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The Overflowing Void

Chapter 1: Scream

By Shawn LowryPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. But I don’t believe that you have to hear their scream to know they exist. In fact, everything they say, or rather communicate in their unique way, is immediately forgotten as soon as their presence is no longer felt. I’ve already lost the minds of many of my finest crewmates to the insanity that these creatures— that these monsters— have brought about. Over the past few Stardates, my crew has been bringing me the strangest news. This news is such that if I were to share it here… [Clears throat] Well. I’d rather not think about that…

So who are they? That’s a question which I cannot answer. At least, not at this time. Even if I wanted to, the security of this entire ship would be put to risk. But not relaying all vital pieces of information could risk my position as Captain… [Cough] But then again, if any member of my crew knew about them, we would all be in trouble. We’re in enough trouble with me, and me alone, solely possessing knowledge about these creatures. If one of my crewmates listened to this StarLog, a complete panic would break loose. But I have to share what I do know here so that I may remember it later. I fear that the life of every member of my 4,000-person team hangs in the balan…

[Inaudible murmuring]

Ask somebody else. I’m a little busy right now

[Inaudible murmuring]

[46 seconds of silence]

Aight, where was I? Ah, yes. I know about the creatures. I’ve seen their demonic forms. And… It seems as though my time to relay this information is running out. I can feel their presence fading away. And soon enough I won’t remember anything about them or this experience. So what I do know about them I must share here. I used to keep secret notebooks so I could read my notes later and know about these creatures. But when I started to write more and more, the notebooks started to burst. They would spontaneously combust, but there were never any flames. Always a speedy swirling of what I can only call time crystals that would disintegrate just as fast as they formed. And then. The notebook would be gone. It’s beyond any technology that we have access to on this ship. Honestly, it’s beyond any technology that I’ve ever seen. Or even read about. It’s the type of transformative teleportation that we’ve only begun to theorize about in the best labs in the galaxy. Human led or otherwise.

But where the notebooks were physical, at least this Log is quantum-protected. At least I won’t lose access to it. And I can deal with my crew later. So here goes nothing: It all started in Year 2309, Stardate Alpha.22-Theta.40-Epsilon.3

We had just landed on this strange planet during the previous Epsilon right after our narrow escape from Zinzadus Strizonia. We went to help the Strii recover from their planetary cataclysm. We knew that the other species wanted nothing to do with us or didn’t deserve our help, but the Strii had always lived on a moral high ground that was acceptable to us. They accepted our help, but when we landed on their secure base we were met with hostility, the likes of which we had never experienced. Our ship became the target of Mass Attacks and Temporal Distortions. So, we fled, with barely enough power to leave the atmospheres. Flying through space, using only the power that the distant Sun could recharge in that instant, we eventually crash landed mere meters from where our ship lays dormant now: a planet that doesn’t exist on any StarChart. We began fixing the ship, but as my crew went outside to fix the ship, they began to go mad! I requested backup from every species nearby, but nobody answered. Our calls became pleas. And our pleas became nonexistent once every ounce of energy was expended from our ship’s reserves. And never an answer was received. Not even a declaration of acknowledgment.

But, I fear that we’re all gonna be dead soon anyway. If the creatures don’t bring our destruction, my crew may destroy themselves. I fear that… now that our energy stores are depleted and curiously not recharging in this farcical brightness… we may run out of food. Growing more would require more time than we have. The only option is to use [18 seconds of silence] but that’s not something I would ever do [clears throat] my crew is too important to me. There must be another way! As long as I live, so shall my crew…

Where was I? Ah! StarChart. The planet we’re on… it doesn’t exist on any StarChart. None that I’ve read. I memorized every StarChart that existed when I was in the Academy. And I’ve made sure to stay up to date since. Every true Exploration Captain needs to.

Where was I? Ah! We need to save the Strii! [Click] {Muffled: Attention all crew. Prepare for takeoff. The Strii need…} What did they need? I know I have it written down somewhere… [papers rustle] where is it? [Papers rustle]

Ah! There it is. [Click] {Muffled: Attention all crew. Attention all crew. The Strii need our help. They have had a cata… [Mechanical whirring and wind swirling] What the Hell is happening!? It looks like Time Crystals. But they’re unstable. And flying! I’ve never seen anything like this before}

[Inaudible murmuring]


[Inaudible murmuring]

Well, why didn’t you come and see me sooner?

[Inaudible murmuring]

What do you mean I was busy!?

[Inaudible murmuring]

[12 seconds of silence]

[Inaudible murmuring]

What do you mean they didn’t know? It’s their job to know!

[Inaudible murmuring]

Alright! Alright! I’m coming. Just a second! Let me grab my cloak, I’m coming right out

[Inaudible murmuring]

Nothing is worth rushing me like that!

I’ll have you and your whole family sent to the Hole! Don’t try me!

I am your captain and shall not be disrespected


[Door creaks]

[Loud scream]

[Door slams]

[62 seconds of silence]

[Inaudible murmuring]

[5 minutes of silence]

Captain’s Log, Year 2309, Stardate Alpha.23-Theta.47-Epsilon.16.42.006


About the Creator

Shawn Lowry

Shawn Lowry is a Creative Enthusiast: Writer and poet, artist, game inventor, and general creator

His first movie manuscript placed as a finalist in the Hollywood Screenplay Contest

He has a published children's book and more on the way

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Comments (3)

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  • Grace Gerrish2 years ago

    Wow, I really enjoyed this concept. The use of silence and unknown backtalk was humoring and entertaining, whilst also making me feel like I was put right into the begging of a science fiction thriller. Good work!

  • Jori T. Sheppard2 years ago

    Fantastic idea. Great premise. Very creative and enjoyable. Keep up the good work.

  • Kat Thorne2 years ago

    Cool concept!

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