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The Little Red Hooded Hunter

Chapter 1

By Neil A. RomeroPublished 2 years ago 14 min read

Once upon a time, in a faraway land where the sun rose in the west and fell in the east, was a lush and fertile land. The land was covered in dense forests and large rolling plains, bisected by mountains whose tops reached the heavens, and surrounded by blue waters as far as the eye could see. Both human and non-human alike inhabited this strange land. Many mythical creatures roamed the prairies, dwelling in the caves and oceans, claiming the lands as their own. They moved across the lands freely, acting as nature had willed them, devouring their prey without remorse and hiding their true natures.

But over time, human beings began to invent new technologies and with innovation came the expansion of cities and development of advanced weaponry. Hunting parties were sent out to exterminate anything in their path. Soldiers and guards were sent to defend and slay dangerous beasts. Raids were carried out on peaceful, harmless creatures whose only desire was to survive.

And so the creatures began hiding away. Some secreted themselves to the mountainside caves or crevices, never to be seen, but for the adventurous few that ventured deep into the mountains. Others hid underwater in the depths of the ocean, coming out to lure their prey with song and dance. Many of those that could not swim or fly hid themselves in the woods, sometimes burrowing underground. And the smartest of the bunch began taking human form to blend in.

Not all were successful. It was impossible to completely quell their beastly nature. The call of the wilds drove them to consume human flesh. The burgeoning hunger to tear flesh from bone. The aching need to run wild across windy moors. The burning desire to roar when the moon was full.

To protect themselves, humanity began arming themselves better, slaying everything that appeared in their path. Rewards were given to those who could successfully kill the creatures threatening humanity. Stories circulated about the status and wealth of a successful hunt. Lured by promises of fame and fortune, many signed up as hunters and formed hunting groups, blatantly unaware and naive about the true nature of the beasts they hunted.

Those who sought fame and glory quickly realized the difficulties of doing so. The creatures they hunted grew more dangerous over time, able to see in darkness and often moving in packs. They grew smarter over time, wary of humans, and ever-vigilant for the next easy meal. Many hunts ended in failure. The survival rate was very low, and some went weeks without completing a successful mission. Bloodshed, missing limbs, and the distinct possibility of death were frequent outcomes of venturing into the unknown.

Among them, though, there was a particular hunter who was becoming fairly well-known. No one was sure where he came from, but none doubted his prowess at slaying the creatures. Hailed as the strongest hunter, many recognized him through his signature red cloak, stained with the blood of the lives he took, and 'less-than-normal' height. No one dared call him short lest they find themselves without a limb or one's crown jewels. He was the best of the best and called in to hunt the creatures others couldn't manage.

The moment he entered the forest, Levi felt eyes on him, observing his every move. Whoever or whatever it was waiting for him to weaken his defenses. But the hunter knew better. He was the best in all the lands, which was why he was getting paid a hefty reward for figuring what was responsible for people vanishing. Technically it wasn't for an extermination, but rather a 'search and then kill if dangerous' mission. What made it dangerous was the fact that several hunting parties who entered and stayed in the woods for more than half a day never returned. Those who had returned found nothing amiss and could provide no hints as to the creatures lurking in the shadows. No one had any idea what inhabited the dense thicket, and being some creature's dinner definitely was not on Levi's agenda today.

His plan was simple. It always was. Get in, figure out what was killing the people, slay it if necessary, and claim his reward. The difficulty was figuring what he was up against.

Like previous hunts, the villagers around Shiganshina forest weren't much assistance. They were the superstitious sort, making up stories and making contradictory claims of the wild beasts which resided in the dense trees. Levi wouldn't have given much credence on their shitty beliefs anyways. The hunter had learned early on that it was better to experience it for oneself than to rely on the word of others.

Most of the times it didn't take much, but sometimes it took a week or longer before it showed itself. It wasn't difficult as he was a light sleeper; had always required less sleep than the average person. A mix of insomnia and being built that way, he could last a fortnight without sleep while on stakeout. It wasn't highly enjoyable, but sacrificing sleep was necessary. Once he figured what it was, it was an easy matter to stalk it to its lair and slay it. Sometimes there was some planning and pretense or lengthy battle involved, but once he got within striking distance, often all he needed was to lop off its head. There were other ways to kill them, but beheading was the easiest and required the least amount of work. Plus, Levi had yet to meet a creature who wasn't impervious to his blades.

Lightweight and designed specifically for him, his blades were forged from the strongest metals known to man - meteoric iron - coated with a thin layer of pure silver at the edges. It would cut through anything cleanly and the silver edges allowed him to deal with those pesky things immune to most other weapons. Along with the harness and grappling hooks attached to his hips, they were the tools of his trade. Levi often kept a bow on his horse, but rarely used it as they were wieldy and often unable to pierce through the thick hides and skin of the creatures he hunted.

Tucking the cloak around him more securely, he ventured deeper into the woods. Red wasn't Levi's color of choice, but it was the best for hiding blood stains. Earthy hues would have suited him better and been easier to blend into the dense forest. And black was good for skulking in the dark. He had tried other colors and fabrics before, but after so many successful hunts, the blood would inevitably stain and turn it to dark crimson. At least it was dark red. The scarlet cloak was now his trademark and how other's recognized him as the land's best hunter.

While a cloak wasn't the most practical garment when hunting, it kept him warm, particularly at night when the fires were out. Aside from a little food - he could forage and hunt for sustenance in the woods all he brought was a small bar of soap, flint, oil for his blade, rope, medical supplies, a small blade, and a whetstone with him. Carrying too many knapsacks and unnecessary supplies only slowed him down.

Levi wasn't naive enough to think he was impervious to injury. Although he had never gotten sick and healed faster than most, he had been wounded before - most recently from a monstrous giant which had been intent on trampling on him. But he was stronger and faster than other hunters. Some said his reflexes and senses were abnormal, and the particular shade of his eyes - slate grey with a tinge of unearthly blue - were a sign that he wasn't quite human. He really didn't give a shit what they said, but such talk persisted

For all Levi cared, hunting was simply a means to an end. He needed the money and they needed his services. It was an arrangement of mutual benefit.

He wasn't sure what was in the woods, but he wasn't going in blind either. Levi had slain many other mythical creatures before. Trolls with grotesque lumpy flesh that made his skin crawl. Ogres with breath so bad it would knock a man on his feet within ten feet. Harpies with their razor sharp talons and beaks. Lamias, vicious blood sucking creatures who seduced men into their lairs without a second's thought - though in that particular case, he was gay and didn't care much for their feminine allures. Basilisks with their venomous blood, so acidic and potent that the tiniest drop could eat through flesh and bone.

It made him wonder what he was up against this time. Either way, as long as things went according to plan, it wouldn't stand a chance.

Observant eyes surveyed the dimly lit forest floor strewn with leaves and twigs, using the streams of sunlight to guide his way. Ears tuned outwards, focusing on the smallest sounds in the forest. It was why he was such a masterful hunter. Everything, including the lightest brush of wind against his face to the faint smell of upturned dirt, was factored in. Hunting always came easy for him; easier than many other tasks at least. Levi felt more at home in the wilderness than in a city. Even darkness wasn't a problem as Levi never had problems hunting in the scarcest of light.

Making his way deeper into the forest, the dark- haired hunter could feel something watching his every move. Good. It made his job that much easier knowing he was in the right part of the woods. He hated scouring for unknown enemies. Systematically searching for signs of his target was the most tedious and stressful part of it. While it gave him more time to gain a feel for the land, it could sometimes take days. And if he missed something, it could easily result in trouble later on.

But now, all Levi had to do was figure out what the fuck it was and kill it.

Normally he would be the one tracking and hunting, but now that it was already watching there were three options available.

First, he could pretend not to notice it watching and gather clues while waiting for it to attack him. Feigning sleep and ignorance without knowing his enemy was risky. Whatever it was watching him might not even buy his sleeping routine. Besides, it was still light outside, and the chance of danger rose exponentially once the sun fell. He might have better night vision and hearing than most humans, but it couldn't compare to truly nocturnal beings.

The second alternative was to confront it. He could always call our and have it attack him. There were some creatures which were particularly susceptible to taunts and best dealt with in a frontal confrontation. Without knowing what it was though, his plan could backfire. Particularly in the woods when trees provided the perfect cover and opportunity for things to ambush him from above. Alternatively, it could attract more than one creature or possibly scare his prey away.

Third, he could track it as he originally intended before going out on the attack. It would be a little more difficult but doable. Finding a small clearing with a stream, Levi decided to make camp for the afternoon. There was no point in pushing further when he had already caught its attention. The clean water for a bath and drinking were bonuses on top of it.


Eren sensed something was different the moment the red cloaked stranger came into their forest. His nose twitched with... anticipation as the person marched unafraid into the dense woods. Still, it was impossible to disguise the scent of iron which lingered around the intruder, a testimony to the lives he had taken.

He and Jean were the ones responsible for patrolling the outermost edges of their territory this week. Extensive patrolling a relatively new practice since. Marco had returned with news of a bounty on the head of the 'creature' living in the forest when he returned from the supply run last season. Since then, there had been a few hunting parties in the woods every week or two, some which were dealt with and others which left after fruitless searching. But this was Eren's first time seeing a hunter venture in alone. Most never got close enough to be a threat, but it made everyone on edge. Protocol was to trail any strangers, capture them, and report back as soon as possible. One or two hunters posed little threat, but it was still better to be careful. Eren knew better than to rush out without preparation. No one wanted a reoccurrence of the massacre that happened before.

Humans generally stayed away given the eeriness of the woods and rumors propagating around them, but a decade ago a hunting party had somehow found their way into camp and massacred many of his friends and family. His parents were included among the victims. Since then they had relocated further into the heart of the forest and hid themselves away, constantly on the lookout.

Everything had been peacefully quiet even when the added hunting parties. Protected by the forest spirits and the goddess Ymir herself, the hunting parties and few curious humans who had entered the forest were rarely able to venture so deeply into the woods. But the hunter Eren had been tracking for the last hour or two didn't appear to be lost. This was the first time the shifter had seen a non-shifter wander around the goddess's forest as though they were lost. The man seemed guided by some strange instinct as he continued to walk into the dense trees instead of going round and round in circles.

The hunter in front of him didn't seem quite as human as those before him either. The footsteps he left on the ground were much too soft to be left by a lumbering two-legged man. And there was his smell. Eren's wolf could easily track the stench left by a human with ease, but there was something about the stranger that didn't rile his instinct. He hadn't yet caught sight of what the hunter looked like, but his wolf was strangely calm and almost happy to see the man. It wasn't the same as when he was around his kin, but was similar enough to leave him puzzled.

Eren grew even more confused when his prey came upon the small stream. The small handful of humans who had wandered so deep into the forest had gotten lost without the help of one of the forest's own. There were silly stories that Shiganshina was cursed, or as shifters called it, blessed by the goddess. Whoever the intruder was, he had to have Ymir's blessing to wander so deep and find the stream. It was one of the few sources of freshwater in the woods, branching from the main river which came from an underground spring deep in the mountains. Eren had never heard of a human who had the Goddess's blessing before.

Knowledge of shifters and Ymir was rare. They purposely kept it that way. The fewer people who know of them, the safer they were. Long ago, their ancestors had done the goddess a great favor by protecting her creatures and were in turn blessed with the strength and prowess of those they had saved. But their neighbors began treating them strangely and eventually attacking them as a result of the blessing. Envious of their prolonged lifespan and fearful of their strange abilities, they turned against them. Many were killed and they fled to survive the negative environment. They had resided away from humans ever since.

A handful of shifters were sent out to blend with humans for trading and to make sure there were no threats to their villages, but their network was not infallible. The hunting raid which resulted in the death of his parents and many others only served to remind them to be ever-vigilant of strangers. Only a small handful, numbering no more than a few dozen strong, had survived. It was difficult recovering, but there slowly making do. Birthrates were low as females could only conceive in the spring for a short period of time, but despite the many difficulties, their numbers were increasing once again.

Outside of Shiganshina woods, there other shifter settlements scattered in the land, but they rarely communicated with one another. The closest one that Eren knew of was at least a week's journey away on the other side of the prairies, closer to the mountains Shifters from other parts of the world occasionally visited, but those were few and far in between.

While they had longer lifespans and could shift into animals, shifters weren't much different from humans. Being descended from humans, they retained their native form. The only visible difference was the change in their eye color when emotional. Physically, though, they were faster, stronger, had better night vision and hearing, than their human counterparts. Their day to day lives were also shaped from stories passed down through the generations, based upon what life had been like hundreds of year's ago. No, aside from longevity, the biggest difference was their animal half. From childhood, shifters were able to shift into their animal counterparts during bouts of extreme emotion, but it took years of training and practice to master shifting and stay in their animal forms for extended durations. After a few decades, Eren was still only able to shift a maximum of twice a day and stay as a wolf for no more than two hours without collapsing from fatigue.

It was because of his youth - the oldest shifter had purportedly lived for five centuries - that he had not yet been allowed to leave the woods. Though there was no hard rule against going to the outside world, very few of their kind did. Many preferred to stay amongst their kind and away from the smoke and iron of humans. Eren was still young compared to most in his community. He was only two score year's and still had a few more years before he would be allowed to venture out. Only those who had experienced more than a half century of life and could properly control their animal halves were allowed to. His childhood dream was to explore the vast lands outside the woods, and he couldn't wait until he was of age.

Silently following his target, Eren unfortunately neglected to check the ground in front of him. There was an audible crack as the branch snapped, giving away his position. Heart thumping nervously, he slowly righted himself. Jean would only make fun of him making such an elementary screw up. Perhaps the hunter would think it was a deer or something and continue on his merry way.

Lady fate, unfortunately, was not shining upon him. When he looked back up at the stranger, twin orbs of silver bored straight at him. Eren was sure he was camouflaged in the dense thicket, but the expression in the hunter's eyes - lethal and dangerous suggested otherwise.

"There's no point in hiding." The red-cloaked man's baritone sent a tremor down the shifter's spine. Even had never interacted with humans, let alone a hunter, before, but there was a raw magnetism emanating from the man. The dark-haired man's voice was deceptively casual, almost playful, but it was flavored with violence and death. While he could take on most humans with ease - shifters were fast and stronger than their human counterparts - the stench of blood told Eren that the red-cloaked hunter wasn't a mere mortal to be trifled with.

But he had more than one card to play. Eren would hedge his bets on the fact that as long as his animal side didn't show, he could pass as a human being. He certainly looked the part and was thankful that he had kept his clothes and chosen not to shift into a wolf.

"Fine, just don't kill me. I'm coming out now. Making sure he was presentable, he slowly stepped out from behind the trees and bushes.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Neil A. Romero

20yr old amateur writer looking to make some extra money in order to help my mother with her finances. I’d love if you take some time and read my stories. Anything helps and if willing to donate my cash app is $neilXO

Sincerely, Neil.

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