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The Mystic Rock

P@ssw0rd! Reset

By Sankaran SomasundaramPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Steve was having a regular routine summer day. He had come back from his school and started his research on rocks. Steve loves rocks. His phone chimed at that time with a new notification. He got distracted and was on his phone, like any typical 10th grader would do... He hopped on his computer to find out more about the new notification and started watching the new show on Netflix.

Just then, his mom knocked on his room and asked him if he did his chores for the day. He thought to himself, “Why Mom! Why now?” and started to go downstairs to do the dishes. Steve hates doing dishes. Who doesn’t? He ran back to his room, grabbed his computer, and went back downstairs with his computer and started watching his show while doing the dishes at the same time. Steve knew how to make his life fun and more enjoyable!

As he was watching his show, there appeared a sign “Low Battery”! “Not again...” he said to himself and ran back to get his charger. He immediately plugged his computer to the charger and went about his routine.

Just 5 minutes into the work, his dog Boss, came running from nowhere and before he knew it, the computer was inside the sink soaking wet.! Steve reacted immediately to save his computer, but he didn’t know the damage was already done. He frantically turned on the computer to check if it will work again. He was worried about all his photos, his schoolwork, and his work of arts. Steve likes to do digital art and he also likes to write stories. He has quite a following on social media. His most famous work on social media had 400,000 likes which was a digital art with his unique touch.

Steve's Digital Art

He was really worried about all that and everything flashed through his mind within seconds. As he feared, his computer was not turning on. He tried few times and with no luck and a sense of defeat, he was feeling low and sat next to the table with his hand to his head not able to think what to do next. He immediately got an idea to leave the computer to dry in the sun. After a couple of hours he tried to reboot the computer. The computer was turning on this time, but instead of his home screen, he got the screensaver which had a mystic rock and a small place on the screen which had the words “Reset Your password”.

It was ages since Steve reset his computer password! But Steve was confused with this and was wondering what this has got to do with the mystic rock and was worried if his computer got hacked. He called his friend Nick on video call to show what had happened. He was shocked to see this mystic rock and he came running over to his house.

“How come? Did you tell anyone?”

“No… Why would I? said Steve.

“Alright. Let’s not panic. Don’t type in anything”

“Give me your phone… Maybe it is time”

Steve and Nick had been researching online about the mystic rock for quite some time after they had come across the legend that these rocks have mysterious powers and only the chosen ones can find the whereabouts of them!

They were secretly planning on a trip to the mountains near Nepal to find if they can get these rocks. They decided it was time to execute their plans. They talked to their parents about this trip to Nepal and did the needed arrangements to fly. Before he knew, they were flying to Kathmandu, Nepal.

They started their journey to this mountain base “Kaala Pathar” meaning “Black Stone”. Steve thought he is going to find his mystic rock and find his true meaning in life.

As they were going about their journey, Steve saw a sage standing at the corner of the hotel they were staying. Steve was pulled towards him and started to follow him. He walked away looking at Steve. Steve kept following him. After a while, the sage entered a trail which led to a cave. Steve was not sure if he was doing the right thing, but his legs kept walking towards the cave. The sage was already sitting in his meditative posture and was like he was expecting Steve.

Steve approached the sage and as soon as he neared him, he opened his eyes, smiled, and started saying these words.

“When the Wind stops, there will be silence. When you listen to the silence, there will be light! The chosen one will find it…Follow your heart. Om! Nama Shivaya!”.

He smiled and closed his eyes again. Steve was confused with these words. He left the cave. He came back and said Nick about the experience he had, and they were on their expedition. They camped at the base 1 of their journey after a long day’s trek thinking about how their life had changed in matter of days. Well Rested, the next couple of days, they were trekking trying to find the mystic rock. Their journey was supposed to last 4 days and they had to make their way back.

On day three, there were heavy winds blowing from the north and they couldn’t set their camp. They had to find shelter in the mountain somehow, before it was dark. The cold winds kept it extremely difficult, and they were struggling to find their way.

At that time, they saw a small cave and thought it is the best option at hand and they tried to find shelter there. As soon as they entered the cave, the wind stopped blowing and there was complete silence. Steve saw something miraculous before his eyes. In the cave, he found the beautiful mystic rock shining with a golden light. At the exact time, he remembered the sage’s words...

“When the Wind stops, there will be silence. When you listen to the silence, there will be light!”

He went towards it and picked it up in his hand…He was hoping that this would turn him into a superhuman with extraordinary powers.

Right at this time, he heard sounds

“Thud! Thud! Wake up!”.

He opened his eyes to see, his mom was waking him up. Steve looked confused!

“Was it all a dream?!!”

He rushed to his computer and turned it on from its sleep. Steve saw the same mystic rock and the phrase “Reset Your Password”!


About the Creator

Sankaran Somasundaram

I love to travel, write and enjoy nature.

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