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The RedLight End

Finding A Place to belong to

By Trina BaileyPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

Waking up from my stomach growls, I begin to panic from the loud sound coming from outside of the window. I scramble, looking for my locket. This locket is unique to me, heart-shaped with an engraving that says “I will always love you” The special locket is a gift from my mom, who received it from her mom. It’s the only thing I have left in this horrible place.

Fifteen years ago, the world as we knew it ended. It began with a bright red light followed by an explosion. I can hear the screams and panic of my neighbors. My locket was the only thing I was able to grab before being rushed to leave my home. I didn't know what was going on; all I knew that day was to run.

Today I sit here holding on to my locket, gripping it tightly, placing my locket near my racing heart. I look around to see what the noise was and slightly peeking through the windows. Standing there was the Tibaiga, the alien race that had taken over the planet looking for any humans left to enslave. I slowly make my way towards the trap door to become invisible before being seen by it. I see the tall and horrendous figure walking into the house, and I slowly close the trapdoor. I took a deep breath, trying not to panic. I climb down the old broken ladder looking around to see what I can find to use as a weapon. Staring in the corner, I find what looks to be a broken baseball bat. I stuff my locket into my pocket. I stand there waiting and praying in my head, please don't let it find me. I hear the footsteps slowly creeping around on the old creaking boards. I began to back into a small dark corner, hoping it will cloak me in the darkness. I can hear the steps approaching. What do I do? I ask myself. At that moment, I grab my locket pressing it against my lips, closing my eyes gripping my bat in the other hand. As the trapdoor began to rise slowly, my body started to tremble in fear. I talk to the locket Mom, Grandma, please protect me. I close my eyes, fearing for the worst the trapdoor slams and the footsteps scurry away. I stood there frozen and afraid to move. Something had gotten the attention of the Tibaiga. I'd like to believe my mom and grandma were both watching over me at that moment.

After standing for what seemed to be an eternity, I muster up the courage to look around to see if there was an exit, only to realize the only way out was up. Taking a deep breath, still gripping the broken bat in one hand, I put away my locket. I make my way back up the ladder hoping the Tibaiga had left the area entirely. I emerge from the trapdoor, feeling relieved to see the Tibaiga had left. So I thought. My stomach began to growl again. I remember the stash of canned goods under the bed I slept on the night before. Still being careful, I squat down to be unseen by anything that may still be outside. Making my way towards the bedroom, I'm almost there. I thought it's up ahead in the next room. But I was stopped in my tracks; there was something or someone there. I have to face whatever it is I can't run this time. I stand up slowly while gripping the broken bat, walking slowly and carefully towards the figure. I raise the bat to take a swing, but it turns around; it was a human, a woman. Up until this point, I'd been alone, not knowing if anyone else existed. Looking at their face with shock, I can see the terror and relief in their facial expression. Please don’t hurt me; she said I'm hungry and was looking for food, she said in a quiet tone. That’s my food, but I'm willing to share. A smile came upon her filthy face. I extend my hand. I'm Denise, and I'm Ashley, she said with her guard up. No need to be afraid I won’t hurt you. I'm so relieved to see another human. I've been alone for quite a while. I was so happy to see Ashley, but I began to feel something that seemed off about Ashley; she stared blankly at the doorway as if she were waiting for someone. Are you ok I asked with a tremor in my voice? She was utterly silent. Her body slowly began to tremble and what happened next had me so afraid I grabbed my bat, screaming Ashley's name, what's happening to you?? Her eyes started bleeding. Are you ok! She looked at me, terrified; she said to me, you should run before falling to the floor. I called her name one last time. Go now before it's too late; those were her last words. I grabbed what food I could and ran towards the back door. The Tibaiga must have done something to her, I thought to myself. I’ve heard stories of them implanting us with devices that control our minds and track our location, but now I've seen it first hand. I grab what I could and began running as fast as I could, finally reaching the back door. But I was stopped dead in my tracks. Here I stand face to face with a Tibaiga. It looks to be at least 10 feet tall, and I couldn't make any facial features. I couldn't go anywhere but back in the house.

Tears stream down my face as I run frantically, trying to get away from the Tibaiga. I look back, watching what appeared to be a tentacle extending from its back. I felt hopeless at that point. Praying for another miracle as I continue to make my way around the house, I looked back, and I didn’t see where the Tibaiga had gone. Laying on the floor in the open was my locket. When did I drop it? I thought. I stopped and wondered if I should take that chance. I couldn't just leave my locket; I dash towards my locket, hoping to reach it. Taking a giant leap diving towards my locket, snatching it as I slide across the floor, I felt triumphant. But that all went away quickly. I felt something grab my waist, lifting me into the air. The Tibaiga also got what it wanted as well.

Feeling defeated as the Tibaiga carry me towards what appears to be spacecraft of some kind. At least I have my locket, I thought. I felt so hopeless, wondering what will happen to me. I look around, and I see so much chaos. The trees are all dying. There was no green grass; the world was over. I cry out to the Tibaiga, let me go. I don’t mean any harm! It continued to make its way to the spacecraft—my body swing from left to right up and down. I begin to think of a way to escape the grip of the Tibaiga. I felt a sudden urge to throw up from the motion of the swinging.

I heaved what little food I had in my stomach; it lands on the Tibaiga, spooking it the Tibaiga throws me into a patch of dead grass nearby. I was happy to be free. I stood up and quickly ran through the field smiling, but out of breath almost. I have to find a safe place to hide, I thought to myself. I continued to run as fast as my legs can take me. But noise from behind me sent me into panic mode, I ran more quickly, picking up speed, but the faster I ran, the faster it got. I was afraid to take a glance to see what it or who it was. I didn’t want to turn around. My curiosity got the best of me; looking back, I see the Tibaiga; it was almost on my heels. I looked around to find some way to distract it, but then a voice had screamed out, Over here! I looked around, wondering where it came from; I see three people standing to the left of me in the distance—two adults and a child, probably a family. I thought about Ashely and didn’t trust to run towards them, but I was desperate. I made my way towards the family; I hear a loud shot causing a loud ring in my ears. The footsteps behind me seem to have stopped. I stop to look and see the Tibaiga laying there in what appears to be red ooze, almost like blood. I stroll towards the family, still afraid. Can I trust them?

The family consisted of the mom, dad, and a little girl who looked over at me from behind her dad. Her mom looked at me and asked, where did you come from, and why are you alone? The house on the corner about a mile back, I answered. I looked down and began to cry. The mother put her hand on my shoulder, consoling me it’s going to be ok. How can you be so positive, mam? Call me Lydia. This my husband, Jake, and this is Lily. Lily feeling more comfortable, comes forward to shake my hand its nice to meet you, Lady.

Well, we better get going. We have a safe place with food and water. I’m still not sure of them. I decided to walk a few steps behind them; I hope this family didn’t get implanted by the Tibaiga. It’s hard to tell at first glance if the Tibaiga is controlling someone. But I know at this point, no one person is to be trusted. Looking ahead, the family seemed to slow down. Lily was so happy she stopped waiting for me. As she walked alongside me, I notice something in her hand; she held a little doll. I asked her what her doll’s name is, she said with her tiny voice Cidney. I like that name. What’s your name? she asked. I just realized I hadn’t introduced myself. It’s Denise; she looks up at me with a big smile. How much further I asked Lydia, we will be there soon. The journey took us to a vast grassland with a large building. Wow, I said out loud, staring at the guarded and gated fence. I suddenly felt that I might finally be safe from the safe.

Making my way through the gates, I see so many people it looks like survivors formed a community. It looked to be a haven for survivors of the Redlight explosion, everyone staring and confused a voice in a shocked tone. I didn't know there were still survivors out there! Everyone looked at me as if I were a Tibaiga. Lydia explains to them what had happened as I look around the large building. I started to realize what it was. It’s my old elementary school. I smiled, thinking about those days when I was younger. It saddens me to see what everything has become. Lydia walls me down a long hallway leading me to an old classroom. There was a pilate and some mats from kindergarten students when they took naps; you can have this room. I know it not much. I looked at Lydia with tears in my eyes, thanking her for everything. Lydia said, no need to Thank me in a comforting voice; you try and get some rest. I take a look around the old classroom taking off my jacket hanging it in the cupboard. I make my way over to the pallet filled with so many emotions I lay down with tears rolling slowly down my cheeks. I think about my grandma and mom, wishing they were here with me.

Moments Later, Lily appears in the doorway to ask if I were hungry; I said yes, lead the way. Lily takes my hand, leading me to the school cafeteria. Hearing all the voices and conversations, I look around, wondering if there were any familiar faces. Lily grabs my hand, motioning me to sit down. I look at the plate, holding my forking, poking at the unknown food. I wondered what I was about to eat, but I didn’t care at that point. The food taste so good it could’ve been anything at that point. I was starving since that morning. Taking another bite of food at that very moment, I finally felt like I was where I needed to be. I look over at Lily, and she looks at me; we both smile at each other. I take out my locket, pressing it against my heart. I look up towards the ceiling, whispering; I’m ok mom, I’m alright, grandma.


About the Creator

Trina Bailey

Hello I'm here to share my overactive imagination. I hope you all enjoy

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