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The Price of Happiness

The Cost of Selfishness

By Ben SchmidtPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

The leaves crunched underneath Evelyn’s feet as she walked. They would meet at a restaurant or cafe to catch up on their lives. Life wasn’t the same since the virus but some things were starting to return to normal. Most of the damage happened when she was a child but she knew that people were finally feeling a little safe again.

She met Aidan when they were children and in their youth they were inseparable. Aidan became a college professor at the local university. Aidan’s wife Samantha was selected for him about six years ago, so finding time to catch up with each other had become increasingly difficult. Evelyn’s own husband Devin was picked for her fourteen years ago. They had two children, Adam and Helen. She adored them more than anything. She reached the restaurant and found that Aidan was already there waiting for her.

“Aidan!” she called out to him.

“Lynn!” he stood and approached her, and embraced her in a hug.

She inhaled deeply and took in the comforting scent of cologne and old books.

“How do you always smell like old books?! Ever think of joining the 21st century?” she teased.

“How many times have we had this conversation? You know there’s nothing like the feel of paper between your fingers. Staring at tablets for hours on end hurts my eyes anyway so it works out,” he said. They had silly arguments like this since they were kids.

“So, how are the kids?” Aidan asked.

“Adam is ten now can you believe it? He’ll be in middle school next year. He’s nervous but really excited, he really enjoys school,” she said.

“Oh? That’s good. Any favorite subjects?”

“He really enjoys history. You should see his face light up when he’s talking about it,” she replied. A faint sad smile crossed Aidan’s lips.

“I see… well it’s a fascinating subject. Helps to see where we went wrong and what we might be able to do better,” he said.

It had been almost an hour since they arrived and Evelyn was getting antsy. “Ya know you always get like this Lynn,” Aidan quipped. Evelyn gave a little pout.

“It wouldn’t hurt if you had a few nerves from time to time too,”

“Oh trust me I get nervous every time. Probably more than you, but unlike you, I’m just better at hiding it. You never were very good at poker,” he said winking at the same time.

Leaving the restaurant they headed down an alley as a shortcut to their next destination. Seizing the moment Evelyn pushed Aidan up against the wall and pulled his tie to bring his face down to hers. She gave him the most passionate kiss she could muster. Aidan was both visibly excited and terrified, a blush creeping into his cheeks. “What happened to that poker face you’re so proud of?” Evelyn drove in her point.

“Hey, this is different! The Ministry has eyes and ears everywhere you know that!” he said in a whispered yell.

“You’re sometimes a smidge overcautious for your own good,” she said as they continued on.

The hotel room was plain, neutral colored walls, and the smell of cheap cigarettes. But this room was the most special in the world, for tonight. They tried to move around and choose different hotels to avoid suspicion. Aidan had been right earlier; The Ministry did watch everyone closely.

Aidan showed no signs of shyness or restraint from earlier as he devoured Evelyn’s mouth. She didn’t even know when their clothes had come off. She was standing against the doorway in her underwear. Aidan pressed against her as she ached to be touched. She pulled his hand between her thighs and let out a small moan as he obliged her longing. He got a handful of her auburn hair as he pulled her in closer. Their tongues found each other and their kiss made it hard to breathe.

Evelyn pushed Aidan onto the bed and removed her last remnants of clothing. She removed his as well and got on top of him. As she lowered herself onto him Aidan let out a sigh “Shit… Lynn…” She loved this side of him.

“It never gets old does it?” her breath quickened. They had been doing this since they were teenagers. She quickened her pace and noticed her pendant bouncing against her chest. Aidan had given it to her when they were still in high school, it was one of her most treasured possessions. She had been meaning to get a new chain for it after all these years.

While she was lost in thought Aidan took advantage and rolled on top of her. His breathing was getting quicker signaling he was almost finished. Luckily she was close too and they climaxed together. They laid close together and held one another wishing this moment could last forever. “So Aidan are you trying to have a third kid or what?” she giggled.

“Well… It’s the only thing I have to show the world that you’re mine in some way,” he said.

She understood but she didn’t like when he got gloomy. They had so little time together… Evelyn noticed Aidan’s hair had a salt and pepper-like quality to it now. How long has it been like that? He’d always had the look of her childhood friend but it was clear the years had been stressful to him.

“Do you know how infuriating it is to have the world tell you that you’re not the right one for the woman you love?”

That upset her “Of course I do… I’m in the same position or did you forget? They picked a partner for you too. We knew this was a possibility when we learned exactly what the Family Health and Safety Act meant. They might choose our partner but they can’t choose who our hearts belong to,” Evelyn said gesturing to the heart-shaped pendant around her neck.

Evelyn let out a sigh “That’s why I went into epidemiology. If I can somehow prove that the virus isn’t linked to certain gene factors then maybe we can get the law repealed,”

“We both know this law isn’t really about the welfare of the people. It’s all about control,” Aidan replied. He took a deep breath “I’m sorry, I know this is hard on you too. I just hate having to hide and pretend we’re just friends. Devin and Samantha deserve better than two people just going through the motions,” that stung but Evelyn knew he was right.

Where the hell is it?! Evelyn was panicking, she couldn’t find her pendant. She had it when she was with Aidan yesterday. “Umm sweetheart we have some visitors,” Devin entered the room. “Who is it? I don’t really have time, I’m running late as it is.” She was practically tearing the room apart. “About that… It’s Inspector Laslow from the Ministry of Family and Health.” He seemed nervous. “Your coworker? What does she want from you that can’t wait till you get there?” She was a little confused. Mrs. Laslow was an officer of the Ministry just like her husband Devin. “That’s the thing, she apparently needs to speak with you,” Devin seemed as confused as she was.

I might as well get this over with.

Evelyn straightened up a bit and went to the door. “Hello, Inspector Laslow what brings you by this morning?”

She didn’t like the feeling she got when she saw Inspector Laslow. Laslow was always prickly by nature but she seemed extra perturbed.

“Ministry business I’m afraid Mrs. Hale,” she said.

What kind of business could she have with me?

“Very well, please come in.”

This was very odd, Ministry business was almost never good.

“I think this would best be done at the office,” was her response.

“Surely this can be cleared up here Tara,” Devin came to his wife’s defense.

“Very well but remember I attempted to spare you the details Devin,” Evelyn was beginning to panic after hearing that.

“I suspect you might be looking for this Mrs. Hale,”

Evelyn’s heart dropped when she saw what the inspector was holding. It was her pendant.

“Tara you had me worried! Here I thought this was something serious. Evelyn had been looking all over for that, but where the hell did you find it?” Devin seemed to relax a bit.

“A hotel downtown actually,” Laslow said matter of factly.

“Wh-wh-why would it be there Evelyn?” Devin looked to his wife. A lump formed in her throat, she couldn’t speak.

“Why indeed… as you know occasionally lost items make their way to us. Naturally, we looked into who had that room and checked the cameras in the surrounding area. Lo and behold we see you going into the hotel with someone who is not your Ministry assigned partner,” Inspector Laslow filled the silence as dread filled the room.

“We suspect that you’ve been having an affair with one Aidan Ashford for some time now. This also leads us to believe that your offspring are the product of this unsanctioned union. If that is indeed the case then that puts the whole community at risk. You work in the medical field Mrs. Hale I don’t need to tell you this,” Evelyn could feel her world crumbling as Inspector Laslow spoke. “A genetic test will be performed and if our suspicions are then confirmed we will have no choice but to eradicate the problem,” she said coldly.

“We will be taking a DNA sample from you, and Mr. Ashford for comparison,” she said as she took out two sealed cotton swabs. Evelyn really had no choice but to comply. The process was over fast. “We will be in touch with the results, please have a good morning,” Inspector Laslow said with little emotion as she left their home.

Everything was tense, Evelyn felt like she was watching someone else’s life play out. Then Devin broke the silence.

“I’m not their father am I?...” his mood seemed different somehow.

Evelyn began to sob, she weakly shook her head.

“Well, I kind of had an idea. I’ve had my suspicions about your relationship for a while now. Blood or not, to me they’re my children and I won’t let anything happen to them if I can help it.”

“What can be done? Once they get his sample it’s over.”

“And what if they don’t get it? Look, I’m not so naive to think that just not getting his sample will be the end of it but I work in that office too, I’ll figure something out,” Devin said. “What are you saying?” she couldn’t quite grasp his plan.

“I’m saying, you get to him before they do and you two flee north. They won’t chase you that far trust me,”

She was beginning to grasp the plan. But that means that…

“You won’t be able to see Adam and Helen ever again,” he said.

“I know this hurts but at least they’ll be safe and maybe you will be able to find happiness with the one you actually love…”

Evelyn knew something like this could happen someday but she hadn’t prepared for how much it might hurt or that she might have to leave her children.

“Devin… I’m so sorry. It’s just-”

“Please don’t… I understand I really do, but let’s not do this. You can’t help that you love him just like I can’t help that I love you,” he interrupted her before she could finish.

“Take only what you absolutely need and I’ll try to handle what I can. Goodbye Evelyn, be safe.”

Evelyn gave him a hug and began to gather her things. She had no way of knowing how things would go. Aidan and her would start a life together. Is this what it takes to be happy? Or perhaps is this the cost of my selfishness? She thought as she stepped out her front door.


About the Creator

Ben Schmidt

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    Ben SchmidtWritten by Ben Schmidt

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