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The mirror doesn't lie

By reader and explainer

By Reader And ExplainerPublished 14 days ago 3 min read
The mirror doesn't lie
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

### The Mirror Doesn’t Lie

#### Chapter 1: Reflections

Sarah stood in front of the old, ornate mirror that had been a fixture in her family’s home for generations. Its intricate, gilded frame whispered stories of a bygone era, and the glass, though slightly tarnished, held a peculiar clarity. She had always been fascinated by the mirror, convinced that it held more than just her reflection.

As a child, Sarah would spend hours gazing into it, imagining that it was a portal to another world. Her grandmother, Evelyn, had often told her stories about the mirror’s mystical properties, saying that it revealed truths hidden from the naked eye. But those were just tales, she thought. Sarah was now a practical woman, a journalist who believed only in hard evidence and facts.

Still, on this particular evening, something drew her to the mirror. She had just returned from a long day at the newspaper, feeling unusually weary. She looked at her reflection, and for a moment, it seemed as though the eyes staring back at her were not her own. They were filled with a wisdom and sadness she did not recognize. She shook her head, blaming her fatigue for the illusion, and turned away.

#### Chapter 2: Unearthed Secrets

The next morning, Sarah received a call that sent a chill down her spine. Her grandmother had passed away in her sleep. Sarah felt a deep sense of loss, not just for her grandmother, but for the connection to the past that Evelyn had embodied. She decided to take some time off to sort through her grandmother’s belongings and clear out the old house.

As she sifted through Evelyn’s things, Sarah found an old journal tucked away in a drawer. The leather-bound book was filled with delicate handwriting and sketches of the mirror. Intrigued, she began to read.

The journal detailed Evelyn’s own experiences with the mirror. She described how it had shown her glimpses of the future and revealed hidden truths about people. There were entries about family secrets, betrayals, and even warnings that had helped her avoid disasters. Sarah was skeptical but couldn’t help feeling a twinge of curiosity.

That night, Sarah stood before the mirror again, clutching her grandmother’s journal. “Show me the truth,” she whispered, half expecting nothing to happen. But the reflection in the mirror began to ripple like water. The room around her faded, and she found herself looking into a different place entirely.

#### Chapter 3: The Unseen World

In the mirror, Sarah saw a young woman who looked strikingly similar to her, sitting in what appeared to be the same room, but from a different time. The woman was crying, and behind her stood a man Sarah recognized from old family photos—it was her great-grandfather, a man shrouded in mystery and scandal.

The scene shifted, showing her great-grandfather hiding documents in a secret compartment behind the fireplace. Sarah’s heart raced. She had heard rumors of missing family heirlooms and financial discrepancies, but no one had ever found any evidence. The mirror was showing her the truth that had been buried for decades.

Determined to uncover more, Sarah spent the next few days exploring the house, following the clues from the mirror. She found the hidden compartment behind the fireplace and, inside, documents that revealed her great-grandfather’s misdeeds and the location of the missing heirlooms.

#### Chapter 4: Revelations

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Sarah felt a mixture of anger and relief. The truths the mirror revealed were painful, but they also provided closure to long-standing family mysteries. She realized that the mirror didn’t just show the truth—it demanded to be acknowledged, to be dealt with.

As she prepared to leave her grandmother’s house for the last time, Sarah stood before the mirror once more. Her reflection stared back, but this time, there was a sense of peace and understanding. The mirror had been a silent witness to generations of her family’s history, and now, it had passed its wisdom to her.

Sarah knew that she couldn’t keep the mirror. It belonged in the family, a guardian of truth. She decided to leave it for the next generation, hoping that they, too, would learn from its revelations. As she closed the door behind her, she felt a sense of closure and a renewed sense of purpose. The mirror didn’t lie, and now, neither would she.

Short StoryAdventure

About the Creator

Reader And Explainer

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