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The Question of Price.

A hunter must track down a mysterious evil.

By Julio AguilarPublished about a year ago 25 min read

It was midday as visitors passed through the large iron gates which signified the main entrance into Doland. Heavy traffic was no stranger to the guards who were tasked with keeping the main gateway safe and orderly. Carriages as well as caravans passed through, a typical sight on any given day. What the guards on duty found quite unusual, was a single lone rider. A man mounted atop a white mare approached the gate, expertly maneuvering his stead between obstacles. As he approached the guards got a better look at him. This man wore a long dark leather coat, with a single sword hilt visible from his right shoulder. His pants as dark as his coat, a blue tunic completed his outfit. Atop his head rested a dark modest traveler's hat which protected his rough elegant face from the sun. His eyes, blue as the sea, met the ranking officer at the gate. This traveler tugged on the reins slowing his pace to a stop, “good day” his voice was soft with a slight hint of wearnies.

Getting a better look at this man who appeared to be in his late 20’s, a small scar on his left cheek complemented his elegant features, which was further complimented by the fact that he had not shaved in days. The guard captain found it odd that despite how young the man appeared, his beard as we’ll as the ponytail that rested on one of his shoulders, consisted of white and dark hair.

“Uh” the captain of the guard stammered “good day, state your business” The young traveler reached into his coat and handed him a letter. The man took it, and quickly looked it over. He immediately recognized the mayor signature.

“I was summoned here.”

The captain of the guards eyes went wide “oh, um. Yes sir.” Swiftly he rolled up the parchment and handed back. Looking up at the stranger “I will escort you to see Mayor Izir, please follow me.” The young man nodded and followed, “my name is Agon, welcome to Doland."

Captain Agon mounted his chestnut mare and took the lead down the cobblestone street “thank you” the young man spoke up as the pair passed through the busy streets. They did not speak for the rest of their journey through the city to the Mayor's home. Along the way he couldn't help but notice people staring at him, after all he was dressed so differently from everyone else. He ignored them and instead took in the sights. He had heard of Doland, one of the largest cities in Voltan Empire. On his travels throughout the land he had heard Doland was a marvel of modern architecture, and this was indeed true. Large buildings made of stone with glass windows built high towards the sky, with smaller buildings littered throughout.

“Wow this place is amazing” a distorted but excited child's voice rang out from behind him.

“Did you say something?” asked Agon.

“Not at all” replied the Hunter.

Eventually they both arrived at the Mayor's estate, built to overlook the city. The riders dismounted and tied their mounts, within moments they were taken inside and brought up stairs by one of the mayors servants. Mayor Izir greeted him, the hunter took off his hat and extended his hand. Izir dismissed Captain Agon, and ushered him to sit, as he did he looked over the mayor's office. Paintings of the city as well as his family were placed up on the oak wood walls, and various trinkets were placed on his desk. It seems the mayor quite enjoyed his status. “Before we begin would you like anything to drink?”

“A water would suffice”

“Of course” Izir pressed a button built into his oak desk and a voice came through after a few seconds.

“Yes sir?” the gentleman's voice held a slight tone of annoyance.

“Bring me a coffee, and a water for our guest” Turning his attention back to his guest he looked the man over. “I was starting to worry my letter had not reached you.” Izir who was a much older man, at least in his 70’s, his wrinkled dark skin complemented by the colorful noble like attire he was wearing gave his guest a serious look.

“Forgive me,” said the Hunter, ignoring the look “my journey through the wilds took longer than expected.”

The mayor nodded “Ah I understand” it was a well known fact that the wilds were quite dangerous to travel through, and almost impossible to travel through alone. “Why am I here?" He asked

“Right” Izir nodded “straight to business than” at that moment a servant came into the room and served each their respective beverage. Izir continued “six months ago the guards began getting missing children reports, of course they investigated. Yet they could find no trace of these children, as these kidnapping progressed they became violent.” Izir took a moment to drink, and begun once again. “The kidnaping would occur at night. Each time all that could be found where the corpses of the parents, all of which were slaughtered.” He looked down and his tone changed from one of seriousness, to one of fear. “slaughtered horribly, like no man could.” He broke off. Silence filled the room for a moment.

“I take it I am not the only professional you have sought aid from?" The hunters gaze never shifted away from Izir. He watched him closely, as if he was reading every expression that came across the mayors face.

“Of course not” answered Izir after he drank more. “Others have come, and I even sought aid from the church. However…” He was cut off “None of them survived?” Izir shook his head slowly as if he did not want to admit it.

“Tell me more" said the Hunter softly as he finally took the cup in hand.

For the next hour, Izir went on to describe accounts from the various investigation reports. He told him that the kidnappings seem to occur every three days at random places throughout the city, and that anywhere from six to ten children are usually taken. It has gotten so bad that, understandably, people began to keep their children home. Once the mayor had concluded, the young man stood and declared he would find out who, or what was taking the children. For a price of course, Izir nodded.

Having agreed upon a price, the two men shook hands, and the hunter swiftly departed. He rode back into the city to find lodging, and found an inn called Haven. This inn looked to be 4 stories high, made of brick and lumber. As he rode up a deck made out of wood welcomed him, he dismounted and tied his horse to a post off to the right side of the deck. Once inside he was quickly greeted by a very attractive woman stood behind the front desk, she wore a dark green tunic accompanied by a black short skirt. Her long blonde hair draped over her pointed ears and onto her shoulders. Her green eyes meet his as she smiled and greeted him. Their brief conversation was pleasant and to the point. The young hunter paid for a room intending to stay for three days. The fee included meals and housing his mare in the nearby stable. He retrieved his saddle bags, and proceeded upstairs.

His room was modest, a single bed, bathroom, as well as the usual amenities found in a typical inn. Placing his saddle bags on the chair he disrobed, leaving his sword, as well as other weapons, on the bed. He needed a shower which he quickly took, and then, once he was done it was time to meditate. He sat legs crossed on the hardwood floor, and then began to center himself. To gather himself as he was taught long ago, he knew tonight would be a difficult night. Time passed, as the sun withered, and the dark arose. The hunter was now on the roof of Haven inn. Dressed in clothing similar to what he wore before he waited, and closed his eyes opening his senses. Far off in the distance he could feel an aura, similar to his own. From his current position he could tell it was far, but on the move. He leapt from the roof high up to another with little effort, then proceeded to move deeper into the city.

Night life was in full swing by the time he reached the center of the city. Opening his senses again to the unearthly presence he could feel it was only a few yards away, and now there were two auras.

“Be careful” a soft spoken voice whispered in his ear “don't push yourself too much, or” her gentle though distorted voice was cut off

“Don't worry” he snapped back. Without another word he set off leaping onto a roof over looking an alley. He saw four people walking down, a family making their way towards the circus, completely unaware of the shadows moving towards them. The shadows erupted from the pavement on both sides of the family.

“Good evening,” said one shadow as it rose from the ground forming a well dressed man. He wore a black tuxedo as if he was dressed for a funeral, “off to the circus?” he asked. The children whimpered and the two little boys hugged each other while their mother moved in front of them. The father stood in front of the three of them, and pulled from his coat, an old fashioned revolver.

“Oh” another voice came from behind them, the family turned their heads. “How very rude” a women said as she formed from the shadow, she too was dressed as if she was accompanying the other gentleman to a funeral. A long flowing black dress matched her raven like hair. “Here we simply wanted to offer our services at babysitting your children while you two enjoyed your evening”, a wicked smile flashed at the family. The father aimed at her in fury and fired twice right into her chest, clearly he was an accomplished marksman, because the two shots pierced her heart. The women screamed and stepped back as if to faint, but stopped, evil smile still on her face “you’ll have to do much better than that love” she said mockingly as she stood upright. To the fathers horror the wounds she just received healed before his eyes, both bullets were pushed out her flesh. All that remained were two small holes in her dress.

“Wha….” before the man could get the rest of his words out a hand gripped his shoulder

“Sir” the gentleman said as he tightened his grip “hurting my wife was quite uncalled for, now” he paused and squeezed, the father dropped his gun and groaned in pain."You must die” he growled through his teeth as he lifted his free hand which formed into a shadowy blade, yet before this blade could be put to work. A purple beam burned through the elbow of that gentleman, all looked up at the hunter. Who stood above them left hand pointed downward, strangely behind him an outline of a woman stood with him, but swiftly faded with the rushing of the night air. With that the father fell to his knees and embraced his family, the two young boys watched as the hunter leapt down crashing into their one armed assailant. The mother tried to shield their eyes.

However the youngest child was curious. He left one eye open, which was enough. The Hunter slammed into the one arm fiend with enough force they both crashed into a brick wall of the alleyway, the fiend quickly recovered with a swing of his blade arm. Which to his dismay had not grown back, the hunter seized the opportunity and struck him hard in the jaw, knocking the creature on his back.

“So I take it your master never told you, wounds from magic gravely slow your regeneration.” As he drew a dagger from his belt a gentle motherly voice called out

“look out!”

But he was already spinning, a whip which looked to be made of shadows slammed into the wall behind where the hunters head had been moments ago. In a swift practiced movement a dagger shot out piecing the left shoulder of the raven haired beauty. She screamed for the dagger had struck deep. Just than movement to his left caused him to step back as a dark blade aim at his carotid artery cut into his cheek. The boy still watching, saw a dim blue light shines in the man's eyes. A thrust of his right hand sent the one arm creature slamming into his wife who stood more than ten paces away, yet the boy did not see the hunter touch him.

That dim blue light in the hunters eyes, now spread throughout his whole body. He drew his long sword the black leather handle welcomed his hand. As the blade slide out of the brown scabbard, light from the other end of the alleyway caught the blade. The boy watching could see that embedded in both the pommel and the center of the twisted metal cross guard where rings, one with a green gem, the other with a purple gem set into it. On the blade looked to be writing of some kind. His weapon looked unique, and well made. The hunters blue aura covered the blade almost lighting it aflame. Than in that instant he was gone, the boy turned his head. He saw the hunter had closed the gap in an instant, and thrust his blade right through the heart of the fiendish man whose teeth bore fangs.

“NO!” his wife yelled out in pure horror unable to believe what she was witnessing.

“Ho………” were the man's last words as the hunters blade removed his head, dark ichor spread into the air. “AHAHAH” the widow lashed out, her arm turned into a blade, as the hunter parried away the fatal blows he noticed his original assessment was wrong. The blade and whip she wielded are not made of shadows, but instead some sort of hardened black substance. Anger flooded through her as her opponent skillfully deflected her attacks away, to the point where she made a fatal mistake. The counter should have been fatal, instead he grasp her blade arm and cut clean through it. She howled dashed back and then leapt into the air, landing on a rooftop. She took one last look at her husband who had now turned to a disgusting black mush on the pavement.

Her blood red eyes locked with the hunters “I swear you will pay, I SWEAR” she yelled out as she ran. Quick as lightning the hunter remove a revolver, and fire a single shot at the woman. She let out a groan as she ran faster, yet the hunter did not pursue her right away. Instead he turned to the young boy who watched him the whole time, gave a soft smile and a nod. The little boy began to cry and could not help but smile up at him. A whistle blow rang out down the street followed by a 2nd than a 3rd. the guard was coming, and when the boy looked back, the hunter was gone.

Across the city, Isabella ran from roof to roof. Staying in the shadows, and occasionally looking back to see if the hunter pursued her. Indeed he did, but cautiously, staying back several yards as he followed. He made his way through the streets, keeping an eye on the device held in hand. The tracer bullet that was quickly forced out of Isabella, had split and introduced in her blood microscopic machines that now courses through her blood. These allowed her location to be pinpointed to a device which was accurate for a few hundred yards. An effective, albeit expensive way of tracking prey.

Isabella reached her destination after midnight. Deep in the factory district beyond the night lights and buzzing of the city. Lay a hidden opening that leads deep underground. It's used by her and other thralls of her master, and was where she was to bring the children. Once in the sewers she paused for a moment, mourning the loss of her husband. Doing her best to sob, yet no tears came. They hadn't in many years. A splash behind her caused her to jump, turning around she was greeted by the hunter who had tracked her here.

Sword in hand, he spoke. "How many await ahead?" His tone held no anger, no emotion.

Isabella growled at the hunter, turning towards him she said "you bastard, you need not worry about what lies ahead. For you will die here, you will bleed for what you did to my love." Her face contorted from pure hate, her words echoed about the stone walls. The two faced off, the widow with a rapid slash of her whip, which the hunter caught with his sword. A tug in an attempt to disarm, but the hunter was stronger. How could a mere mortal be stronger than I? The hunter stood his ground, raised his other hand, and then Isabella saw it. No, not it, her.

A woman suddenly appeared next to the hunter, pale white, and seemed ethereal. Her long hair flowed over her shoulders, she wore a corset with matching skirt, and knee high boots. This woman looked as young as the hunter, in fact their facial features seemed similar. This ghastly figure raised a hand to match the young man, and from her palm came a purple ray of energy. The blast tore through Isabella's broken heart. She slumped and went silent, looking down at the hole in her chest. All the pain and anger that boiled in her would soon be gone. Soon she would be with him. A purple light filled the chamber, and then it was gone. Along with the widow.

The beautiful ghostly woman vanished, "that's two demons so far" her voice trailed off. Demons, horrid aberrations that plagued this world. Creatures who feed on mankind, and appear human. Scholars write that a demon can turn a willing man or woman into one of their own. Simply by having them drink their blood. It is also written that a demon can only be slain through magic, or magically created weapons.

A device the hunter attached to his belt gave off a bright light which eased his navigation through the sewers. Tunnels twisted and turned making the journey difficult. Though he let his feelings guide him, as he drew closer to a large circular opening, he stopped. All around him lay human bones, many of which wore armor, others had mere clothing, children's clothing.

"Greeting, hunter" a deep booming voice echoes throughout his surroundings. "Welcome to my home, I am delighted you're here" the voice sneered, "after all in all my years never have I ever seen a lone hunter." The young hunter said nothing.

"Months ago" the voice continued, "a group of Paladins from the church came looking for me. I was not disappointed, not at all. It's quite rare for adult humans to be so pure." The laughed echoed further still. "Would you like to meet them?" The hunter stood silent for a moment, then shook his head.

"No i really would rather not. In fact" a vicious smirk curled across his lips. "I would rather meet you" his tone deadly.

A booming laugh broke out, "you amused me hunter, come find me below."

A circular hole opened up into a massive room which dropped down an unimaginable number of feet as he could not see the bottom. He could see, however, many large pipes coming out of the wall. "The demon said to meet him below" he spoke softly as he looked down. Making sure to place a hand on a wall as he did. "Will you scout ahead?" A dim light rose from one of the runes etched onto his sword, and disappeared almost as quickly. This light, almost imperceptible, now stood beside him as a three foot tall child.

"Of course, wait a moment," said the spirit with childlike innocence. This ghostly boy leapt off the edge and floated downward. Moments later he returned, "lots of pipes no traps I could see. Uh is a long way down." The hunter nodded, and patted the child on his head, or at least attempted to. A bright smile greeted him. In the silence of the opening all one could hear was the deep breath the hunter took to steady his resolve. Than he leapt.

He caught the first pipe he estimated a good sixty feet down. Landing near the center of it, he judge the width of these pipes had to be ten feet across if one where to stand inside one of them. Length wise he could only guess as he saw they went into the nearest wall. He could see more pipes, so he hopped, and kept hopping till he neared the bottom. From his position he could see six children huddled around one another, they looked to be anywhere between ten to the youngest being four. There were seven adults two women, one dressed in a scarlet dress, the other dressed in plain common looking clothing. Both equally beautiful. Five men were also present, one was dressed like a city guardsmen in dark blue clothing with a sword in his belt. Another bore the look of a businessman. Two of the men look very much like twins. Only one wore common clothing that had become popular as of late, very baggy trousers. The other gentleman dressed as if he was a street performer, in colorful clothes. The final man sat atop a black leather chair placed on a raised platform overlooking the others. Around him were dozens of barrels, black liquid spilled from one barrel. Revealing its contents to the hunter, which proved his theory correct. That substance was oil, the married couple he fought had brandished hardened weapons, made from oil.

Leaping down and making sure to land near the children, which of course startled the children. The hunter stood before the master, and his thralls. From atop the platform rose he from his seat, and began to clap. A clap which echoes off the wall and throughout his lair. "Welcome, my dear hunter" he paused, moving towards the railing of the platform "I must say. Well done. You are the first of your kind to make it here, I am very impressed." This man's voice boomed,

"I take it you've killed many other hunters?" Asked the hunter, glancing at the children.

"Indeed I have, many. Izir sent many my way, all were delicious."

At the mention of Izir the hunters eyes widened a bit. "Yes that is correct, the very man who hired you, sent your colleagues to me. It was a request outside our initial deal." As the thralls moved in, the hunter moved closer to the children.

"Your deal with Izir, was it for oil?"

"Of course" chuckled the master "some years ago my tomb was uncovered, my hunger was great." He sneered and continued "Izir came to see me, having heard deals with my kind could be quite prosperous." A wicked smile curled up his lips, "so I offered him this."

He held out his hand and oil poured from it, "for this I demanded a price." He pointed towards the children, "Izir agreed, and so it was sealed. That delicious innocent meat, all for this" for a few seconds oil dripped from his fingertips. He glared at the hunter "what say you, hunter?" But he did not need the hunters answer, he could see it on his face. The anger, the hatred, "very well" the master motioned, and his thralls attacked. Yet the hunter moved just as quick. The young children watched as the hunter spoke a command out loud, calling for aid. From his sword a radiant light flashed, filling a portion of the chamber. The runes came alive, many of them shot out taking form, and now the hunter was not alone. Two of them shaped into women, one resembled the women who aided him up above. While the other resembles a slightly taller women, dressed in a purple coat wielding a sword. Another took the form of a young boy, who could not have been more than six or perhaps seven, he fired arrows made of light from his bow. Still another whose appearance was quite motherly, came forth dressed in noblewoman garb, she dashed next to the children, and erected a magical barrier to protect them.

Conflict ensued, the hunter aided by his spectral allies, pushed forward. Sparks of steel on steel, followed by blast of arcane energy and blazing arrows filled the chamber. Screams of the dying reverberated off the stone walls, victory seemed to be in their favor. As the last thrall fell, black spikes shot forth from the master, piercing through the hunter. Now pinned to a wall his blood swiftly pooled below him. "A marvelous display" he called out as he descended. "Truly you are quite exceptional. Never in all my years have I ever seen a hunter stand beside phantoms. Nor has a hunter ever been able to best all my thralls." Now mere inches from the hunter, he placed his vile black hands upon his cheek. Stabbing the spikes deeper in, the master enjoyed the hunter's cry of pain. All the while his spectral like companions were held back by pools of oil. The master turned into whip and sword like weapons, holding the hunters aid at bay. As this fiendish creature shape slowly shifted into a mass of pure black gold, it spoke. "Farewell, young amusement. The afterlife beacons." A mouth opened, and then another, and another. Three mouths stood open, ready to engulf the hunter. His spectral companions called out to him, yet he could not hear them. His anger boiled over, engulfing him. His body trembled not his body. The chamber trembled, shadows in the room came forth and surrounded him. A deep crimson aura emanated from his bleeding and broken body. His eyes changed before the master. The same exact crimson hue rose in the hunter's eyes, and at that moment the master knew who this man was.

" can not be" the pool of blood underneath the hunter rose up beside him, and from his own blood spikes shot out. Impaling the demon and removing his hold him hunter.


Yelled his companions, yet their words could not be heard. Taken aback by this sudden and unnatural act, the master composed spoke. "You are the traitor, the one who hunts his own brethren!" Yelled out the demon, who now understood. This hunter was no human, he is a demon. A duel of monsters commenced, the poor children watched in horror. These two fiends fought with unchained furry. Within seconds the hunter gained the upper hand, his sword was plunged deep into the master heart. "How" said the master weakly, his body had been torn asunder. "You squander the gift you were given" his whisper drowned out by the hunters animalistic growl. "Fool….I was a." The masters words never came, his head had been cleaved. A fountain of black icor shot out, slowly the masters body faded away.

The hunter turned, his burning eyes fell upon the children. He was hungry, so hungry. Quick as lightning he slammed with all his furry into the magical dome that stood to protect them.

"No" yelled out the motherly spirit as she grabbed a hold of him, "son, don't!" Another spirit helped, wrapping her arms under his in an attempt to keep him back. "Brother" called out the woman who held him "you must stop!"

The young archer ran to his father, and pushed him away from the barrier. "Father, please" said the boy as he struggled with all his might against his father unholy furry. Than she embraced him, through his eyes, engulfed with hatred and furry. The hunter saw his long dead wife. Dressed in a purple coat she held him, sword at her side. She held him as he struggled trying his hardest to be free. He needed food.

"Darling" she whispered in his ear, "please don't. You must fight it ..."

The poor children who witnessed all this huddled near each other. They did their best not to watch this horror. Most of them closed their eyes from the start. Except one little boy who could not look away, his hair had turned white from the sight of the hunter. Who after hours of howling and roaring like a vicious storm. Had finally ceased. He lay unconscious, his companions returned to the blade. The children ran for the guards. However, when they finally arrived, the hunter was nowhere to be found.

"What happened next, grandfather?" Asked a small red haired girl who sat in front of the fireplace. Next to her were her siblings, all of whom listened to the tale being told. Their grandfather a very old man with long hair white as snow. Sat in his old rocking chair, as he told his tale.

"Well child, no one really knows what happened to the hunter." He paused to take a puff from his pipe before he continued. "Some say he fled the city after the children were rescued. Others say, he took the gold he was promised first. Than tried to leave, but was stopped." One of the children excitedly leapt up,

"Oh I know this one. My friend told me the hunter got cornered and had to fight his way out." The children began to argue, until the old man stepped in. With a raise of his hand he silenced them.

"I only know of one thing children, if the hunter had been stopped he would have been given a choice."

"What choice" asked the oldest grandchild.

"Well" the old man continued, "he would have either had to spill their blood, or pay for his freedom. It merely came down to a question of price."

HorrorFantasyShort StoryAdventure

About the Creator

Julio Aguilar

Hi! Throughout my life I have always loved a good story. From books, to films, to video games. I was always captivated by a well told story, and have been inspired to write my own. So I will be putting short stories I have written on here.

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