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The Lost Wizard

The Awakening Decade Of SWOF

By Quendon Spellman Published 3 years ago 13 min read

NARRATOR: This is the story of SWOF A Lost Wizard not knowing the Power he held within him Trying 2 find his Place in a family he doesn't belong 2 TEN years After the Death of his beloved Father and 1 Week Before his 20th Birthday.

JEZABEL: SWOF where are you off 2 now ?

SWOF: I'm Off 2 Go 4 A walk on the Beach, is the alright with you Mother? Why Do you Always Question where I'm off 2 but never my Brother or sister? What is so terrifying about Me leaving the House? I never cause trouble all I do is stay 2 Myself, If Father was here he wouldn't have a problem With it.

JEZABEL: That is fine my dear, and because I'm your mother and I do as please, you don't know what goes on between Me and your siblings So watch your tone and manner when talking me. You don't want 2 be cursed do you? thou shall Not disrespect thou Mother SWOF or they Shall be cursed and your father is Gone because of Foolish ways And you are just like him. Do not bring him up again.

SWOF: I've already been cursed with the life that I live now and all I do is Show respect and be polite and yet it is not returned. All that is returned is hate And me being used.

NARRATOR: SWOF then Storms Out angered by the comment his mother made of his Father. SWOF's Father KAWS was also a Great Wizard of Power Who was Killed Mysteriously There have been Stories of how his Father Passed But yet Nothing was found 2 prove them.

While making his way 2 the beach as he normally does it seemed Different this Time, The Clouds were Darker then ever and Winds were stronger then He experienced Before ,What was 2 come was going 2 Open his eyes 2 the truth.

SWOF: I wish I was born into a different family one that loved me, I wish my father was here he was the only one who loved me. Man why'd it wait until I'm close 4 the weather 2 change like this I've never seen the Clouds this dark nor winds this strong , it was just sunny not 2 long ago, Now I have 2 find shelter 2 see if the storm starts I don't feel like running Home.

LOVE: That's because its getting closer 2 the time for you 2 learn the Truth SWOF you are causing this storm with your powers, The prophecy is True.

SWOF: Who said that? learn the Truth About what? I have no powers nor am I A Prophet I'm just a simple man, Show yourself.

LOVE: The truth about your Father, Who He truly was and Who you Are. I am near close enough 2 find, follow my voice and my face shall be reviled.

SWOF: Tell me Your name first, And How do I know I can trust you?

LOVE: My name is LOVE and That is up 2 you 2 Decide, if you want to know the Truth of who your father truly was and who you are Follow My voice.

NARRATOR: As SWOF decides whether or not 2 Follow The Voice , The Wind of the Awakening storm gets stronger, yet there still is no Rain 2 Come. He wonders how he hears her voice so clearly but can't see her face and His Curiosity of his Father's Death is still At an all time High he's been looking 4 answers since he received the News and he may finally get them.

LOVE: Are you coming SWOF?

SWOF: How do you know my name? I never told you and how can I hear you so clearly like you're in my head but I can't see you no where near, plus there is A Storm coming I must Go Home Before my Mother comes down and get me. My family already thinks I'm trouble.

LOVE: NO! Follow my voice and I will give you the Answers 2 All your questions but you must not go back 2 That woman you call mother she is not your mother SWOF, they've been hiding who you are since the passing of your Father and She will kill My Mother and Me if she finds out that we had this conversation and anyone else who speaks the Truth of Your Father please don't Go back 2 her.

SWOF: You are Crazy LOVE if that is your real name I'm going home The Storm is Getting stronger I don't want 2 get caught in the rain.

NARRATOR: As SWOF Walks home The Storms starts 2 pick up even more now. The Rain fall is coming down like hail but it doesn't phase him SWOF is 2 busy thinking hard about what he Heard from LOVE and he wondered if it was True or not and whether or not he should say something 2 his Mother JEZABEL.

AKILISIS: Where've you been?

ISIS: And why are you Wet?

SWOF: I was down by the beach, I got caught in the storm. where is Mother? I have something 2 ask Her.

ISIS: What would you like 2 Ask her about My dear brother I Hope it isn't about Father you know how she gets when he is brought up.

SWOF: And that never bothered you? Why does she act that ? What really Happened 2 Father do you guys even care? Everyone Just acts like he never existed why is that?

AKILISIS: I'll tell you why little brother, He's Not our Father only yours.

ISIS: You shouldn't have spoke on that mother will kill you if she finds out that you told him SWOF keep that 2 yourself 4 AKILISIS Sake.

JAZABEL: What Is This Meeting About and SWOF why are you Wet Go shower and get into Dry Clothes NOW.

ISIS: Nothing Mother that's what we were telling him We asked him why he was wet and 2 Go clean up b4 you came.

JAZABEL: My Loving Children You should Never lie 2 mother, that only results in A curse being put Upon you. Has he Made conversation of A Woman Named LOVE?

AKILISIS: No Mother only your whereabouts.

ISIS: Who is this Woman you speak of mother and why would SWOF make conversation about her?

JAZABEL: No worries my dear nothing more then Questions, Now you 2 off to your rooms its getting late and the time is getting closer.

NARRATOR: 2 Days Later On A beautiful morning 3 days before SWOF's birthday SWOF decides 2 Go Down 2 The Beach Again 2 look For LOVE.

AKILISIS: Where do you think you're little brother ? Why Are you in such a rush?

SWOF: I'm just Going down 2 the beach. Why does everyone always question where I'm going, what is so Terrible about me leaving the House?

AKILISIS: Well I have my own Reasons and so does everyone Else but nonetheless Do you mind if I tag Along id like to Talk with you.

SWOF: Umm Sure why not.

AKILISIS: Okay, lets leave at once before Mother Wakes.

SWOF: What made you want 2 come with me? Was it Mother I'm not a child anymore I'm old enough 2 take care of myself.

AKILISIS: No why do you always think when I desire 2 spend time with you its because of mother? You are my brother And I just want 2 make sure that you are always safe. That's why We must talk. Have you been experiencing Anything different out of the ordinary.

SWOF: NO, well actually yes yesterday On my way 2 the Beach a storm appeared out of thin Air As I got closer, it was sunny just like this and switched as quick as the blink of an eye.

AKILISIS: That doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary SWOF its just sounds like a normal day the weather can change at any moment.

SWOF: You didn't let me finish there was a Voice of a women that I could hear but I couldn't see her it was like she was in my head or something?

AKILISIS: A woman's voice you say ? what was her name?

SWOF: Yes a Woman's Voice, She said some very intriguing things about Father and Mother and she told me if I speak of it 2 mother that her and her mother would be killed. She Also spoke of me controlling the storm that had awakened saying it was my powers and that I am A Prophecy but I told her I have no powers nor am I a Prophecy I'm just a Simple man.

AKILISIS: Is this Women you speak of Named LOVE?

SWOF: How do you Know of LOVE? What is going on AKILISIS ? Is what she speaks of True? Am I A Prophet, Do I have Powers?

AKILISIS: I know nothing of This LOVE but Mother asked About her after she sent you off 2 Clean up. My Dear Brother you may be in Great danger. Time is Getting closer 2 your Birthday I don't know what Mother has in store 4 you but since the Prophecy Is True it cant be Good.

NARRATOR: Stopping in his steps SWOF Became Lost and confused wondering what is the matter in all of this Prophecy talk is it true or is this a Hoax. While Getting closer 2 the beach he sees A storm Awakening just like the one Before.

SWOF: This not True I'm no prophet I have no powers this is A Hoax.

AKILISIS: Its true that's why mother never wanted you 2 leave the house. Look there is a storm awakening Again, you have 2 find the woman LOVE she should have the answers she may know what you need 2 Do 2 fulfill the Prophecy. GO NOW FIND HER! I must return Home 2 Tell ISIS that the prophecy is True, don't Come Home until you find out what is next 4 you.

NARRATOR: AKILISIS Then Runs off Home leaving SWOF 2 find LOVE. Running home Stopping 4 no one Looking like he's seen a Ghost he sees ISIS sitting outside as He Get closer 2 the house and she has a confused face as 2 why he was running.

ISIS: What is the Matter AKILISIS, Why are you in a Panic.

AKILISIS: The Prophecy is True. SWOF is the Prophet Child that is Why Mother always treating him like that.

ISIS: SWOF is No Prophet Child he is just a troubled child who wants attention. The Youngest Child is always the most troubled in my eyes. You should leave that Prophecy talk alone before mother hears you and Do away with you, she has made talk about you and your behavior lately and she is not in agreeance with it.

JAZABEL: SWOF is the Prophet child but he will never find Out and I will kill him just like I did His Father, on his 20th birthday and I Will be the Most power Witch across the Lands and nothing will stop me.

NARRATOR: As Both the Siblings stood there in shock of their mother's confession and plan for their little brother lost 4 words AKILISIS became worried Hoping he found LOVE.

SWOF: LOVE ? LOVE ? Are you here ?

LOVE: I'm Here SWOF. Hurry Time is running out You must follow My Voice I'm trying 2 save you. JAZABEL Has been planning 2 kill you on your 20th birthday. She wants 2 posses your powers so that she May become the Most powerful Witch across the lands, and it is you job 2 stop her, we have 3 Days until The prophecy is 2 be fulfilled. Do want 2 Die or live.

SWOF: Okay I'm following your voice how will I know that I am close ? Your voice sounds further then last time and the storm is picking up again.

LOVE: I told you, you're controlling the storm try calming down and it will Clear Up. I am further than before I went into hiding I wasn't expecting you 2 still believe I thought when you left and didn't come back the next day that you told her what I said and she killed you before the prophecy was supposed to take place. Its going 2 take you 1 and a half Day 2 Reach me.

SWOF: Wow it stopped. what is going on how Is that possible ? How am I supposed to stop My mother if she is A witch and I am just Learning about my power and I don't even know how 2 use them? I told my Brother what you told me but he wouldn't tell my Mother but he is telling my sister that the prophecy is true those were his last words before running home.

LOVE: He didn't but she did tell them what she did 2 Your Father But My mother would like 2 talk 2 you and explain further on what 2 do continue following the voice.

AKASHIC: My Dear child you must be so confused I would've waited until you got here 2 explain everything but time is not in our favor at the moment As you have been told JAZABEL is not your mother But what you weren't told is that I am, My name is AKASHIC me and your father was together until that witch Put a spell on him 2 make him leave me, he took you and disappeared Through the night saying it was the only way 2 protect the family. Since we wont have much time 2 talk when you get here I will tell you on your journey here. Your Father wasn't just any ordinary Man he was The Greatest Wizard 2 ever walk the land but he let his Guard while helping JAZABEL who came 2 him disguised as a Elderly woman asking 4 him 2 perform a spell 2 Heal her sick child and while he was doing it She spoke a Spell upon him putting him under her control. As time went by Her spell started 2 ware off and your father started 2 gain his power back but she killed him before he could break the spell completely and tell who he truly was and who you was destined 2 be. You are the Next Greatest wizard 2 walk the Land and you are the prophecy child you have been being prepared 4 this your whole without even knowing. You must Redeem Your Father and take her Life how she took his and you will fulfill the Prophecy and receive the Life you've always deserved.

At 12am of the day of your birthday you must sneak into her Room and Cast the Same spell She casted on your Father. I know this may difficult and unbelievable 2 hear as well do but it is the only way you and the land will be Free you are our last hope everyone fears her and wouldn't dare challenge her. She is 2 strong for any regular wizard they hide in fear amongst Themselves Hoping and praying that The prophecy is True and that one day they are free again 2 return 2 the village. You are getting closer stay where you are we shall come 2 you now We will finally meet. you have a long journey back home I just wanted 2 meet you before my time is up.

NARRATOR: At Last the Family is 2 reunited and hope is in the air. SWOF may finally have the Life that he's always wanted but is he willing 2 do the unbelievable and save the land and himself. Still new 2 his powers his only fear is not fulfilling his destiny and failing his father, but his mother and sister gave Him the confidence that he need. While back at JAZABEL'S house she is wondering where SWOF Is and why he hasn't returned since the day before. Sending a Search party 2 find SWOF telling them not 2 return until they bring him home. It was now early Afternoon the day before SWOF's 20th birthday and he was on his journey back home scheduled 2 arrive 10 minutes before 12am prepared with the spell that he must Put on JAZABEL still a little nervous but determined 2 Redeem his Father's Death when arriving he snuck into his room through the Window 2 find AKILISIS sleep in his bed.

SWOF: AKILISIS what are you doing in here? Where is Mother?

AKILISIS: She is in the living room waiting 4 your arrival. you must go she is planning 2 kill you little brother she is not who you think she killed your father and planning 2 do the same and ISIS is going 2 help her they have a plan 2 put a spell on you 2 absorb your powers then kill you.

SWOF: I know I found LOVE and my real mother and they told me everything I need you 2 cast a spell on mother 2 make her go 2 sleep so that I may kill her with the spell she put on my father will you help me ?

AKILISIS: Of course brother but what about ISIS what if she tries 2 stop me or kill me?

SWOF: ill be right behind After She see's my powers she'll tremble in fear and wont even think about it, But we must act now I have 2 kill her at 12 and we only have 3 minutes until 12. cast the spell on her how you use to do me when I couldn't sleep.

AKILISIS: Okay brother I'm trusting you don't make me regret it and happy early birthday brother I love you

SWOF: Thank you I love you 2 brother lets get 2 it. it is time

NARRATOR: As the brothers rush into the Living it was 2 their surprise it was more than just their mother and sister all her servants had came back from the search she ordered them to kill AKILISIS but 2 keep SWOF ALIVE 4 Her but they were not strong enough the SWOF killed half of her men in a blink of an eye and the other half ran away in Fear of the Power SWOF displayed. JAZABEL And ISIS trembled in fear AKILISIS Killed ISIS and SWOF Made JAZABEL admit 2 him what she did 2 his Father then Cased A slow death spell on her and Banished Her from the Land and Freed the Lands from her Ruling and reunited with His Sister And mother And fulfilled His destiny over time becoming the GREATEST WIZARD 2 WALK THE LAND. 2 BE CONTIUED.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Quendon Spellman

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