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The Sea Girl , The Sandman and The Christmas Kittens

Another Day On The Beach

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Dog Finds Kittens

This is where it all started

The Sea Girl was out wandering the beach with the Dog. She still had to search for wood for the fire and for things to help stock up so they could eat, but since her parents made peace with and accepted The Sandman life had become so much better.

Her father and The Sandman were now good friends and they were often seen together, with the Sandman giving advice on things , helping each other out , and her father heeding that advice.

Sea Girl and the Dog loved their wandering , but it was cold on the beach and the wind was getting up , but there was no rain and The Dog was nosing in between the rocks and pools but then started howling next to a basket on the beach. Sea Girl had gathered kindling but came over and saw the covered basket, which was covered with a dirty cloth. Why was Dog howling ?

Sea Girl pulled back the cloth and almost cried, the basket contained four kittens, but they were very still , thin , and obviously abandoned.

The kindling was dropped , this could wait. She picked up the basket and her hand Dog ran quickly hoping the Sandman would be in his hut, though he usually was.

Sea Girl and the Dog knocked on the door and the kindly old curmudgeon answered in his usual brusque manner , “What the heck are you disturbing me with today, I wanted a nap”

The kittens they are sick can you help

Here let me look

Dog gave a low melancholy howl

This one didn’t make it , but we will see if we can help the other three

Sandman took the dead kitten , wrapped it in cloth and put it in a box for later burial.

Dog gave a lowly sigh and Sea Girl shed a tear

She didn’t know these kittens and was not a cat person but she wanted them to get better and asked if she could help

I’ll look after them but we’ll warm some milk up , put it in these feeding bottles and see how we go.

Two people started to feed three kittens and the Dog looked on. Sandman gave Dog a bone and a bowl of water.

The kittens were feeding and responding.

Now you go home and come back in a couple of days, these three are a lot stronger than they look.

But can I not help?

No your parents will wonder where you are , and you nee dto take back the kindling, you don’t want to be cold tonight.

But what will we do with the Kittens?

There are only three and it’s coming up to Yule or as Christians call it Christmas. Someone didn;t want them and left them to die. Would you and Dog like another friend?

Oh yes , could we?

You’ll have to clear it with mum and dad.

But what about the others?

Well I sometimes have problems with mice and rats, maybe they can stay with me over Yule.

You mean Christmas

Aye all right for you I’ll say Christmas

So we can keep them , our Christmas kittens?

What did I say ? Ask your mum and dad.

Sea Girl and Dog ran back , she picked up the kindling , and ran home

Mum , Dad , Dog found some Kittens , but one was dead. I took them to Sandman and we fed them milk. Can we keep a kitten for Christmas?

A few weeks ago Sea Girl would not have dared broach the question.

Who’s going to look after the Kitten and what about Dog?

I will and Dog found them , please can we?

So there will be four of us together for Christmas

Seven if we invite Sandman and his two kittens over

That might be nice , but Dog and three kittens , will that be wise

Oh yes , I love you mum and dad

And We Love You too Sea Girl , and Dog , and our new Kitten when he comes.

The kittens recovered and spent Christmas with Sandgirl and her mum and dad , and Dog and Sandman

And soon the Christmas Kittens will be Spring Cats

What Happened Next

Short Story

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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