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The Kind Woodcutter

small story of a kind wood cutter

By naveen kPublished 9 months ago 2 min read

In a small village nestled at the edge of a dense and ancient forest, lived a woodcutter named Arun. Arun was known throughout the village for his kind heart and gentle nature. He spent his days in the woods, carefully selecting trees to cut and always ensuring that he never harmed the forest more than necessary.

One sunny morning, as Arun ventured deeper into the forest, he heard a faint, pained chirping. Following the sound, he discovered a small and delicate bird with a wounded wing. It was struggling on the forest floor, unable to fly or find food.

Arun's heart immediately went out to the injured creature. Gently, he picked up the bird and cradled it in his hands. He carefully examined the wing, realizing that it needed time to heal. With great tenderness, he fashioned a small nest from twigs and leaves and settled the bird comfortably within it. Arun promised to return daily with food and water until the bird was strong enough to fly again.

For days, Arun faithfully tended to the bird, providing it with nourishment and care. The bird's wing slowly healed, and its chirps of gratitude resonated through the forest. As the bird's strength returned, Arun watched with a smile as it hopped around its nest, testing its newfound abilities.

One day, as Arun arrived with a handful of seeds, the bird unexpectedly transformed before his eyes. It shimmered with a radiant light, and its small form expanded until it revealed its true identity – a magical creature known as a forest sprite.

The sprite hovered in the air before Arun, its eyes filled with gratitude. "Kind woodcutter," it said in a melodious voice, "your compassion and selflessness have touched my heart. You saved my life, and I wish to repay your kindness."

Arun, taken aback by the sprite's transformation, bowed respectfully. "I did what anyone would do. There's no need for repayment."

The sprite insisted, "Nevertheless, I shall grant you a single wish. Whatever your heart desires, it shall be yours."

Arun pondered for a moment, his thoughts racing through possibilities. Then, with a smile, he spoke, "All I ask is that the forest remains untouched and thrives for generations to come. Let its beauty and life continue to flourish."

The sprite's eyes sparkled with approval. "Your wish is noble, woodcutter. As you have cared for the forest, so shall it thrive and remain untouched by harm."

With those words, the sprite vanished into the air, leaving Arun standing in awe. He returned to the village and shared his remarkable encounter with the villagers, who marveled at the woodcutter's kindness and the forest's enchanting protector.

As the years passed, the forest indeed flourished, and its untouched beauty became a legend in the region. Arun continued to visit the woods, a guardian of its well-being, and generations of villagers benefited from its resources while ensuring its preservation.

And so, the tale of the kind woodcutter and the magical creature became woven into the fabric of the village's history, a reminder that a simple act of compassion could lead to rewards beyond imagination. The forest stood as a testament to Arun's selflessness and the enduring magic of the world around them.

Moral of the story is always help the one in need, just like the kind wood cutter

Short Story

About the Creator

naveen k

i am an author i am a ghost writer and also working on fictional books

i am in this field from past 15 year ,

i wrote more than 400 blog post for different blogsites,

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Woodcutting is amazing!

NKWritten by naveen k

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