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The Imaginative Glorian Psyche

On Transportation and a Disconnected Peoples

By R.J. SikesPublished 14 days ago 3 min read

It is rare that we look within our current times to pull what will be the largest and most significant societal changes and makers. Ancient archivists filled plenty of scripts with the importance of Demasia’s innovations in terraforming. Discoveries in large-scale damming would allow water to be spread throughout their lands. Demasia would become known for its advanced canal and boating routes, but not for thousands of years after these predictions. What is credited with advancing Demasia into surviving among the ancient early peoples were actually improvements in rope-making and weaving. Through developing stronger and more purposeful textiles, the Demasians were able to improve agricultural effectiveness, create bigger and sturdier buildings, and begin learning about weight distribution.

Today, we may predictably say that advancements in transportation will be the cause for the next step of Glorian society, and perhaps of society in general. Gloria presents a unique experiment in the definition of a nation. It declares itself one people, though they are distant in land and customs. We may find more similarities in a Demiscan and a citizen of the Port Vernackus coastal city of Gloria than any two cities in Gloria. Transportation allows Glorians to keep in touch, to witness relics and peoples from other lands. It is proof to a folk that they are not alone, and that there are lives completely different from their own out there.

I believe we will see the impacts of this on the psyche of the Glorian. One sees themselves as a part of the bigger picture, a strand or a single ingredient or a brushstroke of something larger to see and witness and hold and create. This separates itself from traditional national messaging of one-ness and cohesive unity. The Demasian or the Zwondian or the Fihilmese life is one with a standard range of experiences which can be seen from any one’s vantage point. Writer Borolus Frengi describes the mental framework that comes from living in these lands when talking about his trip to a Zwondian marketplace in his Travels from the Other Lands:

“As I look around, I see what these people have seen once a week every week of their lives. The beekeepers, the butcher, the nurses, the orators. There is a child with wide eyes being careened to a fro by his mother. We have the same fresh perspective that his maternal guide does not. We see possibility, potentials outlining a puzzle for us to figure out. Who are we? Are we this or that? Would we be better as a guardsman or a teacher? Every person passed is another character to be written into the grand social fabric of Zwondi.”

The Glorian psyche is wide-stretching and disconnected, but above all else, it is hypothetical. It is built on imaginaries. The Glorian cannot see the bounds of their nation, and thus they must picture it. They must pretend to have an understanding of what Gloria is; it is a super-nation that transcends what one conceives a nation can be. It may be a major, huge port city that is a global center. It may be a society of folk in castles. It may be a wilderness that Man is engulfed by on all sides. Whatever is out there, it is different and varied and fresh and unimaginable.

It is its status as tabula rasa, a clean slate, which I believe will become important for historians of Gloria, of nations, and of civilizations in general to study. Now, we hear stories of Glorian mingling or find wares from distant sides of the nation for low-price. It is in these moments of context removal and, ultimately, commodification, which will allow the Glorian mind to grow fantastical and willing to accept any of that which is said to it.

It is already said that cons and scammers have been profitable selling all sorts of serums and oils which are no different than standard ales or bottom-rung medical syrups. There is an assumed believability, an assumed genuineness that whatever is out there is real and is a piece of the Glorian project. It is offered unto the buyer, a slice of Glorian life that they are promised by a shared promise.

Where will this lead? Perhaps a skeptical people, perhaps a wise people, perhaps a people cautious of itself.

The Glorian fruit has only just been planted.


About the Creator

R.J. Sikes

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    R.J. SikesWritten by R.J. Sikes

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