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The mystery of the magic prophecy

I am a student at the Magic Academy, and I am full of curiosity and passion for magic. I accidentally found a book about the prophecy of the end of the world, and I started to investigate the authenticity of this mysterious prophecy in the academy during the exam period

By qingyuan wuPublished 9 months ago 6 min read

I am a student at the magic academy, and I am full of curiosity and passion for magic. I accidentally found a book about the prophecy of the end of the world, and I started to investigate the authenticity of this mysterious prophecy in the academy during the exam period.

I found some information about the prophecy book in the library, and I found that this book was written by an ancient magician, who had predicted many major events, all of which were proven to be accurate. He wrote in the book that when a genius with seven kinds of elemental magic appeared in the world, it would be the beginning of the end of the world. He also wrote that only by finding a mysterious item named "the key of fate" could the end of the world be prevented.

I was very shocked and curious, and I wanted to know if this prophecy would really happen, and what "the key of fate" was. I decided to continue to study this prophecy in depth and look for relevant clues and evidence.

At the elemental magic item auction, I accidentally got a magic powder that could resurrect the dead, and I faced moral dilemmas and huge challenges. I didn't know if this powder really had such an effect, nor did I know if it was related to the prophecy. I wanted to test its effect, but I was worried that it would cause irreversible consequences.

I decided to hide this powder first and seek some professional opinions. I found a magic scholar named Amelia, who had a deep research and understanding of elemental magic. She told me that this powder was made by an evil magician, who had used it to resurrect his dead wife, but it caused her to become a monster without soul and emotion.

Amelia warned me that this powder was very dangerous, it would destroy the balance between the dead and the living, and it would also cause serious harm to the user. She suggested that I hand it over to the administrators of the academy and let them deal with it. But I hesitated, because I wanted to know if it could help me find "the key of fate", or reveal the secret behind the prophecy.

After considering for a while, I decided to keep this powder temporarily and continue to investigate the prophecy book. I felt that this powder might be an important clue, maybe it could guide me to the truth. But I also kept it very carefully and didn't use it easily.

In the following days, I encountered some strange and dangerous things. I met a little fairy with mental interference ability, which could control other people's thoughts and emotions. It was interested in me and tried to use its ability to influence me. It made me have a strong curiosity and desire for the prophecy book, and also made me have a strong impulse and desire for the magic powder. It also made me have doubts and hostility towards my friends and classmates, and even made me do some dangerous and stupid things.

I began to feel that my mind was disturbed, and I could hardly distinguish between reality and illusion. I wanted to get rid of this little fairy's control, but I didn't know how to deal with it. I could only try to keep sane and look for some people or things that could help me.

I was sent to explore an ancient ruin in the forbidden area, looking for a lost magic stone, which was said to have powerful magic ability. This was an important exploration mission organized by the academy, and only excellent students could participate. I was selected because I performed well in the magic exam and showed great potential.

I felt that this was a rare opportunity, maybe it could help me find some clues about the prophecy book and the magic powder. I decided to participate in this mission and prepared all the necessary equipment and items. I also brought that magic powder, although I didn't intend to use it, but I felt that it might be useful.

I went to the forbidden area with several other students, led by an experienced tutor. On the way, we encountered many difficulties and dangers, including beasts, traps, puzzles, enemies, etc. We needed to use our wisdom and courage to overcome them and continue to move forward.

After a long and hard journey, we finally arrived at the entrance of the ancient ruin. There was a huge stone door with some strange symbols and patterns carved on it. The tutor told us that those symbols and patterns were a kind of ancient password, only by unlocking them could we open the stone door and enter the ruin.

The tutor asked us to divide into several groups, each group responsible for unlocking a symbol or pattern. He said that this was an opportunity to test our intelligence and teamwork ability, as well as an opportunity to show our strength and talent. He said that the first group to unlock the password would get a special reward and have the right to enter the ruin first.

I joined a group of four students, they were: Allen, Bella, Charles and Danielle. They were all excellent and smart students who had a deep interest and research in magic. They expressed their friendliness and respect to me and invited me to cooperate with them to unlock the password.

I accepted their invitation and started to study the password with them. I found that the password was very complex and difficult to understand, it involved various kinds of magic knowledge and principles. I needed to use the magic theory and skills I had learned, as well as my logical thinking and creativity, to interpret and decipher them.

I found that my group was very harmonious and efficient, we communicated and discussed with each other, and looked for and tried various possible answers. I felt that we had a good tacit understanding and cooperation, as well as similar interests and goals. I developed a deep trust and friendship with them, and also felt their respect and support for me.

After several hours of hard work, we finally succeeded in unlocking the password and opening the stone door. We cheered excitedly and hugged each other. The tutor came over and praised and encouraged us, and announced our reward. He said that we could enter the ruin first and explore it freely for a while. He also said that we could find and keep a magic item that we liked in the ruin as a reward for us.

We were very happy and honored, we thanked the tutor and rushed into the ruin. The ruin was a huge and mysterious space, filled with all kinds of ancient and strange magic items and devices. We felt like we had entered a dreamlike world, every thing made us curious and amazed.

I dispersed with my group members, each looking for something that interested them. I wandered in the ruin, exploring every corner with my eyes and fingers. I found some very interesting and useful magic items, such as a wand that could change shape, a crystal ball that could record sound, an hourglass that could show time, etc. I felt that these items were very attractive, but I hadn't found the one that moved me.

At this time, I noticed a small wooden box hidden in the shadows, it looked very ordinary and inconspicuous, but it emitted a strange and strong breath. I felt a burst of curiosity and impulse, I walked over and opened the box. Inside was a thick book, the book cover was black leather, there were some gold letters on the spine. The book had a shocking title: "The Book of the End of the World Prophecy".

I could hardly believe my eyes, this book was actually the one that fascinated me deeply. It just appeared in front of me, as if arranged by fate. I felt that this was a rare opportunity, maybe it could help me find the answers about the prophecy book and the magic powder. I decided to take this book and make it my reward item.

But at this moment, a strong and terrifying vibration came, the whole ruin began to shake. The tutor's voice sounded in my ear, he said: "Hurry up, something big happened, we have to evacuate immediately!" I panickedly grabbed the book and ran to the exit. I saw other students and tutors also fleeing for their lives, their faces full of fear and horror.

I didn't know what happened, nor did I know if it was related to the prophecy book. I could only follow everyone out of the ruin and return to a safe place. I hid the book in my backpack and didn't let anyone see it. I felt that this book might be a big secret or a big danger. I decided to wait until I returned to the academy before studying it carefully and finding out its truth.

FableSci FiMysteryMicrofictionFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

qingyuan wu

I cover various genres and styles, including science fiction, fantasy, history, mystery, romance, etc. I have a deep insight and criticism of the real society, as well as a broad vision and exploration of the future world

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Fantastic! I’ll sign up for the magic academy!

qingyuan wuWritten by qingyuan wu

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