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The Mysterious Lady of Highway 167

A Journey Back in Time on an Empty Road

By DianaPublished 3 months ago 2 min read
The Mysterious Lady of Highway 167
Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

The Mysterious Lady of Highway 167

Imagine driving down a quiet road with your best friend, talking about all sorts of things, when suddenly, you spot something unbelievable! This is exactly what happened to two men, LC and his business partner Charlie (not their real names), on a sunny afternoon of October 20th, 1969. They were driving along Highway 167 in Southwest Louisiana, heading towards the oil center of Lafayette, when their ordinary day turned into a mystery they would never forget.

The highway was almost empty, making it easy to notice anything unusual. And unusual it was! Ahead of them, LC and Charlie saw a car that looked like it had jumped straight out of the past. It was an old model, the kind you'd only see in movies about the old days, but it looked shiny and new, as if it had been taken great care of. The men were so intrigued by this car that they slowed down to get a better look. They even noticed a bright orange sign on the back that read "1940."

But it wasn't just the car that caught their attention. Inside, they saw a young woman dressed in old-fashioned clothes, complete with a hat adorned with a long feather and a fur coat, which was odd since it was quite warm outside. Beside her was a child, also dressed warmly in a coat and hat. The woman looked around in panic, her face on the verge of tears. LC, feeling concerned, called out to her, asking if she needed help. She nodded, and he gestured for her to pull over.

Here's where the story takes a turn into the truly mysterious. When LC and Charlie parked their car and looked back, the woman's car had vanished! They were stunned. The road was clear, and there was nowhere the car could have hidden so quickly. Just then, another man drove up. He had seen everything and confirmed the car had simply disappeared into thin air.

The men were baffled and talked about what they had seen for hours. When they reached the city, they even went to the police to report the incident. But without any evidence other than their story, there was nothing the police could do. The strange case of the lady on Highway 167 was talked about for a while in local newspapers but eventually faded into obscurity.

Can you imagine seeing a car and its passengers from the past, only for them to disappear right before your eyes? This story leaves us with many questions. Was the woman a ghost, stuck in time? Or was it just a trick of the light? Whatever the truth may be, the mysterious lady of Highway 167 has left us with a story that tickles our curiosity and makes us wonder about the mysteries that might be hiding in plain sight on the roads we travel every day.


About the Creator


🌟 A Symphony of Words 🌟

Hello, fellow storytellers and dreamers! I'm Diana, I juggle the vibrant chaos of life, and by night, I transform into a guardian of tales, crafting stories that dance on the delicate edge of reality and fantasy.

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