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The Hunt


By Meghan McMinnPublished 2 years ago 17 min read

Kiana crouches in the brush listening to the sounds of the forest. In her hand she has a strung bow, her arrows at easy reach just on her back. She peers through the undergrowth, a small breeze stirs which brings the scent of flowers, rain, and soil. The forest continues on as if she is not there, bugs chirping, birds flying from branch to branch. The air hangs heavy with moisture, it had just rained a couple hours ago. Her clothes are bits and pieces of patched green cloth, a shirt with a vest and some breeches, her leather boots the color of the dark soil she treads on. Her skin has a light tan complexion, but with her clothes she can watch the forest unseen by many eyes that live among the trees. The breeze stirs again the leaves shaking slightly around her. This was her first hunt on her own, and for her, it felt important. She knew her initiation to an order was just days away. She needed to do this, on her own, no one watching her. She needed it to feel ready. She had seen no good prey, as of yet, but a stream lies only a little way off and game will eventually go to drink, she must just wait.

Out of the corner of her eye she sees movement near her feet. She slowly brushes her auburn bangs out of her eyes, the rest of her hair cut short so as not to get in her way. A small feline moves just in front of her foot lifting his head. The small cat only slightly bigger than a wolf pup turns his head looking away from where the water would be. He has giant eyes, a small gold ring is barely visible around his huge pupil, as he watches the direction. His brown and red fur has small black spots littered across his body and it helps him to blend in the forest floor, his rounded ears move towards in the direction that he is looking listening intently as his tail swishes back and forth quietly as he stares towards whatever it is. Si-Kae has been with her since before she can remember. Her lifelong companion she can read his movements and even communicate with him, after a fashion. Animals do not use words in the way that her people and other peoples do, but all those of the Darsian Plains can talk to their companions.

She watches Si-Kae, now he hears something, and smells something. "Something is coming…." She senses from him. She strains her ears, like the rest of her tribe her ears are slightly elongated and come to a point. All her people have exceptional hearing, though nothing compared to Si-Kae. She stares in the direction holding very still and listening. Finally, she hears it, the crunch of dry leaves, the snap of twigs, the squish of moist dirt. All the sounds of someone walking heavily. The breeze stirs again bringing the scent clearly to her nose. This is no game, no prey, it's a person, and judging from the noise not one of her tribe. Si-Kae swiftly and quietly climbs up her back laying on her shoulders and nuzzling against her neck, continuing to watch in the direction of the noise.

Three men in metal suits come clamoring through the forest. This part of the forest is dark and thick with growth. Living here, it is easy for her to move through and find the proper paths. These three, however, obviously don't belong. They struggle through, branches catching on their metal suits, and stumbling over the vines that grow along the ground. She grins watching them, they don't see her, and this is somewhat entertaining. "We need to go back, we shouldn't have gone this far in…." One says as he stops looking around and sighing. She sees his face for a moment, bright blue eyes looking out into the forest, sweaty black curls just barely visible poking out from under his helmet. The other two stop, the shortest of the three, huffs turning on the young man who spoke first. "I'm telling you I saw one… one of those…. Savages, they were out of their damn forest and on our land, we can't allow it!" the second one to speak seems the same age as the first one, but a bit more rotund and blank brown eyes, his face seems squished even though it's not, and he has an air of anger around him. The final man looks around the area, he seems older than the others, a bit of grey hair poking from under his helmet, his eyes look tired as he watches the first two argue. "How I ever let you two convince me…. "he shakes his head. "He's right, we are in too far, we will be lucky to find our way back out. We need to go back." The second man turns on him quickly "Listen old man, you're not the one in charge I am…" he looks around the forest seeming to finally understand where he is at. He looks up where light barely filters through the leaves of the canopy, it's just enough to light the forest but it is impossible to tell where the sun might be in the sky.

"We are in their territory now though, and I can't imagine they would take to friendly to us being here." The blue-eyed young man says to the angry one. Once more the angry man huffs and looks around, his eyes do seem to, finally, register that they may not be in the best position. "We are going back… that's an order." He barks, the older man rolling his eyes as he turns from him. The angry man begins to march not quite going in the direction they came.

Kiana watches as they begin to go back in the basic direction they came. She lifts her free hand from the dagger that she keeps at her side. She had not even noticed her hand had gone there while watching them. They were from the land north of the forest. Men with their metals suits and stone houses lived there, though they were not originally from here, like her people. There was, an uneasy, peace between the tribes of the Darsian plains the people who came from across the ocean. But the two peoples still didn’t trust, or really get along with one another. She can still hear them tearing through the forest as they go. Si-Kae presses his head on her chin. "I don't know if they'll find their way out…." She says quietly to him shrugging. "But we should move, they made far too much noise… nothing will wander this way now." She stands still staring in the direction they went. Even standing straight up she is still small in stature. Her slim body makes it easy for her to move quietly and quickly through the branches and underbrush of the forest. Her steps as she moves make barely any noise and hardly disturb the plants and dirt under her feet. She moves towards the stream, the sound of trickling water beginning to grow in her ears. Si-Kae clings to her shoulder and neck as she moves. He watches the forest around him alert and perceptive, he will see danger, or prey and let her know. As she approaches the water she stops listening once more to the forest. She looks around smiling to herself and then shakes her head reaching up to pet Si-Kae. He purrs a bit, once more butting his head on her cheek. She walks to the edge of the water kneels and slings her bow on her back around her arrows. She reaches down cupping her hand and taking a drink of the water. The water is cold and refreshing. Si-Kae jumps down beginning to lap some up himself, Kiana gives him a pet scratching down his spine as she goes.

Suddenly Si-Kae lifts his head his eyes growing as he looks further down the creek. Kiana lifts her head to see a beautiful stag walk up to the creek and begin drinking. "Dammit." She mumbles going to grab her bow, but the sudden movement alerts the stag as he lifts his head and stares right at the two of them. Kiana nocks her arrow quickly taking aim as the stag begins to bound into the forest, she looses the arrow, not entirely sure of her aim and sees it hit the stag. Though whether the shot would be enough to bring it down is unknown. It runs away disappearing into the forest.

She slings her bow back on her back "Come on Si-Kae" she says as she runs after the stag. Though she can move fast, there's no way she is faster than the stag. Now she is hoping her arrow did enough damage that the stag will soon slow. Si-Kae runs behind her occasionally jumping into trees to follow above. There is a small trail of blood, which means the stag is injured, she continues to follow it moving smoothly through the forest.

As she follows the forest gets darker, she goes deeper and deeper. The canopy entangles itself more and more letting less and less light through. Her pupils get wider, the copper rings of her eyes reflecting the small amount of light there is. Her eyes look cat-like in the dark as they adjust so that she is still capable of seeing through the dark forest. The trail of blood still barely visible seems fresher, she is getting close. Si-Kae climbs a tree and goes on ahead scouting out from up high to see what he can see. Si-Kae jumps down landing gently on her shoulder with precision, despite her movements. His eyes stare ahead as his tail twitches back and forth, his eyes are sharp and narrowed and Kiana knows she's close, she has nearly caught up with her prey. She breaks silently through some underbrush, crouching she sees the stag, her arrow sticking out from its chest. Blood is trickling down the front of it, she didn't get it right in the heart, but it's close, and as the poor creature staggers and slows, she knows it won't be long. She unsheathes her dagger slowly going closer. She is close enough to see its eyes, she sees the pain, and for a second, she feels sorrow for the creature. But such is the cycle, it's life will help several people in her village eat, thus helping them live. One life for many, but it is still sad. She brings her dagger up as she inches ever closer, soon she will end its pain.

Suddenly, as if from nowhere, a giant black panther pounces from between the trees lunging at the injured stag and sinking its fangs deep into its throat. She jumps back in surprise unable to do anything but observe. The stag, also caught by surprise, jumps as if to run but the panther's claws are already forcing it down, blood gushes from its neck as the panther continues to squeeze it in its mouth. The stag falls to the ground, the massive panther on top of it. The stag kicks and attempts to fight its attacker and for a few moments there is an epic struggle as the stag tries to force the panther off of it and return to its feet. The panther lets go of the stag's neck for a fraction of a second before ripping once more into the throat. Blood splatters on the leaves of the plants around the stag and with one last sickening crunch of bones the stag's life fades from its eyes and it goes limp. The panther releases lifting its large head up it turns to stare at Kiana. Blood drips from its whiskers as its giant green eyes narrow at her. Finally, it chuffs at her and turns away moving off and beginning to clean the blood from itself. Si-Kae who still sits on Kiana's shoulder moves closer to her neck, but at the same time seems to be trying to stare at the panther as if unafraid. Kiana stands straight up staring at the panther she sheathes her dagger and sighs. From the same direction that the panther came walks a man. He has very similar features to the girl, but he is much older. His eyes copper like hers stare at her saying nothing. His hair is similar in color to hers, but is kept short and spiked on the top, not a single hair out of place. He has a strong presence, an air about him that exudes confidence and dignity. The panther walks back towards him, gracefully laying before the man and beginning to clean itself again. The man walks towards the stag, crouching down he pulls the arrow from the stag's chest and holds it for a moment. "You did well." He smiles at her affectionately. She huffs a bit crossing her arms. "Then why were you here? Why did Li-Nae finish the kill?" He stands holding the arrow out to her as the panther stirs at her name. "Ahh little one, don't worry I had all the faith in you, but you are still young, you move too quickly and Stags, even those in their death throes, can be dangerous."

She takes the arrow from him and sighs "I know to watch for his hooves… ." She stares down at the stag, a frown on her face. Her brother, Natane, looks up at her "You are too impatient little one. It was not yet time to move in, his hooves are not the only danger." He gently taps the stag's antlers. "You are small best not make a move till you are sure it won't be a danger." She shoots him a look of defiance. "I knew what I was doing, I wasn't being impatient." He shakes his head, "No it wasn't time" his eyes are stern this time as he looks at her. "If I hadn't sent Li-Nae in…" She interrupts him "Well we can't know, can we?! Cause you refuse to let me on my own." "Enough Kiana." Though he does not raise his voice she knows better than to push him, his eyes stare up at her with authority. "Come now, there is still work to be done." He pulls out his own knife from his belt. With a sigh of exasperation Kiana to pulls her knife out and moves with her brother to clean the deer. They work quietly cutting it open and preparing it to move. Kiana breaks the silence after a while. "Natane?" she says he nods to her indicating he heard, "How long were you out here, waiting for me?" His eyes flicker up from what he is doing. "I followed you out of the village…." He continues to work his hands moving skillfully as if he has done this hundreds of times. Which she thinks, perhaps he has. "So, you've been watching me since the beginning?" Natane nods once more "Mother wanted you watched, your initiation is coming up, she wanted to know how prepared you are." Kiana stops and sighs heavily "Mother sent you? Has she no faith in me?" Natane finishes what he is doing and begins to tie the back hooves of the stag together. "We'll just carry it back rather than making a sled…" he looks around seeming to ignore her question, then ties the front hooves "You get that side, it's a bit of a walk if you need to rest speak up." Though her brow is furrowed in frustration she does as her brother commands lifting the back end, it's very heavy but she has no intention of letting it show. He lifts the front and they begin to walk, being much taller than her they look slightly funny walking as the back half of the stag is angled much lower.

Li-nae follows Natane closely, incredibly silent, her paws making no noise as they touch the ground. Meanwhile, Si-Kae continues to ride on Kiana's shoulders looking at the giant panther nervously. "She just worries, you're young, headstrong and impatient." Natane breaks the silence, his voice calm and strong. "With this stag, for example, you should have stayed back for a little while longer, waited for it to succumb to his injury more. Yes, I have Li-Nae so I can send her in to finish my prey, Si-Kae can't do that which means you must learn to have more patience." Kiana doesn't speak, she could argue with him, but it would be pointless. Natane is the oldest of her four brothers and will be her mother's successor. At twelve years her senior he has always had authority over her. "She worries you're not mature enough to take on the initiation, particularly into the order that you have chosen." Kiana looks at her feet as they walk letting her brother lead her, her arms are beginning to ache from the weight of the deer, but she is determined not to ask to stop. They work their way through the brush, it is much more difficult to move while carrying the stag, and Kiana's arms and legs are beginning to ache, made worse by having to keep with her brother’s pace. After walking and making their way, pushing and cutting through the undergrowth where needed, finally, she asked quietly. "What do you think?" Natane continued to walk forward, not even looking back "I think you're ready, those soldiers were in the woods today. I watched you, you were smart, three of them, only one of you. You were also close enough to touch them and they didn't even know you were there. You have potential and after your initiation your order can help you hone that potential. So yes, I think you are ready." He slows and comes to a stop, setting the stag down gently. "Let's rest a moment." Though she considers arguing, her arms are screaming at this point and in truth, she is grateful for the rest. Natane turns to her "But the initiation for the daggers is one of the most dangerous and most difficult, you do understand this don't you little one? Not to mention once you are in your order you will be considered an adult, mother and father will no longer be able to coddle you…." He looks on her affectionately once more "Nor will I…" She looks down shuffling her feet. She was the only girl of her family's children, and so her parents, especially her father, and her two older brothers had always treated her a little different, been gentler and perhaps even a little overprotective. If not for her twin, Tirok, who was anything but overprotective she might not be on the path to becoming a warrior. "You know, you're only fourteen, you have two more years, before you’re required to take your initiation. Why not wait, little one? Stay a child a bit longer?" She shakes her head and looks up meeting his eyes "You and Dinul, and Mother and Father, you all took yours at fourteen. I'm strong and I am ready to help the village I am ready." Natane sighs and nods his head "I look back on that sometimes, more was expected of me, I will follow mother as chieftain, Dinul, he only did it at fourteen to keep up with me. And all of us chose orders that were not so harsh." She rolls her shoulder, she desperately wants to rub them but doesn't want to show her brother weakness. "Mother was a dagger, she did it at fourteen." He nods watching her carefully "True, but I wonder if she would have waited if she knew what she knows now." He shrugs and leans down to pick up the stag again "It doesn't matter, you have made your decision. Let's go it's getting dark" he says and begins to lead her home. Behind his back, as she follows Kiana bites her bottom lip nervously and thinks on what he said. He was right the initiation was a big step, but she wanted to prove that she was as strong as her brothers. As her mother. She was tired of being “little one” no matter how affection her brother used when he called her that. As they walk it begins to become lighter as they near their village. When they begin to pass by the thatched houses and mud huts of the village, people begin to wave to them. Kiana smiles and waves back, for now she will help with the stag she just killed and think no more on her initiation, but she will still know, in the back of her head, it is only two days away, and she begins to question whether she is truly prepared.


About the Creator

Meghan McMinn

I'm a Police Dispatcher who lives in a small town in Nevada. I write fantasy and I have many ideas in my head. I'm currently working on a larger series but I am going to post some of my earlier works here.

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