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The Purple Clouds

Magical realism story

By Al Jafeer Ahamed Published about a year ago 5 min read

Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky. It was a sight that never ceased to amaze the people of the small town nestled in the valley below. They would gather on their porches, or peek out their windows, or climb to the top of the hills to watch the celestial dance unfold. They marveled at the way the clouds swirled and twirled, their edges tinged with a soft pink glow that matched the sky's rosy hue. And then, just as suddenly as they had appeared, the clouds would disappear, leaving the sky a deep shade of midnight blue.

It was said that the purple clouds were magical, and that they only came out to dance with the sky when the moon was full. Some people believed that if you made a wish at the exact moment when the clouds disappeared, your wish would come true. Others believed that the clouds were a sign of good luck, and that if you caught a glimpse of them, you would have good fortune for the rest of your days.

But there was one person in the town who knew the truth about the purple clouds. Her name was Amaliya, and she had been born with a gift that allowed her to see the magic in the world around her. Amaliya had always been different from the other children in the town. While they played tag and kickball, she spent her time sitting in the fields, watching the flowers sway in the breeze. While they talked about the latest video games and pop songs, she listened to the whispers of the trees and the songs of the birds.

As Amaliya grew older, her gift became stronger. She began to see things that others couldn't, like the way the wind carried stories from faraway lands, or the way the stars sang lullabies to the moon. And so, on the night when the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky, Amaliya was the only one who knew the truth.

She had seen the clouds up close, and she knew that they weren't just any ordinary clouds. They were creatures of magic and wonder, who danced with the sky because they loved to celebrate life and all its mysteries. Amaliya had even spoken to them once, asking them why they came out only at midnight. And the clouds had replied, in a voice that sounded like the rustling of leaves, "Because it is the hour of magic, when dreams are born and wishes come true."

Amaliya had kept the secret of the purple clouds to herself for many years, knowing that no one in the town would believe her if she told them. But then, one day, something happened that changed everything.

It was a day like any other, and Amaliya was wandering through the woods, lost in her thoughts. As she walked, she heard a strange sound, like the fluttering of wings. She followed the sound, and soon came to a clearing where she saw the most astonishing sight.

In the center of the clearing stood a tree unlike any she had ever seen. Its trunk was as wide as a house, and its branches reached up to the sky like fingers of lightning. And in the branches of the tree, there were birds of every color and size, all singing together in a chorus of joy.

Amaliya stood there, transfixed, as the birds sang and danced in the tree. She had never seen anything so beautiful in her life. And then, suddenly, the birds stopped singing, and they all turned to look at her.

Amaliya felt a jolt of fear run through her, wondering if she had intruded on their magical moment. But then, to her surprise, the birds began to speak.

" Amaliya," said the birds, their voices like the chiming of bells. "We have been waiting for you. We have a message to deliver, a message of great importance."

Amaliya was stunned. She had never heard of birds that could speak, let alone deliver important messages. But she knew that she had to listen.

"What message do you have for me?" asked Amaliya, her voice barely above a whisper.

"The message is this," said the birds. "The magic of the world is fading, and it is up to you to save it."

Amaliya was taken aback. She had always known that there was magic in the world, but she had never thought that it could be in danger.

"How can I save the magic?" she asked.

"You must find the source of the magic and protect it at all costs," said the birds. "But be warned, the path will be long and perilous, and you will face many obstacles along the way."

Amaliya knew that she had to take on this task, no matter how difficult it might be. She thanked the birds for their message and began her journey to save the magic of the world.

As she traveled, she encountered many strange and wondrous things. She met talking animals, visited enchanted forests, and even saw a rainbow-colored river that flowed uphill. But she also faced many dangers, like treacherous swamps and dark caves filled with monsters.

But through it all, Amaliya never lost faith in her mission. She knew that she was meant to save the magic, and that nothing could stop her.

Finally, after many months of travel, Amaliya reached her destination. It was a hidden grove deep in the heart of a dense forest, and it was guarded by a fierce dragon.

Amaliya knew that she had to defeat the dragon if she was to reach the source of the magic. She approached the dragon and spoke to it in a calm, soothing voice.

"Dragon," said Amaliya. "I have come to protect the source of the magic. Please let me pass."

The dragon snorted, sending a jet of flame into the air.

"You will never defeat me," said the dragon. "I am too powerful for a mere mortal like you."

But Amaliya refused to back down. She drew on her inner strength and summoned all the magic she had seen in her travels. She closed her eyes and visualized the purple clouds, the singing birds, and the rainbow-colored river. And then, with a burst of energy, she unleashed a powerful spell that enveloped the dragon in a bright light.

When the light faded, the dragon was gone, and Amaliya was left standing before the source of the magic. It was a small crystal, glowing with a bright light that illuminated the entire grove.

Amaliya knew that she had succeeded in her mission. She had saved the magic of the world, and it would continue to flourish for generations to come.

And every night at midnight, as she looked up at the purple clouds dancing with the blushing sky, Amaliya knew that the magic was still alive, and that she had played a part in keeping it that way.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Al Jafeer Ahamed

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