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The Map of the Lost

Natural disasters

By Karina RuizPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The Map of the Lost
Photo by Marjan Blan | @marjanblan on Unsplash

There was a lone figure standing on the roof top of a decrepit building. It was the only one in sight. The entire world looked grey, filled with dust and ash. The rubble from the other skyscrapers stretched as far as the eye could see, at least, hers. Desiree, at least that's what she thought her name was, looked out at all the destruction and felt very alone.

She looked down at her calloused, dusty, and bruised hands. Why couldn't she remember anything? She falls to her knees and cradles her head as she cries. She doesn't stop until her body sags from exhaustion, slowly she sits up and realizes her hands are now crimson. Blood! Needing answers, she hesitantly stands swaying and makes her way to the door. Desiree pauses the moment her hands grasp the cold handle, could the answers she seeks be inside or is she better not knowing? No! She needs to know the truth she decides.

She searched floor after floor, room after room for hours with no end in sight. She could feel her hope waning, will she waste the rest of her life searching for answers she may never find?

Desiree paused when she saw movement in a reflective surface, she saw a girl with curly mahogany hair, and large sage eyes. The person's face she saw was covered in soot and dirt and angry red marks, with disheveled hair. The clothing was dark and crumpled and also had tears everywhere. There also seemed to be a singular red heart hanging around her neck.

Was that her? Is that what she looked like, and why did her eyes look red? Who was she supposed to be? Was she going to spend every day of the rest of her life seeing a complete stranger in the mirror or would she eventually change and become someone new?

No, she couldn't do that. She would spend the rest of her life searching for her past. Someone out there knew who she was and she would find them, whatever it took.

With renewed determination, she continued her treasure hunt. The next floor looked to be a scientific or testing lab of some kind. Everywhere there were beakers filled with different colored liquids. There were also used journals everywhere. Curious, Desiree picked one and opened it to see what was inside.

November 13, 2097 2056 Hours

Dr.Samson's Log

The subject was able to successfully complete all of that day's tests on the first try today. Subject Q later retreated to the living quarters and refused to participate in any more activities afterward. Dr. Nathan expressed concern regarding the experiments' future if the subject can not be controlled and will need to be terminated. I do not believe that will be necessary. Subject Q has advanced through training quite quickly compared to predecessors.

It didn't answer any of her questions. If anything it only added more. Desiree wasn't sure that she liked the way the room made her feel, cold and terrified. However, so far it was the only room with any information so she would just have to ignore it for now. Hours later, she had searched through piles of papers that mentioned Subject H, Subject T, Subject V, or the previous Subject Q. The tests that were used sounded horrible and made Desiree's face start leaking. What kind of people could do that every day over and over again?

Finally, she came across a file titled Experiment Greenhouse. Carefully, she opened it and scanned its contents.

I'm proposing a solution to the devastation our people have faced in recent years. We all know the consequences on our planet from climate change. Well, what if we could control the natural disasters? What I'm proposing is an experiment called Greenhouse. We have created a formula made with an element we found from the earth's core that appears to enhance human potential. With some research, I believe we can utilize it towards a specific goal. All we need is some grant money and a facility for our purpose. We already have willing subjects ready to save the world.

Quickly she closes the file, Desiree did not like the sound of that. The more she reads, the worst the pit in her stomach gets. She puts down the file before she can learn more. In the corner of the desk, she finds a singular photograph containing a tall lanky man with glasses and a lab coat surrounded by children. All of the children are smiling, why are they smiling? Don't they know what happens here?

In a flash, she remembers: Dr. Samson woke all of us up early today. Today is Lily's birthday and he said if we're good and try our hardest we can have cake. I LOVE CAKE! We almost never get any, so today's extra special, and I didn't even cry when Dr. Nathan said I was doing something wrong. Dr. Elijah said there are no gifts on birthdays, but Lily's my best friend so I've been saving my colors for weeks and made her something. It's hiding under my bed right now, I really hope she likes it.

What was that? Desiree remembered Lilly's birthday and feeling happy. But who was Lilly? For some reason she had a feeling like she had to go down to the basement, like something was waiting for her. She made her way down as she went over memory repeatedly in her head. She knew she liked Dr. Samson and Lilly was her best friend, but she didn't know what she looked like or sounded like.

As she reached the last step, she paused so far the more she learned the more terrible she felt. This was her last chance, she could just walk out the door and never look back. She could learn to be happy even if she never learned about her past. Right? For some reason she couldn't bring her feet to move: up or down? Past or future?

She wanted the truth, even if it wasn't easy. Even if there was pain, she wanted to find her family.

She looked up and saw a map of the world covering an entire wall. She steps closer and in the middle of the wall is a hole in the shape of a heart.

Remember if you ever need to find me, just use your heart.

Use my heart, what could that mean? Then she remembers the necklace from the mirror, she takes it off and puts it in. It fits perfectly, hesitantly, she pushes it. Clank! She can hear gears shifting and clicking. Slowly, the walls open up to show its secrets. Click! Just like that, Desiree can remember everything. Looks like the map was hiding more than just the secret room.

She did this, she destroyed all the other buildings. She was subject Q and her family was in trouble! As she looked around the room she saw Dr. Samson was tracking her siblings, she knew she had to find them and keep them safe, but first...

Don't worry, I'm coming, Dad.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Karina Ruiz

I love stories, creating them and reading them.

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    KRWritten by Karina Ruiz

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