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The people with painted skin

A story of adventure in love

By Kendrix YasirPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

"Mummy tell me the story" "Tell me the story!" The little girl squeal. her mother laughs "which one"  she said

"the people with painted skin"  she whispered as of telling a precious secret. "hmm? don't recall that one" the mother said feigneing confused

"mama !!"  "okay...okay but I tell you that one every night don't you get tired of hearing it?" "no mama its my favorite"

"okay once upon a time in a little tribe long long ago there people in the tribe the played a game every year you have to be sixteen or older as a sign of coming to adulthood.

during this game there will be nine people playing in total four boys four girls one seeker 8 hidents. so starting the game each person will paint their skin one of three colors.

white as white as snow. brown as muddy as the Forest floor. Black as dark smoke from a firing volcano. Each color is hint to were  they will hide.

the seeker paint is different blood red eyes long Raven hair pure white skin. skin painted with symbols of the elements. A different color for each symbol. pictures of Rocky mountain peaks, glaciers, volcanoes, cave, Rivers all over her skin. 

Each member of the game has an assigned starting square they leave the color paint they painted there skin there. While the seeker is at home preparing. The players get ready the seeker give them a week head start to get to the hiding destination.

They're not playing a regular game each participant will be hiding in a spot all over the world.

the day she comes to the starting squares she found three with white so they went to the cold lands two browns so they went to the Bahaj Forest but if you travel deep enough turns into a jungle.

Two black so they went to hide in the Crevest coves. So pitch black inside you have to bring silver glow stones to see. one person left she moved along the line only two become confused to see Orange.

No one is supposed to go outside of the three colors its white black and brown
she thinks

they know is that bad go outside of the colors it would be saying you're ashamed of who you are. A disgrace to our tribe. Its our tribal colors why would anyone pick a different color?

she thought not thinking to too much in to it "they will have to face the consequences when the game's over for not following the rules there's nothing I can do now they're already gone" she said out loud to herself.

Assuming he went to lava of River. A river made up a lava but a  thin layer of lava never cools or Hardens because of how fast the lava flows over the water. Underneath the lava the small bits that did Hardin turned into Jewles of all kinds and only the tribe knows this because there special. There skin can withstand anything. Impenetrable there skin is very thick and can withstand the high heat of the lava and can swim underneath the lava and to the treasured water beneath. Writing all the information she got on the players down in a little notebook.

She had decided to go to the lava rivers last thinking he would be there but was she wrong so so wrong. She found the first seven with ease but everywhere the contestants there was always a number eight painted in orange paint but the 8th contestant was never there. going to the lava rivers was the most difficult because it was at the bottom of volcanic mountain range and she had to travel over it and down it to the river.

She cannot find him she went under the water and to all the other hiding areas. in the forest, cold land, Crevest coves and mountains but could not find him. She decided to go back to the tribe with her sad news."

In tears the little girl said "what next what next mama" "I'll tell you if you let me finish without any interruptions" the mother scolded.

Everytime she told this story her mother emotions would change she would act differently while telling the story like she's retelling someone's past. Telling history. and she didn't like her mother up set so she replied.

"okay ok" the little girl mumbled with a pout on her face
"Thank you" the mother replied appreciatively

"She would be a disgrace no one in there tribe history has anyone ever failed the game"

"the seeker rushed home to give the bad news. This has never happened before and she was afraid of the consequences of not finding a player the game is supposed to teach the new adults how to survive on their own but they always come back they always find each other and always find a way to communicate with each other if they don't. So she had no idea what to do. Every year a new seeker is picked just like new players. The thing about this seeker is that she is so naive and innocent like new baby Lion innocent wouldn't harm a blade of grass if she could but very smart so people in the tribe Envy's her and there is quite a few people that even goose a far as to loathe her and use her mistakes to their glory and make her look like a fool.  She never did anything wrong. She never does anything wrong besides being clumsy and accidentally break a glass. And she doesn't want to do anything wrong and little did she know was what's she was going to do to her and her life when she got home something that she hasn't ever done before" the mother stops right there she cutting off before getting to the good part. She never does tell the little girl what happens when she gets to the tribe she wouldn't even make up an ending

"Mama if you don't want to tell me what really happened could you makeup an ending for me then."


"I  will do no such thing I will not destroy such powerful story such historical story. Such truth with a maid up ending with a lie"  the mother said to her daughter getting frustrated. "Well  then could you tell me what really happened then"  the little girl pleads


the mother says

What she always says

"I'll tell you when you're older you understand then" the mother leans over and tucks her daughter in. Giving her kiss the head "goodnight darling" "goodnight mama." The little girl whispers.

Grabbing the thick book she was reading from from the nightstand she stands up and leaves not forgetting to turn off the lights and turning on the crescent moon shape night light.

Taking one last look at her mother and the big book in her arms with a man with painted skin on it.

Her mother close the door behind her.

The little girl turning over on her side when I'm older she thinks closing her eyes

"When I'm older"


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    KYWritten by Kendrix Yasir

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