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The Legend of White Snake

Also known as Madame White Snake,is a famous Chinese folktale that tells the story of a powerful white snake spirit named Bai Suzhen and her love for a human man named Xu Xian.

By David cenPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Madame White Snake

The Legend of White Snake, also known as Madame White Snake, is a famous Chinese folktale that tells the story of a powerful white snake spirit named Bai Suzhen and her love for a human man named Xu Xian.

According to the legend, Bai Suzhen was a white snake spirit who had lived for centuries. One day, she transformed into a beautiful woman and fell in love with Xu Xian, a young man who ran a medicine shop. They got married and lived happily together, but their love was threatened by a monk who wanted to destroy the white snake spirit.

The monk eventually exposed Bai Suzhen's true identity, and she was forced to flee. She was captured and imprisoned under a pagoda for several years. Xu Xian searched for her relentlessly and was eventually able to rescue her.

However, their happiness was short-lived, as the monk returned and battled the couple. In the end, Bai Suzhen was killed, but her spirit was able to reunite with Xu Xian in the afterlife.

The Legend of White Snake has been retold in many different forms, such as plays, operas, films, and TV shows. It has become a popular subject in Chinese literature and culture, and it has been adapted into numerous modern works, such as the popular TV series "The Legend of the White Snake" and the animated movie "White Snake."

The story has many themes, including the power of love, the struggle between good and evil, and the importance of forgiveness and redemption. It has become an enduring symbol of true love and devotion in Chinese culture, inspiring people to pursue their dreams and to never give up on love, no matter the obstacles in their way.

The Legend of White Snake is set in Hangzhou, a city in eastern China's Zhejiang province. According to the legend, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian met and fell in love in Hangzhou, which is known for its picturesque West Lake and beautiful scenery. Hangzhou is often depicted in adaptations of the story, with many versions featuring iconic landmarks such as the Leifeng Pagoda and the Broken Bridge. Today, Hangzhou is a popular tourist destination and is known for its rich cultural heritage, beautiful natural scenery, and vibrant economy.

More interesting facts about The Legend of White Snake:

Origin: The story is believed to have originated during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) and has been passed down through oral tradition for centuries. It was first written down in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 CE) and has since been adapted into many different forms of media.

Characters: The main characters in the story are Bai Suzhen, the white snake spirit; Xu Xian, her human husband; and Fa Hai, the monk who wants to destroy the white snake spirit. Other important characters include Xiaoqing, a green snake spirit who is Bai Suzhen's friend and ally; and a turtle spirit who helps Bai Suzhen escape from prison.

Symbolism: The story has many symbolic elements, such as the conflict between good and evil, the power of love, and the struggle between heaven and earth. The white snake spirit is often seen as a symbol of femininity, while the monk represents the forces of order and stability.

Adaptations: The Legend of White Snake has been adapted into many different forms of media, including plays, operas, films, and TV shows. One of the most famous adaptations is the 1993 film "Green Snake," which tells the story from the perspective of Bai Suzhen's friend, Xiaoqing.

Influence: The story has had a significant influence on Chinese culture, inspiring many artists, writers, and filmmakers. It has also been adapted into other Asian cultures, such as the Japanese anime "Miyuki" and the Korean drama "The Tale of the Nine-Tailed."

Overall, The Legend of White Snake is a beloved Chinese folktale that has captured the hearts of people around the world. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless message of love, loyalty, and forgiveness, and it continues to inspire people to this day.

Short StoryMysteryLoveFan FictionClassical

About the Creator

David cen

Share Chinese Sory,which you never heard before.China has 5000 years history and it is A kingdom of artifacts.Such as Chinese Kongfu,Qigong etc.

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