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The Mystery of Deja Vu

A Story of Deja Vu, Betrayal, and Forgiveness

By Haram MalikPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Emily walked into the coffee shop and had the strange feeling that she had been there before. The smell of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of the espresso machine, and the warm ambiance felt all too familiar. But Emily couldn't recall ever coming to this coffee shop before. She shrugged off the feeling and went to the counter to order her latte.

As she was waiting for her drink, Emily couldn't shake off the feeling of déjà vu. It was like she had lived this moment before. She looked around and noticed a man sitting in the corner, staring at her intently. She felt a chill down her spine, but she couldn't understand why.

Emily collected her latte and sat down at a small table by the window. She sipped her coffee and tried to shake off the feeling. She had a lot on her mind, and she didn't want to dwell on something as trivial as déjà vu.

As she was about to leave, the man in the corner approached her. "Excuse me, miss. I couldn't help but notice that you seemed a bit lost in thought. Is everything alright?" he asked.

Emily was taken aback by his friendly demeanour, but something about him felt off. She couldn't put her finger on it. "Yeah, everything's fine. Thanks for asking," she replied, trying to sound polite.

The man sat down across from her. "I know this might sound crazy, but have we met before?" he asked.

Emily's heart skipped a beat. "No, I don't think so," she replied, trying to hide her unease.

The man leaned in closer. "Are you sure? Because I could have sworn I've seen you before. It's like a strange feeling of déjà vu," he said, his voice trailing off.

Emily felt like she was in a nightmare. The feeling of déjà vu was overwhelming, and she didn't know how to explain it. "I'm sorry, I really don't know what you're talking about," she said, getting up to leave.

As she walked out of the coffee shop, Emily couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. She felt like she was being watched, but when she turned around, there was no one there. She shrugged it off and walked home, trying to put the strange encounter behind her.

The next day, Emily woke up to find a package on her doorstep. It was a book with no return address. She opened it up and found a note inside. "You can't escape your fate," the note read.

Emily was terrified. She didn't know who had sent the package or what it meant. The feeling of déjà vu came back, stronger than ever before. She couldn't shake it off, no matter how hard she tried.

Days turned into weeks, and Emily started to notice strange things happening around her. She would see the same man from the coffee shop following her on the street. She would receive anonymous phone calls with no one on the other end. She would wake up in the middle of the night, feeling like someone was in her apartment.

One day, Emily couldn't take it anymore. She went to the police and told them everything. They didn't take her seriously at first, but when they started to investigate, they found out that the man from the coffee shop was a known stalker. They arrested him and found evidence of his obsession with Emily.

Emily was relieved that the nightmare was over, but the feeling of déjà vu remained. It wasn't until months later that she discovered the shocking truth. The man who had stalked her was her biological father, who had abandoned her and her mother when she was a baby. She had never met him before, but the feeling of déjà vu was a sign that he had been watching her from a distance all along.

Emily was shocked and disgusted by the revelation. She couldn't believe that the man who had stalked her was her own father. She felt violated and betrayed. She went into therapy to deal with the trauma and to try to understand why her father had done what he did.

As she delved deeper into her past, Emily discovered that her father had a history of mental illness. He had been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for most of his adult life. Her mother had kept this a secret from her, hoping to protect her from the truth.

Emily realized that her déjà vu wasn't just a strange feeling; it was her intuition trying to tell her that something wasn't right. She wished she had listened to it sooner, but she was glad that she had finally found out the truth.

Emily tried to forgive her father, but it was difficult. She knew that he was sick, but she couldn't forget what he had done to her. She cut off all contact with him and tried to move on with her life.

Years went by, and Emily had built a successful career and a happy life for herself. She had a loving husband and two beautiful children. She still thought about her father from time to time, but she had learned to let go of the anger and resentment.

One day, she received a letter in the mail. It was from her father, who had been released from prison after serving his sentence. He apologized for what he had done and begged for her forgiveness.

Emily didn't know what to do. Part of her wanted to forgive him and try to rebuild their relationship, but another part of her was scared and didn't want to have anything to do with him.

In the end, Emily decided to meet with her father one last time. They talked for hours, and Emily tried to understand what had led him to do what he did. Her father was remorseful and ashamed. He told her that he loved her and that he would do anything to make things right.

Emily realized that forgiving her father wasn't about absolving him of his actions; it was about letting go of the anger and pain that had been holding her back for so long. She forgave him and said goodbye.

As Emily walked away, she felt a strange sense of déjà vu. But this time, it was different. It was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and she was finally free. She knew that her life would never be the same, but she was ready to face whatever came next with an open heart and a clear mind.

Short Story

About the Creator

Haram Malik

As a writer I, capture readers imagination and leave them spellbound. With a keen eye for detail, I paint vivid pictures with my words . My stories are filled with twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats.

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  • Haram Malik (Author)about a year ago

    Please do Visit my Youtube Channel & show some Love ✨💐

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