the lessons they have learned. They know that they are stronger together and that they must continue to support each other if they want to succeed.


About the Creator

Vijay Periannan

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