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The Raging Dream

By: JAF_Jess A.Fox

By Jessica A. FoxPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
I do not own the rights to this photo: Video (not song) provides the emotions of the story

The story starts in a phycologist’s office: John has been getting anxious over a dream he has been having for the past few days. John expresses that each time he falls asleep, a raging bull is running towards him. He says his entire dream involves him running away. The moment the bull catches up to him, we would wake up. He continues to add; he would wake up because the person he idolizes the most in the world would appear in front of him and scream, “wake up.” The phycologist asked him if anything occurred leading up to the dreams. John had expressed he has been under a lot of stress, and the only time he would relax is when he would sleep or his idol was doing something new. The phycologist says, “So you found something that allows you to take time for yourself, that’s good. Do you think that can help you overcome your stressors?” John smiles and says, “Yes, but at the same time, no. I am busy reading many scripts while working full time to provide for myself and my parents, who lost all their savings due to damages caused by a tornado to their home. I mentioned I took time for myself when my idol was doing something new; I did not mention, many times, I would seek that Zen when my stressors are at their peak. Still, when I return to reality, I guess you can say the raging bull returns.”

As the phycologist got ready to speak, John says, “wow, I now understand the dream; The bull represents the stressors in my life; I am running towards my dream, however hindering myself because my focus is on the bull-running behind me. When I am feeling stressed, I seek my idol’s work to keep me Zen. Therefore, I believe my idol is the one to wake me because my idol technically is why my reality is sane. Well, I found my answer.” The phycologist smiles and says, “Good, so if I understood correctly, by having this idol, you could now balance your stressors?” John puts his left and right hand to his head and says, “No, I still need to face those stressors, and they stress me the moment my Zen is no longer my focus.” “Okay, so you figured out the meaning of your dream, but you still feel they’re a lot of stress in your life?” replies the phycologist. “Yes, and I think maybe this dream was another way of having me realize I needed to stop running from my stress and wake up to the reality of what I truly want in life. Doc, you’re seriously the best. Now I need to find balance. I’ll call you if I ever need to talk again.” As the psychologist said no problem, John had got up and gone.

Following this meeting, John went to a Local cigar shop that he used to attend with friends before his big break in acting. He spent the entire day catching up with old friends and discussing their plans. As John was getting ready to leave, a girl that resembles his idol passes him; “What’s wrong, John? Your as red as a tomato,” says his friend. John remains speechless and doesn’t move. His friends seem to have grown concerned, as they all got up and started shouting “John” while snapping their fingers in front of his face. Finally, the lady that resembles his idol came towards John and his friends and said, “I heard a bit of a commotion; I am a Dr. I can help” As she faced John, he said, “Kalisha,” she smiles and says, “no but thank you, I am Dr. Lopez, how do you feel?” John replied with a grin on his face, “I am okay; I just spaced out when you passed me. Daydreaming of our date when I bring you out.” Dr. Lopez smiles and says, “smooth I’ll give you that' as she gives him her card, adds, ‘you just got to promise not to daydream when you take me out.” John smiles and says, “I can’t make that promise.” Dr. Lopez smiles back and replies as she walks away, “it’s okay, a hey Johnny should get you back. Looking forward to your call.” Dr. Lopez then leaves with a group of people, and John makes his way home.

Once home, John made himself a coffee and started to rehearse his scripts. After an hour, John remembered all three scripts, made his way to the shower, and then bed. The following day, John called Dr. Lopez. The two spoke on the phone for two hours and set a date for the same evening. Once they hung up, John’s mother called, “Hello” “Hey baby; it’s mama, how are you” she replies, “I am great, remembered all my scripts by heart, and mom guess what happen to me?” Johns’ mom started laughing and said, “you meet a girl.” John replies, “How can you be so sure?” His mother laughs and replies, “Boy, I am your mother; I know when my baby likes someone. Who is she because sons great sounded really great in comparison to yesterday morning?” He replies, “She is a beautiful, hardworking Dr. A mother of one and has an amazing personality. We meet at the cigar shop, I think she had a meeting with her job, but mom, she is the one.” His mom takes a deep breath in and says, “FINALLY, I never thought you would get over this Kalisha girl. Kalisha, Kalisha, even rejected a perfect woman for a Kalisha that’s out of reach. I am proud of you, my boy.” John laughs and says, “Well, mom, she looks and talks exactly like Kalisha, she even has her humor and soft tone that I like. I found my reality Kalisha.” His mom laughs and says, “That’s my boy. Your father would be proud. Well, baby, your father is stepping in now, and we have a couple of things to do; I just wanted to check-in; please take your time to get to know her. She isn’t Kalisha, remember that;” John laughs and responds, “Of course, mom.”

John is now getting himself ready for the date. Upon arrival to Dr. Lopez, he finds her at the door in her pajamas. John, surprised, said, “Oh, did you still want to go out?” Dr. Lopez smiles and says, “meh, not really, but my cousin does.” John looks down to the ground and says, “oh, it’s okay' and while walking away, he says, ‘have a good night away.” Dr. Lopez shouts, “John, who do I resemble?” He turns around and says, “I think that has already been established; what does that have to do with bringing your cousin and not you out?” Dr. Lopez smiles and says, “It has everything to do with that. Listen to me speak. Do I sound like I did on the phone?” John replies as he opens his car door, “look, I don’t have time for games, just say you’re not interested and leave it at that” as he sat in his car, Kalisha walks out the front door and shouts, “Okay John, we just thought I was the dream, go ahead though.” John looks at the floor of his car, then turns his head to look in Dr. Lopez and Kalisha’s direction; “Ka Ka Kalisha,” h says, and he passes out in the seat of his car. John is rushed to the hospital, where they announced he had a minor stroke as his heart was beating faster than usual. Dr. Lopez, upon John’s check out, approached him and said, “You can understand why Kalisha is not here, but she would love to meet with you in person, John you seem like an amazing guy, and I would have loved to get to know you, but no one looked at me the way you did when you thought I was my cousin. She needs that’s more than she will admit; here’s her number, and don’t tell her I told you that.”

The story ends with John and Kalisha dating. Only their families and friends were aware. Throughout their time together, John completed his scenes in all three movies, and all three movies were rated as a box office hit. Eventually, John wins an award, and before receiving it, the singer giving the award said, “the ladies here all would like to know after your thank you, who would you like to take home tonight because you’re an eye candy.” John laughs and says, “actually, my thank you is going out to a girl I’ve idolized for years. A girl that made me push even when I wanted to stop because she pushed through too, even when she met a low. My thank you is to the girl I can be my crazy self around. My thank you is to a girl that can keep me smiling even while we’re fighting. My thank you is to a girl I hope I could one day say’ John then goes on one knee and opens a box with a ring and says, ‘baby will you marry me?” The person who presented the award says, “well can we get a name? who’s the lucky lady?” John smiles and says, “You mean what lady has me feeling like a lucky man? The lady is a lady that made it way before I could even say I in make it, this lady is the lady I’ll ask once more, will you marry me?” Kalisha walks up from the side of the stage and says, “John, baby, my heart is yours.” John slides the ring on her ring, and the two lived happily ever after.


About the Creator

Jessica A. Fox

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