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The Origin of Music

A Myth Unraveling the Birth of Melody

By Abnoan MunizPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
The Origin of Music
Photo by Simon Noh on Unsplash

In the primordial times, before civilization dawned, Earth was a silent realm. There were no songs of birds, no whispers of the wind, no rustling of leaves, nor the sound of water rushing in rivers. The world was rich in colors and scents, but it lacked the symphony of sounds. All creatures lived in quietude, their existence limited to mere visuals and tactile senses.

In this silent world, the gods observed the Earth and its inhabitants from the celestial realm. They noticed a profound emptiness, a void that the beauty of the Earth couldn't fill. The gods held a conclave to discuss the issue, and it was Euphonia, the goddess of harmony, who pointed out what was missing - Sound.

Euphonia, the divine weaver of harmonies, proposed a solution. She suggested bestowing upon the world the gift of sound, not just noise but organized, rhythmic noise that carried with it emotions and feelings. Euphonia spoke of music, a concept unknown to the Earth. The gods agreed to her proposal, intrigued by the new dimension that music could add to existence.

And so, the goddess Euphonia began her divine work. With threads of cosmic energies, she wove the fabric of sound. She collected the laughter of stars, the sighs of nebulae, and the whispers of comets. She added the rhythm of pulsars and the harmony of celestial bodies revolving in their orbits. Each thread carried its unique sound, contributing to the divine symphony that Euphonia was composing.

Once the first divine melody was complete, Euphonia descended upon the Earth. She released the cosmic melody into the world, filling the air with the soft hum of music. The trees swayed to the rhythm, and the rivers flowed in sync with the melody. The winds whistled in harmony, and even the flowers bloomed in a musical blossoming.

This divine music was the first language that every being understood. It resonated in the hearts of all creatures, human and animal alike. The melody carried emotions - joy, sadness, love, hope, and the entire spectrum of feelings. The world was no longer silent; it was a grand stage for Euphonia's symphony.

Soon, birds began to sing, learning from the music in the wind. Wolves howled in the night, their voices carrying the melody of the celestial song. Humans, too, found their voice in music. They sang, hummed, and whistled, adding their tunes to the grand symphony.

Euphonia was pleased with her creation, but she felt something was still missing. The music was there, but it was transient, disappearing as soon as the notes were sung. There was a need for something that could sustain the music, allow it to linger even after the song had ended.

With this new purpose, Euphonia once again climbed to her celestial abode. This time, she collected the echoes of ancient galaxies, the resonances of black holes, and the vibrations of quasars. She combined them, creating a new set of threads, denser and more enduring. With these, she wove the first musical instruments.

Euphonia gifted these instruments to the different creatures of Earth. To humans, she gave a diverse set - drums made from the heartbeats of dying stars, flutes from the whispers of the wind, lyres from the resonances of celestial strings, and many more. Each instrument was a piece of the cosmos, carrying a unique cosmic echo.

As humans discovered the instruments, they found that they could capture their emotions in a tangible form. The beat of a drum echoed their hearts, the strum of a lyre mirrored their thoughts, and the whisper of a flute reflected their souls. Music became an extension of their being, a language that transcended words.

The world transformed. Music echoed from every corner of the Earth. It became a medium of expression, a mode of communication, and a source of joy. Music turned into a bridge, connecting hearts, shaping societies, and ultimately, crafting civilizations.

The tale of Euphonia and her divine symphony passed down generations. It was a reminder of the celestial origins of music and a testament to the power it held. Music was not merely sound; it was the cosmic language of emotions, the celestial symphony composed by the goddess herself, and a gift that filled the silent world with rhythm and harmony.

Even today, every note that we play, every song that we sing, carries with it a fragment of Euphonia's original melody. When we listen to the birds singing, the wind whispering, or the river flowing, we witness the grand symphony that plays incessantly, the symphony that brought life to the silent world.

So, next time when a melody moves your heart, remember its divine origin. Celebrate the gift of Euphonia and realize that music is not just sound. It's a cosmic language, a celestial harmony that connects us all. It echoes the rhythm of the universe, and within its notes, it carries the power to move hearts, to stir souls, and to bridge worlds.

In the grand orchestra of existence, each one of us is an instrument. We carry within us the echoes of the original symphony, contributing our unique notes to the cosmic melody. Remember, we are not just the listeners of this grand music; we are also its composers, its performers. So, let us play our parts well, adding our unique notes to this divine symphony, and continue the legacy of music that Euphonia started, transcending time and space.


About the Creator

Abnoan Muniz

Brazilian Senior Software Engineer

Diagnosed with ADHD at 30, my perspective of life took a transformative turn, breathing new life into my world.

A lot of creativity and unconventional thinking you will find here.

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