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The Land and Sea

By Olivia Teague

By Chae-young Published 2 years ago 36 min read

There weren't always dragons in the Valley. Until now, I didn't even believe in dragons or vampires or any other creature that just shouldn't exist, but in this world it does. I was just your ordinary Japanese high school senior ready for the pros and cons of life My name was Akiyama Sophia for short, but others just call me Akiyama, but here in this world, my name is Aki. If I just studied for the exam and stayed at the school, I would be eating ramen and playing another romance visual novel. Let me explain it all happened yesterday during the final exams the day my life came to an end as, so I thought. It was just an ordinary day in another boring economics class when I fell asleep on my desk and woke up with wet white rice in my hair followed by my classmate's laughter. I wasn’t the most popular kid in my high school days nor was I liked, I felt a tap behind my back and fingers going through my hair. “Sophia, are you?” She looks at my blank stare at her and then I begin to smile at her and speak. “Don’t worry I’m fine can you just take me to the shower hall. “Thank you Aya-senpai,” I say walking behind we reach the shower room, and she pushes me in and immediately starts to undress me and turns on the shower with the cold water hitting my skin, Aya senpai can you turn up the heat the waters are too cold,” I say with a low voice. “Well, you did say you wanted to wash it out why do you care if it's cold or not,” She says going through my jet black hair removing the white rice along with the water I stand shivering under the cold water and let out a big smile “thank you Aya -senpai for helping me” she turns off the water and throws me my clothes that immediately get wet from touching the shower floor. I reach for my clothes, and she slaps my face so hard that my face is red with her handprint. “You know it's shit like that pisses me off why the hell is you so nice all the time that's why they think they can pick on you and guess what so will I if you don’t take that smile off of your damn ugly face”. She yells at me, but I still smile holding back my tears. The intercom comes on over the shower room calling all students to the main hall to take their final exams for each of my classes. I stand in the shower shivering she grabs me by my black hair and throws me to the floor.” As if you could go to college, you’re such a loser no one is going to want you might as well forget about attending and as if they're going to let a wet student take the exam anyway” she leaves the shower room and closes the door behind her. I get up and grab my clothes and look myself in the mirror my blue eyes begin to turn red from all the anger and sadness. She’s right I should just go back home it is not like I studied anyway and besides moms not going to be home till late tonight anyway.” I grab my things and begin to head to the lockers for my shoes. I hear a voice behind me “Akiyama where are you going it's time for your exams” the voice says I turn around and the teacher looks at me dripping with water” Akiyama what happened was it, girls, again” he says with a deep breath. My eyes look at him with sadness, but I bring out a big smile “I’ll be back I just want to change first and take it later if that's okay I say looking at the consideration in his eyes. I turn around and begin to head for the train station I get to the terminal and realize I forgot the train pass I hear a voice behind me I turn around slightly and see Aya-senpai.” Here you use mine “she lets me use her train pass and lets me in we hear the train horn get closer and closer and we make a run for it when I run a little to close to the yellow line before the train gets closer I suddenly fill a heavy push behind me and I grab a piece of clothing for an extra grip to pull myself up, but I still fall the last thing I thought I would see are the white lights of the train and hearing the people scream and the roar of the trains breaks as the train tries to stop but it doesn’t. I don’t know how long I was asleep, but it felt like ages. I suddenly feel a breeze of cold air around me my hands begin to move, and it feels cold and soft.

“I like the feel of snow in the morning” I begin to push my fingers through the cold substance” wait where the hell am” I get up and begin to look around “nothing for miles how long have I been walking anyway” she begins to hear voices around a bend of trees. A group of women laughing and playing in a stream “finally help”. She runs to them with her hands in the air yelling for help. The woman notices him and she notices something weird about them as she gets closer she notices that the woman has tails of different colors. The girls begin to scream” back in the water a man” the girls jump back in the water and begin to run after them and look into the water and see her reflection.” What the hell how the hell am I a fucking guy even my face has changed” She looks below at her reflection stroking her darkened hair and looking closer at her dark blue eyes and why am I covered in blood .” Wait how the hell did I get here anyway the last thing that happened was” Tears begging to flow down her eyes remembering what happened after falling from the train platform.” Did I die? Am I in hell or is this my purgatory, but wait did I see a mermaid” she begins to laugh?” No way in hell this is some fucked up dream and I’m just imagining dying and having a massive sex change, yeah that's it”. She hears the same horses coming his way and sees a stagecoach going past him as she exits the forest, she sees a tall, colossal mansion. She begins to walk to the mansion and sees a trunk load of people around waiting to be let in.” Please let us in the sun is begging to set they will kill us if you don’t.” A lady cries out along with many other people.” What period is this anyway I feel like I’m in a lord of the ring movie “A stern male voice rings “look it's Marcus save us the night creatures are coming for us” A man says over the crowd. The man's face begins to change his eyes turning from dark green to a darker shade of crimson red revealing his long-sharped fangs amongst the crowd.” Shut Up livestock if you wish to live slowly enter the gates” Marcus says with his eyes glaring at the crowd and in that instant they did exactly as he said” What the hell is going on?” Akiyama joins the crowd of the quiet and emotionless and enters the towers. Guards on both sides wearing old armor covered in red and gold with an ominous symbol in the middle. He stares at the guard looking at the symbol more closely. The guard recognizes her and with his gaze, on her, the guard opens his mouth slowly exposing his sharp fangs in his direction. All the guards begin to stare at her and slowly walk behind her till one of the guards grabs her and covers her nose with their hand Akiyama begins to lose unconsciousness. She wakes up slowly feeling her hands and legs can’t move. She finds himself bound to a chair in a room with no windows and doors in front are two throne-like chairs. She hears a door open and close at the side of him and walks a beautiful woman with long silver hair and the darkest red eyes wearing a silk dress slit through the middle revealing her breast on both sides and alongside her is a man with reddish colored hair and light, red-colored eyes wearing a suit like an outfit with the same weird symbol he saw before on the guards. The women and men sit down on the thrones. She lets out a big sigh with a guard gives her a glass of what looks to be blood. She crosses her legs over one another and stares at Akiyama.” you look very tasty doesn’t he” she turns over to the man to see his expression to her question” I’m not interested in men now if you were a girl then I would drink you dry” The women laugh.” Maybe we should I still can’t believe it I thought we killed them all off” She says.” Who the hell are you and why the hell am I here” Akiyama says looking at the women with intensity?” Human I never gave you the option to speak did I” the women fling her hand and an intense pain floss through his body he looks down to see a blade in his arm he cries in agony. Blood trickles down to the floor his face begins to change and at an incredible speed rushing over to Akiyama. He lifts his neck with his fangs close to neck” You smell so sweet”. He says in his ear and bites into his jugular blood pouring from his neck he drinks from Akiyama.” Now don’t spill your meal” The women say the man looks up with blood down his mouth. The man begins to laugh” I thought you didn’t like men” She says with a grin.” I don’t but this one is a bit different than the others, especially with those dark blue eyes. You taste familiar who exactly are you” The man grabs him by the throat.” If you’re going to kill me then kill me asshole” Akiyama says looking at the man directly. The man gets closer to his neck” My pleasure”. He opens his mouth “Vincente you’ve had your fun now sit back down” The women stop him from finishing Akiyama.” I'm sorry Sera for ruining your fun” He turns around and like a whip he hits Akiyama across the face.” I'm sorry, but you know how bitchy sisters can be” he says grabbing Akiyama from the back of the chair sitting him back up. The woman walks up to him leaning over him revealing her breast to him Akiyama begins to abrupt her gaze as she sits on his lap.” You're not from around here are who exactly are you” He looks back at her she wipes the blood off his bleeding lips by her long black fingernails.” As if I’m going to tell you anything” She says with anger his in his voice. Sera shows a smirk at him grabbing the blade and dragging it down to the palm of his hand cutting his arm almost completely open. He grunts in pain with his mouth wide open and his eyes widening. She gets closer and whispers” oh you will eventually, and you will submit to me sooner or later,” She says slowly tracing down his bleeding arm.” Never” Akiyama begins to fall in and out of unconsciousness and faints on the chair only to see her red eyes piercing at her. Moments pass hearing the people chatter from somewhere around him the birds chirping in the distance. She rises from the bed eyes halfway between closed and open he looks around.” Sun is up bird chirping it's a beautiful day back to bed then” He takes a deep breath” This is a soft bed I wish my bed at the crummy apartment was like this”. He opens his eyes wider than before” wait a minute where the fuck am I”. He begins to frantically look around him and swallows hard and looks at his arm.” What the hell that women and man bit and cut me” He rushes over to a mirror in his room and looks at his neck to notice no scars or bite marks anywhere on his body. He runs to the door only to find it locked he tugs and pulls, but the door doesn’t open. He runs to the window and opens it about to jump out. He notices how high he is and if he jumps, he is going to die once again.” Shit okay calm down” He hears a knock coming from the door. A soft voice is heard from the other side” I was wondering if you were hungry, I brought you something” she says the door's lock clicks and she slowly turns the knob. A young girl with dark brown hair and golden-brown eyes wearing a black and white maid's outfit. She places the food down on the bed and bows to him leading with a big smile.” Hello, my name is Kurara nice to meet you.” He looks at the young girl” Where am I” She walks over to him and pushes him to the wall and with a bigger smile.” Your exactly where you need to be” He falls to the ground feeling his heart about to jump out of his chest. She falls with his brushing his bangs out of his eyes” Don’t worry after tonight you will feel so much better once you are one of us” she says getting off the floor. He swallows hard and gets off the floor with every inch of courage still left in his body. “Can you at least tell me where I am? “The girl Kurara stops in her tracks and takes a deep sigh “You’re on Vincente’s side of the tower and your blood is off-limits to the rest of us because of your little incident last night.” I mean where exactly am I “? He says getting slowly off the floor dragging his back on the wall behind. “Well damn you sure ask a lot of questions don’t you as if you’re asking for a death wish “She walks back to him. “If I’m going to die, I want to know where I’m going to die? “She walks back to the door and before closing it she turns around and says “Don’t worry about it you know instead of thinking about where you’re going to die my suggestion is to stay alive and stay Vincente’s little blood pet before he gets bored of you like the last one he wants to see you tonight so wear something better than whatever that is” She points at his white shirt and pants she closes the door and locks it behind her. She leans against the door and takes a deep breath she looks to a room where a single beam of sunlight shows through and puts her hand through the light. She braces for a sort of pain in her hand, but nothing happens.” And tonight, will be the last time I’ll wake up as a human” Tear begin to flow through her eyes, and she cups her mouth with her hands to cover her cries. She puts her hands down and hits the door behind her and walks out wiping her face. She walks down to the end of the hall to a long row of stairs and begins to make the descent. Till she reaches a darkened room and in the room is a casket she opens to find Vincente. She grabs a black by the casket and slowly cuts the palm of her hand and claps it over his mouth. The blood flows directly into his mouth his eyes fling over his red eyes glowing in delight. Holding her hand harder over his mouth he bites her harder and harder she pulls away falling on the floor. He gets out of his casket and picks her up princess style and puts her slowly on the ground. She grabs him by the color and pulls him closer and with both hands around his neck, she jumps up crosses her legs around him, and kisses him. He kisses her up and down her neck breathing on her neck and releasing his fangs. and bites her neck. She moans in pleasure he releases and kisses her more and lifts her and gets on top of her in the coffin. Ripping her maid shirt off revealing a black corset he kisses her down gripping the coffin sheets. He kisses her back to her lips” You are the only meal for me” He says with a cringing smile.” Do you always fuck your meals?” She says with a kiss he moves her head over to the side and kisses her white neck and with a whisper.” Exactly it makes the blood taste so much better” He bites her within a few minutes they hear a bell ringing in the room. He sighs” I was just getting started well I guess it's time to party”. He says putting his white collared shirt on with his blackened pants. She taps his shoulders giving him his tailcoat he reaches for it she puts the coat around her shoulder looking for another kiss. She puts her maid uniform back on the cups of her hair and looks her in her eyes. “Now be a good girl and get me the boy “She begins to walk out of the room” Oh and before I forget ready to die tonight? She is stopped in her steps and swallows quietly, and says “Why should I be? “She turns around and says “Were you when that bitch took you and made you into a monster, “she says looking at his heightened expression. He chuckles “Well that bitch is what made all this possible unless your livestock wants to be killed by those other horrible monsters that go bump in the night “He walks past her turns around “Time to party”. She sighs and walks up the stair following him to the main floor of the towers. In her room, Akiyama lays on the bed remembering his last moments as a girl and his death caused heightened an unknown person. “The platform then the light, but who did I grab with me when the train hit “She mutters to himself. “Wait was it “In that thought, he hears a knock on the door. The door unlocks and appears Kurara” It's time Vincente wants to see you”. Akiyama takes a shirt and pair of pants from the closet space he takes a deep breath and opens his door. Awaiting her are two vampire guards alongside Kurara,” You look good Vincente will be pleased”. “Thank you, “she says with confusion, she walks to a room with nothing but a dining room table that could seat more than 20 people. One of the Guards walks him to one of the chairs and they sit him down. Kurara sits with him she pats him on the back” the party will be arriving soon” she says and walks away.

” I hope I didn’t have you waiting for long whatever your name is, “he says waving his hand. “My name is Aki,” he says strongly “wow what’s with the hostility? “Vincente says drinking from his glass. Oh, nothing really, I just remember everything from last night or I think was last night “Aki says with subtle thoughts in his head. “Who exactly did I die with, wait that’s not important right now I just need to get some answers from this asshole.” He says with Vincente staring at him. “Now what the hell are you staring at? “Aki says with squinted eyes. Oh, sorry I’m just a little lost as to why I can’t read your mind and you are not afraid of me? “He says taking another sip. “Aren’t you supposed to be at that party everyone’s been talking about? “Vincente finishes his drink and points to the main course Infront “The food isn’t poisoned if you wanted to know and besides, I know you’re hungry so please indulge yourself “Vincente grabs a piece of the cherry cake in front and pours himself another glass. “So, the undead can eat I never knew, “Aki says also grabbing a piece of cake. “Yes, we vampires can eat, but unlike what you must think we aren’t the bad guys here, “Vincente says with a smile. Oh, then what exactly was last night? “Aki looks through and tears apart his cake. “As I thought you’re not around here, are you? “Vincente looks at him with his eyes glowing a deep red.” Hmm if you must know we vampires have roles to play here in our little village “Aki looks at how precisely Vincente cuts his cake with the knife to take a bite. Oh yeah, what kind of fucked up role is that? “They look each eye to eye. “This fucked up role you’re referring to it exactly. Aki chuckles “so know you are going to play dumb okay I see I will be more specific why are you calling everyone here livestock and feeding on everyone you see like me when we first met? “Vincente looks at her with more interest. “Okay well if you must know I was feeding on you because I wanted to know why the person, I thought I killed three days ago is now right in front of me? “Aki’s eyes widened. “Three days ago, is when I died so that’s why I woke up in the woods the way I did, “Aki says in her head. “Good I got your heart and blood pulsating”. Vincente says admiring his glass” I bite you to see your memories and all I saw was your death and the thing I want to know is how’s your name Aki instead of Michael? “Aki looks at his shaken hands. “Okay look if I told you you’re not going to believe me, “Aki says with eyes widened. “I’ve been on this plane of existence for over 500 years I’ll be the judge of that. “He says taking another bite of his cake. Aki takes a deep breath “all I remember is I was walking home from school then I got hit by a train and woke up covered in blood in a man’s body I don’t know how long I was out, but that’s all I remember from the last three days. “Aki looks to see how displeased Vincente was with his story. Aki rolls his eyes in disgust “you know what I should have never told you I’m out of here.” Aki gets up about to walk out of the seat. “I’m sorry for my manners and you said a man’s body so originally, you’re a girl. What’s your full name? “Aki sits back down and swallows” Akiyama Sophia “Vincente looks at him up and down “So let me get this straight you died and now you woke up in another person’s body who is dead well undead since you’re inhabiting his body. “He looks around and begins to think about it.” Yeah, when you put it that way it sounds” Vincente finishes his sentence” like bullshit but if you hear that means so is your body” He looks at him with a smile and his eyes widened.” Oh, don’t look at me like that it doesn’t mean I know where you are, but you don’t have much time either. “Aki looks at him with concern “What the hell do you mean” Vincente finishes his second cup and takes a deep sigh. “Like I said you're inhabiting a dead body it may be alive now but within a couple of days that body is going to rot and you will have to find another one so theoretically speaking you have nine more days to find your real body before that one collapses on you. ”Aki looks at him and she looks at her hands and nails and notices his right. ”Also If I’m right about this we have four days to get to your body before you start to rot and when that happens you won’t be to return and be yourself anymore.” He looks at Vincente with a smile” why are you telling me this exactly. ”Vincente smiles back” Like I said I’m not your enemy here and we could make a really good team” Aki raises an eyebrow” Wait we,” He says confused. ”I’m about to leave town and I can’t leave without having a good meal by my side there is a village in the south that has a little dragon problem,” Vincente says standing up and moving away from the table. He walks down to see the confused expression on Aki’s face and lifts his hair.” Wait there are fucking dragons here? ”Vincente kneels and grasps his hand “Yes there are and many more I wish to show you” Aki grabs his hand back again why are you trying to help me? ”Aki asks Vincente to move his bangs out of his eyes and moves in closer. ”What will it take for you to fall in love with me” Aki’s eyes get bigger and his cheeks begin to turn red. ”What the hell I will never fall in love with you, especially someone who’s not even in my own time. ”Vincente begins to laugh” what if I told you neither am I didn’t you notice that I never asked you what a train was originally I was from what you would know as imperial Japan and lived there for over centuries my real name is Vincent they just like to put the extra syllable at the end. ”Aki looks closer at his eyes “Again why are you telling me this” Vincent grabs Aki by the hands and pulls her up from her seat Vincent puts his hand around her waist and repeats once more” I want you to fall for me” He takes Aki by the hand and they walk to the door. Vincent opens the door for him and before he walks through” Wait then is it okay for me to call you Sophia” He chuckles a bit and leans in closer to him holding the door. ”Hell no but thank you for trying to care about me” Vincent watches him walk through and they both begin to hear music. Vincent grabs his arm and they walk toward it till the music stops. A man Aki has seen before gets up on stage. ”Wow, so many red eyes in one place” Aki looks around to see a few townspeople at the party as well.” We are here tonight to welcome and continue the transition for these lost humans” Marcus points behind to two women wearing red robes and their hair in ponytails. Marcus grabs a clear chalice filled with a red liquid inside “and with this, you will complete your transition from human to vampire” Aki looks closer at one of the girls and notices that its Kurara. Marcus gives the chalice to Kurara for her to drink first” Kurara Akatsuki will you be the first to rise as a vampire and help us to defeat Misaki Ayako” Aki starts to have long thoughts” Wait who is Misaki Ayako and why is he so important. "She drinks from the chalice and falls to the floor and Marcus moves on to the other girl and she too falls to the floor. The guards come and take them through the big doors of the room. ”Vincente Sera wants to have a word with you”. Vincente grabs Aki by the hand and they follow the messenger they both are welcomed by vampires sitting around Sera in a big circle .”I thought you would come alone and leave your blood pet behind for the time being” Sera says” Well you know me I like to bring my pets wherever I go” Vincente says taking his seat. ”Why the hell is everyone calling me a damn pet and why does this woman love low-cut dresses, especially in a room full of old hundred-year-old men. ”Aki says in his head. ”Anyway, we are here to discuss the low human problem and the invasion of the demons on our land,” A man sitting across from Vincent says with a deep raspy voice. "Wait what the fuck now first dragons now demons what next a fucking leprechaun spiling out lucky charms.” He says trying not to make himself laugh.” I will go and attend to our demon problem and I will bring the human boy to accompany me” Sera laughs “ no you will not” Vincent tilts his head. If I don’t bring him then what will I eat”. Sera looks eyeing Aki” fine you must leave at once Fainland is at least a two days ride on a wagon. She says looking at him lifting from his seat and walking towards Aki. Vincent grabs his hand and they both walk to a room at the end of the hall. Here are some clothes you will need to blend in when we go to Fainland. Vincent gets close to Aki and smells him” you may be starting to rot but you still need a bath” Aki smells himself and finds out he’s right” well he could have said I smelled more nicely, but it's nice to know he cares about my dead well beings body. Vincent points to the bathroom with an enormous tub and in the same room an enormous bed. Vincent hand Aki some clothes and Aki gets the water ready for a bath. He may be obnoxious and an asshole, but I guess the son of a bitch has his moments maybe this won’t be that bad I just wish were able to find my body in time where ever I am. This water feels nice though it's been a while since I’ve felt like this. With no worries and utter happiness I just hope Vincent isn’t trying to use me just how exactly can I trust him” She looks down at the bath water washing her face the water dripping from her hair.” When I do return home will I remember this or will it just be a big ass blur?” Her eye begins to turn red and tears begin flowing splashing the water.” I can’t think about that all that matters is finding my body the other stuff can wait.” Aki falls into the water gasping for a big breath of air and holding it to submerge fully underneath. Aki gets out of the tub to see that whoever this Michael guy was worked out a lot.” I wonder if Vincent looks this good naked” She catches himself” wait did I just say that no way in hell did I just say that, really what the hell is wrong with me. she grabs a towel to find a note on top of the items Vincent wanted to give her.” I know you want answers so ask away I already have our things packed so come on down the sun will be setting soon love Vincent” He puts the note down and looks back at the word love written on the note and soon behind to blush. He runs down to the main door to find Vincent waiting in the wagon. Still blushing he gets inside the wagon and sits across from him” You know there's no need to be embarrassed around me” Vincent says with a smirk.” Look you said you would answer any of my questions right?” Aki shuts the wagon door and soon the wagon begins to move.” I did so what's the question you have been dying to ask?” He asks “Where exactly am I?” Aki asks with intent. Vincent takes a deep sigh. You are at the castle Seraphines named after the vampire queen Seraphine this is one side of the kingdom and the other was overthrown by a witch who calls herself Misaki Ayako. She arrived days ago she then killed the vampire councils around the neighboring area and reunited the demon kingdom to take over those lands. So now she wants to take over ours and attack the borders of Fainland.” Aki removes the nightshade and looks at the poorly lit trees of the forest.” When exactly did she arrive here?” Vincent looks at Aki and says “around the same time I think you arrived says with confidence and looks at Aki’s expression.” Why what do you know?” Aki distracts his gaze” When I died on the train platform I grabbed someone along with me and I think that someone pushed me into the train” Aki looks back at Vincent” What's your story how did you end up here in an isekai anime. He stares deeply into Aki’s blue eyes “I’ll tell you once we find your real body I promise. Vincent looks out the window and notices a clearing he yells at the wagon driver to stop the wagon he opens the door and gets out. Aki follows his hasty decision and sees what he was chasing. in front of him is something that Sophia never thought she would see especially in another body. A real-life dragon the first mythical dinosaur with reddish scales covering its body and green piercing eyes.” Do you want to touch him” Aki looks behind and says “wait it’s him” Vincent takes Aki’s hand and the hand touches the reddish scales?” Holy shit there so soft and smooth and beautiful” “I think he likes you “Vincent stands behind Aki holding his hand and brushing the dragon's snout. "Because I would” They stare at each eye of each other “We should get back to the wagon” Aki begins to make the track back to the wagon” Actually the way to Fainland is over the sea and a wagon can’t cross water so how are you with heights. Vincent hops on the dragon and reaches for Aki’s hand “No way there’s has to be another way,” Aki says slapping his hand.” okay If you wanna complete the three-day trek to the other side of the country or trust me and we can get to Fainland within the next morning” Aki looks up to Vincent and sees his red crimson eyes glowing in the moonlight as beautiful as they are. Aki holds out his hand to grasp Vincent and Vincent wraps Aki’s hand around his waist” So are there any seatbelts or are we just gonna” In the middle of that thought the dragon jumps off the cliffs and spread its wings over the seas crashing tides Aki screams and holds on tighter and tighter to Vincent as he holds Aki’s hands. Aki notices his hands are warmer than what a vampire should feel maybe a lot warmer Aki rests his head on the edge of his back and looks down at the wonderful beauty of this dream world. Dragons lift to the sky showing their luminescent colors hearing their roars as mighty and fierce as there look. The sun makes its peak Aki slightly sleeping on Vincente's back feels the dragon descending promptly waking him up” What going on?” Aki asks “We need to land and find shade the sun is rising,” Vincent says with horror” With the sun then that means that you’ll oh shit” Aki frantically begins to look at the ground below and notices a structure below he grabs Vincent's attention and points to it” How about that” Vincent pulls the dragon to that location and they safely land with Vincent getting off quickly and running to what appears to be a lucky safe house for vampires. Aki follows Vincent to one of the rooms where a bed-like coffin covered in dust appears from under a few bed sheets.” Care to join me I know you didn’t sleep well air bourn” Vincent looks in Aki's direction and opens the casket.” Yeah, the only way I’ll ever sleep in a casket is when.” Vincent looks at Aki to continue that sentence” you know what never mind I’ll keep watch or something” Vincent grabs Aki by the waist “ make sure you don’t go far there are things in this forest that are worst than vampires. He strokes Aki’s hair and places it behind his ear and steps into the coffin and closes it.” Again what the hell is wrong with me I swear I can not be falling for him I cannot” Aki walks out of the house to find the dragons gone” Hmm probably got hungry it is a mystical beast anyway. "As she walks back into the house he begins to hear noises coming from the bushes. Aki closes and locks the door and puts a wedge in the door for a more permanent lock. She looks for something lying and everything is either covered in spiders or some brown-reddish substance. Aki looks at everything else and opens the casket to see that Vincent left him some room.” I can’t believe I'm doing this” Aki crawls in the casket with Vincent and begins to get comfortable. Vincent turns his head over to face Aki” I'm sorry if I woke you” Aki says with a smile. Vincent looks over and grabs Aki’s hand.” Sophia, I promise you when I find your body I will do whatever it takes to protect you. You have my word I promise” Aki looks at Vincent my name now is Aki” Vincent looks over to meet her gaze” When we find your body I'm gonna call you by your name, not your family name,” Vincent says and falls straight to sleep holding Aki’s hand.” Fine,” Aki says with a slight sigh. Night falls and Vincent wakes up opening the casket and noticing Aki still next to him sleeping. Aki slowly begins to fully remember the night of her death.” Who was I on the platform with” she slowly begins to see the face of a girl?” wait couldn’t have been” Aki wakes up in a cold sweat” Aya - Senpai, but why” Tears begin to flow down once more. Aki gets up and tries to run to Vincent. Aki runs to find Vincent nowhere in sight the door wide open. Aki begins to walk into the woods to find him and to find him with a piece of wood in his chest. Aki pulls it out with all her might and removes the wooden stake from his chest. Aki tries to cut herself to save him but gets knocked in the head by an unknown person. Aki still tries to get blood to Vincent's mouth and wipes her cut on his mouth and smiles as she gets hit again by the second time. Vincent awakes in a shrug of bushes and is shaded by the trees. The sun at its highest peak,” Sophia” he calls around and gets no answer he sees the pool of blood next to him closes his eyes, and begins to have a premonition from his ability. ”Look I don’t know if this is gonna work, but I know the person who was trying to kill me and I think this witch and that person are the same people and who might be keeping my body. His eyes open with a deep rage on his face, and he runs at an inhuman speed smelling the blood. Aki wakes up tied to a bed and sees someone standing over her she looks over to the bed next to her and notices her body. The bed begins to rise upward a female voice is heard.” Well hello Sophia long time no see” a girl appears in front of her.” Nice to see you too Aya you know I thought you died with me well until now.” Aya gets closer to Sophia and stabs her in the side Sophia cries in pain. ”Because of you I woke up in a strange person's body and couldn’t find my own and when I did I found out I had so much power here and now it's about time I finished what I started, but I can’t torture you in the body you are in now” She grabs the knife out of Sophia's side and pushes it into Michael's undead heart “in order to do that you have to die” Aya Unties Sophia where she falls to the floor and slowly closing her eyes. "Now any minute “Night finally falls on Vincent he rushes to where Aki’s scent left off to find that Michael's body is officially dead. She wakes up gasping for air “Sophia I’m here” She looks over to him “Vincent” she says softly. He smiles slightly at her then he grabs her and lifts her from the bed and carries her to the door. A man stands in front of the door” I can’t let you do that after all, you were the one that killed me” The man slowly reveals himself as Michael. ”How are you alive Sophia” Michael chuckles slightly.” Yeah I know I was awake the whole time all I had to die the first time and I could have become a demon by now, but then she jumps into my body and I’m still human slightly unaware of what's going on in my body. Now I’m fully reformed and ready to finally kill you” Michael charges at Vincent, but he's faster than a newborn demon and runs and runs with Sophia still in his arms. Michael is still on the chase losing Vincent in the dense forest. Vincent runs back to the house he places Sophia in the casket waiting for the morning and locks all doors and windows in the huge place. Sophia wakes up for the final time “where are we and what the hell happened?” She begins to look around till she sees a broken mirror to her side. The moonlight shines briefly to light the room for a minute she then stares at herself in disbelief.” I'm back I'm fucking back but wait how did I” She then remembers being stabbed by Aya and everything Aya told her even when she was dying for the second time.” This won’t be the last time you see me I will be back because if you really wanna make it out of here, one of us is gonna have to die for good this time and that person will be me”. She looks at herself holding her hands that begin to shake. Vincent comes from behind the doorway and notices Sophia Awake.” Sophia you need to rest” She reaches up and hugs him” Thank you even though you are still a raging pain in the ass” She smiles over her tears. He reaches his hand up and wipes her tears and folds her hair over her ears. She leans in for a kiss” You had a very stressful past couple of days get some sleep we can talk in the morning” He says kissing her on her forehead and closing his eyes. He leaves the room only to come back to her sleeping peacefully in the casket. ”So beautiful than I imagined he drags his hand from her face down to her neck. He leans over with his fangs over her neck and gets stopped in his tracks by her movements.


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Hi I like mysteries and history

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