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The Last Librarian of Nova Cygnus


By Hasan SadiqPublished 3 months ago 2 min read

The airlock hissed open, revealing a vista that wouldn't be out of place in a dreamscape. Two colossal, ringed gas giants, their swirling hues of blue and gold dwarfing even the massive space station, dominated the view. This was Nova Cygnus, a marvel of human ingenuity, orbiting a binary star system in the far reaches of the galaxy.

Amara, fresh out of Library Academy, adjusted the straps of her backpack and took a deep breath. Today was her first official posting: the sole librarian of Nova Cygnus Station.

The library was nestled within the station's artificial biodome, a haven of greenery amidst the metallic corridors. Stepping inside, Amara was greeted by the warm glow of antique lamps illuminating row upon row of bookshelves. The silence was profound, broken only by the soft hum of the climate control system and the occasional rustle of turning pages.

Despite the vastness of the digital archives available to every citizen, there was something undeniably special about physical books. The worn leather bindings, the faint scent of aged paper, the way the text seemed to come alive under the lamplight - it all held a magic that no digital replica could ever match.

As Amara unpacked her meager belongings, a holographic projection flickered to life, revealing a kindly-looking woman with warm brown eyes. "Welcome, Amara," the projection said. "I am Anya, the previous librarian. It appears I have the distinct pleasure of being your only predecessor."

Amara chuckled. "Seems that way. Though, I wouldn't call it a pleasure if you were still here. That would mean something terrible happened to you."

Anya smiled faintly. "True enough. But fear not, child. This library is in good hands now. Remember, knowledge is the lifeblood of any civilization, even one hurtling through the cosmos amongst the stars."

Amara straightened, a newfound determination settling in her eyes. "I won't let you down, Anya. I'll make sure the legacy of this library, and the knowledge it holds, lives on."

In the years that followed, Amara became more than just a librarian. She was a teacher, a confidante, a keeper of stories. She guided curious children through the wonders of the universe, helped seasoned scientists rediscover forgotten theories, and offered solace to the lonely with tales of faraway lands and fantastical creatures.

The library became a beacon of knowledge and a sanctuary for the souls of Nova Cygnus, a testament to the enduring power of the written word, even amongst the stars.

Sci Fi

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