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The kingdom of the non-speaking

The importance of freedom of speech

By Vernon K WolfePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a country where the king thought that the people wasted a lot of time talking, so he gave each of them a stick for communication and began to forbid them to talk.

The stick was specially designed, and the king believed that there was only good and evil in the world, so he had one end of the stick carved into the shape of a large palm, representing friendliness and love, and had the other end of the stick sharpened so that people could confront the evil forces when they faced them.

This policy began to be implemented, and at first, the king found that people did work more efficiently, no one stopped to exchange pleasantries and talk about boring things. The king became more convinced that it was those words that were curbing the country's growth.

People are accustomed to putting the end of the large palm in front of their bodies, and when they meet, they just gesture to each other, or touch, as a sign of courtesy. But one night, when a man saw the visitor and was ready to greet him, he suddenly found sharp spikes sticking out in front of him, and he was stabbed and had his money taken away from him.

It turned out that because all people were not allowed to use language, the police had difficulties in arresting people according to instructions, and the court could not convict people according to the tips of the stick, so some people began to plot against them. They no longer used the sharp end only when necessary, but took the spiked end on the road all day long, especially at night. They attempted to stab oncoming people and kill them with their money.

In the days that followed, more and more people were stabbed, and those who were stabbed began to be frightened, and eventually, after remaining friendly for some time, they also began to go out with the spiked end from time to time. And these people are finally divided into two camps, one is completely in self-defense, while the other part as if inspired by the general, or based on revenge, see people will be stabbed with a sharp end up, either to take away people's money, or their stab wounds.

Slowly, the wind of the "spiked bandits" grew louder and louder, and fewer and fewer people remained to walk with large palms, either out of friendliness or because they felt safe enough. They even face those with spiked heads on the road, and will take the palm to greet them, sometimes, they encounter people intent on self-defense, so the two sides are safe and sound, and are not harmed. But invariably, one day, they still encountered those robbers, so these people were stolen many times, and eventually gave up the friendly way of getting along, and instead used the spikes to treat all those who would approach.

Finally, one day, probably only two months after the king announced this policy, everyone in the country was in danger, and no one was friendly to others anymore. They took their blood-stained spikes and attacked everyone, either for money or for self-protection.

The king was astonished to hear the minister's report on this matter and did not want his own choice of sophisticated "apparatus" has become the culprit of the destruction of national security, and this situation continues, I am afraid that there are no longer able-bodied people left in the country.

So the king had no choice but to surrender all the sticks, declare a moratorium on this policy, and let the people return to verbal communication.

Soon after, people began to talk and gossip again, and time was wasted in many useless conversations, but the number of criminal cases in the country dropped rapidly. The thieves of the "silent" period also stopped committing crimes because they lost ground for them.

The events of the past two months are no longer mentioned.

Short Story

About the Creator

Vernon K Wolfe

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