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The Mud-flood

The Reset Conspiracy pt.#1

By 21° in LibraPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
The Mud-flood
Photo by Thomas Evans on Unsplash

-.. Question Everything…

-The world as we know it is a complete lie… .

- You were taught in schools by people who are taught in the school by people who are also talking to school taught by people who were taught in the school. Meaning no one alive today was around more than just a few generations ago

-to think history goes only so far back and that this is the only events time in the history of mankind is false.. To tune us into or with what they set for us like the rulers of this world have decided to tell us living in a program like a show you watch on a TV set. We've been lied to ..

-Everything we see is not the truth it’s a perspective everything we hear is not a fact it’s an opinion..

History literally repeats itself .- And that's because the rules of this whirl only let humanity get so fa,r before mankind becomes a threat with our advancements in technology and invention and weaponry, ..when that happens the face of the earth is then wiped out and humanity gets another reset.

This takes place every 300 years or so and we’re due for another the last one was between 1827 1833 worldwide it’s called

The Mud-Flood.

Our history has been rewritten they destroyed almost all of our true history and they did it right in front of our eyes in the middle of San Francisco at ..The World’s Fairs…. These world’s Fair as hell some of the most advanced architectural and inventions we’ve ever seen Buildings we can’t even replicate today.

The world's fairs encourage people from all over the world to bring the most advanced artifact of history that they had all lost in several fires at every world’s Fair held in the late 1800s early 1900. So we can have the antique with it for the public. Rewriting history and showing us that they destroyed it too right before our eyes..

A statue in DC shows the lincoln memorial of present Lincoln sitting in a chair that has two pillars as arms of the chair. These are called facets. Legend has it that there is an ancient weapon called a facet. -that used sound resonances intended to cause a Mud-Flood across the face of the earth. It represented power . Tartarians have taken over the world and rewritten history to fill their agenda ....


- Once upon a time there was a highly advanced civilization today known as great tartaria she was disappeared from our history books less than a century ago investiges are still everywhere the civilization dominated technologies more advanced than the present ones it's geopolitor concrete was eternal and grew stronger over time is gigantic iron and glass structures summoned by domes and metal needles were present on every continent

Fortunately the technology of free energy from the aether was destroyed and imprisoned and old technology reintroduced the cables and wires to distribute energy and make handsome profits

-The very first trains were built in 1827 and from 1880 to 1890 more than 70,300 miles of new lines were opened in that decade alone… supposedly.. The first steam powered railroad train began in 1804 cross country travel by train was not compelling the us until 1869.

We're then told that supposedly the Transcontinental railroad was built in just 6 years almost entirely by hand..spanning around 80,000 miles in its entirety .. highly unlikely..

From dec 18th 1811 through march of 1812 there were over 2000 earthquakes in the central midwest. And between 6000 to 10000 in the bootheel of Missour where New Madrid is located. In the know history no earthquake has ever lasted so long and resuoted in so much damage as the New Madrid Earthquakes of 1812 . 10x as large as the famous 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.

The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002 section 15. Note:- ( the Virginia company was turned into the United States during the non-occurring revolutionary war by the Freemason founding fathers who were serving the Grand Lodge of England.)

Tartaria was a vast country in the Northern parts of Asia bounded by Siberia on the north and west this is called great tartary.

Tartaria had its own language flag Crest its own emperor and of course it's on people universal language. In Greek Mythology Tartarus is both a deity and a place in the underworld In Roman Mythology Tartarus is a place where sinners are sent

This is Tartaria and even though it’s been written about in history and books it is now believed to be regarded only as a mythological country. Not a trace of what happened to it can be found anywhere past 1775 for some odd reason Leaving some with a little more questions than answers or answers to things we should have been asking long ago - like why is it that most of our buildings and structures seem to be built on top of older underground structures?....and all over the world?.. From various locations access each continent and covered in mud and evidence of our true past is buried in ruins forgotten..

If you go to any synagogue churches or other religious establishments you will always find amazing acoustically architectural masterpieces built inside them. And all with amazing organs bagpipes flutes etc and all relying on sound healing frequencies

- As the game resets the only remains are a few ancient artifacts and structures along with the remaining people that survived i.e. the " native" Americans.. That’s why its called history its [ HIS - story] … .The architecture of the buildings cannot be replicated even today yet we see people riding in horses and buggies beside giant skyscrapers and amazingly advanced and constructed buildings..

That’s why our timelines don’t add up and why we added a phantom year making it an extra thousand years on a timeline. Like the 21st century even though its just the 20th most cities have an underground section spanning at least a couple blocks all over the world that’s why this feats and the pyramids were said to be discovered in just the early 1800s and the sphinx was buried up to its neck

Or how parts of the same fossils phones belong to the same creature always found as if scattered across the ground as if whirled around in a sink hole or a pool of mud. Keeping most of us " asleep" right there at the - " bedrock".

When the controllers of this world inherited these buildings became in charge and a new system was put into place and a new narrative was created different controls that invented churches , establishments ,and schools , and universities , to brainwash us to control us. For power. And money.

Every civilization in the world throughout time has thought of us as a prisoner kept and trapped under a dome; a firmament...

-That’s why they’re called founding fathers..

.. cuz they just founded it..

Another interesting aspect is the fact that mythologies in various cultures throughout time including Greek had a name for hell that they called Tartarus so if its true and that Tartarians have took over and re wrote our history it’s like saying as if maybe hell took over?..

And the good lost the war? And maybe that means Armageddon already happened? And maybe Christ was defeated by Satan?..

Sounds like bullshit but It would make sense why we say the things we say today.. for example..

Hello..hell o.

Good morning

Mourning ...when in sadness of a death

I’m awake

A wake is a gathering at a funeral party

I earn a living and you die and are put in an urn

All of each expression all made after 1775..

Keeping us going about our day today still thinking we’re still waiting on a messiah to come save us

They have large amounts of hidden land thats hidden from us. That's it.. that’s the true extra terrestrial..

To fill their agenda they had to also erase themselves . Sealing away the true secrets of this world seven seals for seven countries. Hell took over quietly and then covered it all up mud....

" Ah helll who knows? Oops "Speak of the devil .. all the while we say curse words and spell words in cursive with a wand you see what I mean?


-Suddenly trains and trains full of caged passengers sped across America in 1837 or whatever year they decided it was...

There then the passengers are placed and setup like an attraction and then auctioned off. People would pay for a picture with them because it was so rare to to see any of these creatures...

These things were called then, and still are known even today as… children…

To be continued …


About the Creator

21° in Libra

"No man is an island for this i know, cant you see? Or maybe you were the ocean when i was just a stone .

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