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The Secret Timeless Tales of Hugo Decantes

Chapter Two ( Teaser)

By Elijah DavisPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
The Secret Timeless Tales of Hugo Decantes
Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

There were 12 of us that created the leadership of 1st batch as well as the watcher's community.

We first created title names: I was to be Hugo Decantes meaning head leader of the shape-shifting legion. Next in line to me was my best friend and now leader Hugie Decantes meaning Co-leader of the shape-shifting legion.

Underneath us were three others and then we had people in charge of the politics or community of the other 1st batch members

At the time they were committed to training and educating the entire batch on shape-shifting batch creations and all knowledge of the second batch creatures.

The most exciting part to me Hugo was the knowledge part but it didn't take long to notice that Hugie enjoyed the spying and conflict portion. Nonetheless, in the beginning, everything was great we created an entire community and were able to keep our batch safe and learning for thousands of years.

We had learned about ourselves the organism we could shapeshift into but also much about the 2nd batch creatures. I had learned a great deal about the nature of our world. The land was amazing and the nature was great.

The legion had grown in ability and knowledge threefold over the years and these abilities created small issues. Some individuals began to believe that batch 1 was superior and meant to rule over the entire world. Others believed that batch one was just the 1st batch and had a responsibility to learn, protect and sustain the land.


After growing an aversion to violence and bloodshed I decided to step down and focus on recon and research and left decision making and leadership up to Hugie! Hugie was a smart shapeshifter and well respected in the arena of strategy. It was the perfect chance for me to escape the spotlight and become a solitary being.

This is when I realized that I felt a deep disconnect from all the batch one community and even a hatred arose after years. But also the hatred must have been self-hatred because we were all technically the same creature with the same abilities.

After the Leadership called a meeting about the humans the same emotions came up and I remembered how odd it was to be a shapeshifter.

I was chosen to shapeshift for the mission of taking over the power of our land back from the 18!

It was to be one of the most dangerous considering the issues that have always arisen from shapeshifting into a human. Nonetheless, twelve of us were chosen, and luckily we all went by human-ish names.

I would go by Hugo Decantes and the new leader would still go by Hugie Decantes.

The other shapeshifters on the mission went by the following names

Phillip Decantes

Andres Clairraux

Hugie Paynes

Micheal Clairruax

On the other team were

Marques DiLeon

Bernardo DiLeon

Jean St. Pierre

Jaques ST. Pierre

Pierre Angelo

Duante Decantes

If you pay attention our human names still represent titles that we went by in our original

Decantes means shapeshifting legion but DiLeon means community and St. Pierre the native name for politics. Clairruax was the class given to our top-secret scientist who wrote the handbook on shapeshifting into organisms.

We split into two teams to optimize our ability to take back control of the land. It worked exceedingly well and I believe that those names may have made it into the textbooks of secret societies all around the planets.

When we started the mission all things went smooth and only 6,000 years after their creation date the 18 had lost power. Even though it seemed our mission was complete Hugie kept making excuses for us to stay human and to take more control of the land.

So at this point, I am roughly 30,000 years old, based on the timeline of the "infinites". Like I said they shall have their day in the sun. We will go off their base timeline, even though the history I am telling you didn't even include "infitintes".

They did not appear until my 36,000 birthday, but of course, appear is the wrong word. "Infitintes" came as a non-batch as we all call them because they could not be seen.

They are the first and their descendants can be called spirits or guides, even avatar controllers on some planets. The big deal with these creatures or more like beings is they do not have bodies and could not be perceived by the regular senses.

By the time of my 36,000 birthday, my crew and myself had been stuck as humans for six thousand years. The longer we stayed transformed per Hugie's wishes the more issues that began to arise among us.

Memory loss, pain, and general confusion were the first symptoms. The worst and most severe symptom was a complete loss of memory of being a 1st batch creature which also made us temporarily unable to shapeshift.

Hugie seemed to have the delusion the worst, often referring to himself as a natural-born human. All of us suffered changes in our personalities but no one was as foreign to me as Hugie, I felt as if the 1st batch Hugie was gone.

What seemed to be the replacement was a power-hungry human with a control complex. Hugie often ignored the other members' wishes to return home to their native people. He threatened to kill several of us and had secretly reproduced with a human woman.

Things were looking as bad as they had ever looked, considering that even I was stuck as a human and could not help Hugie change his ways (I also could not help him control his temper which had been getting completely out of hand).

With things literally the worst they had ever been for me, my 36,000 birthday comes with a gift that seems to be more of a curse. You may realize by now that certain birthdays of mine match the creation of a batch.

Well, this Birthday of mine, matched the creation of the non-batch, or a species later referred to as the "infinites".


About the Creator

Elijah Davis

Instagram: authorelijahdavis

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