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The History of the Entire CuaZmic Universe

Scholar Edition (Teaser)

By Elijah DavisPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
The History of the Entire CuaZmic Universe
Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash


The most popular and common origin story of life and everything that exists comes from an excerpt from Ancient Eastern Tablets. The Tablets were found from a desert which is believed to be the modern location of an ancient paradise called Cauzmantis. According to many historians, Cauzmantis was the most advanced civilization to ever exist! The translation below is agreed upon by many Cauzmantis scholars to be the best of its kind. Enjoy

First, there was a darkness that consumed all. Then there was a light that illuminated the void. This light was more than light it was energy. As soon as the light came to be the light could feel and be aware. This is the "source". "All source". "All source" the light energy could feel itself and had the idea that it was undergoing a transformation.

"All Source" then split itself in order to be relieved of the feeling of bursting. "All Source" became two and then split again. Each time "All source" spit itself both lights still felt a bursting sensation and split more. Quickly there were thousands and then millions of "All Source" shining and splitting.

This rapid splitting occurred for NINE hours, and then each energy source was transformed. The great transformation brought about the creation of every single thing that ever existed.

Some of the energy transformed into rocks, trees, grass, mountains, animals, and beings of all sorts. Everything that manifested was still connected to the original energy, the "All Source".

-Ancient Eastern Tablets (Elite Scholars translation)

The creation tablet, or what is left of the creation tablet has been translated millions of times, with little scholarly consensus. After the job of the word for word translation is done, comes the impossible work of explaining and defining the text's true meaning. Several folks have come forward with helping us translate half of the only evidence and information of the Cuazmantis.

Without the rest of the creation tablet or the other tablets, humanity has been trying to decipher what the gem of ancient, eternal knowledge means. Some people have spent their life trying to figure out the meaning behind the stone we have. Others find themselves risking their lives searching for the other tablets in the desert! With little room for doubt, the masses accept some version of the Cauzmantis creation story.

There are several religions and most popular religions agree that all that exists is imbued with the essence of "All Source". The popular three Religions believe that smaller manifestations indicate energy that was furthest away from the original "All source". All three also teach that manifestations that were the closest and most important to "All source" were moving beings, making human beings the favorite.

Other rogue or cult religions teach that at the beginning of times some humans could run fast and jump very high while others were slow. Leading these groups to study the occult trying to discover ancient magical powers. Many groups were convinced that humans could learn to shape shift once again.

Historians and Elite Scholars together create a scientific approach to the classification and evolution of ancient organisms, animals, and beings. Although there are a lot of fun stories of human shapeshifting and animals talking the science the contributing historians have contributed offer no evidence for such tales.

Below we have Historians and Elite Scholar's scientific approaches to the classification and evolution of ancient organisms, animals, and beings. Enjoy!

In ancient times there were several different organisms, animals, and beings. There were many different species and they were all similar in ways but also extremely different and diverse. The animals and humans were all different and diverse.

Our Classification Theory of Ancient Animals and Beings are that there were 30 classifications of Human Beings. All thirty species exhibit the most advanced living standards and intellect. There is one classification of 18 ancient beings that had behaviors that were much more impressive than that of any other ancient species of human. The species of 18 ancient humans are named overseers because science allows us to assume that these humans created language, rules, and space for all creations.

Our research allows us to conclude that these ancient humans became rulers over the rest of the species of humans and animals. The Overseers seemed to have spent their lives teaching other creations knowledge of the land.

The scientific classifications are vague in nature because of the board's hope to keep speculation out and only refer to things the science could prove. The unfortunate truth is our science really comes up short when discussing ancient animals and beings. There just is not as much data as one would need to in good faith make assumptions and hypothesi.

There are great religious and frivolous tales about ancient humans and what it was like. Many religions refer to the 18 as prophets of "All Source" and the saviors of humanity. Some authors paint the 18 as terrorists who punished and enslaved all those weaker than them. To catch up with the scholars we head to our group of elite ancient society experts. Enjoy

The Elite Scholars ancient society group opted into sharing the three most popular schools of thought on ancient society. We do hope that this teaching split allows scholars of the future to remain open-minded and thorough in their studies.

The first school of thought that is taught is the idea that ancient society was created unwittingly by the 18 overseers. That as they went around sharing their ideas and beliefs those ideas and beliefs became law. The overseers had accidentally used their immense influence to put all the other beings and animals under their control.

The second school of thought that is taught and widely accepted by scholars is that the 18 overseers actually traveled, learned, and studied before sharing their ideas.

The third school of thought that is most popular is the presence of an ancient group of humans called the "other 12" who were the real silent creators and guardians of Knowwhere.

The main reason that the "other 12" theory has the most traction is how well it explains the next period of ancient society known as the Great Fall of Nowhere. The second reason is that the "other 12" does give the scholar the chance to research powers, as the "other 12" are rumored to have powers like those the cult groups love to discuss. This last school of thought is the perfect transition into the next part of our Elite Scholars journey. History takes us to the fall of Knowhere in which many battles for control and power over the land!


About the Creator

Elijah Davis

Instagram: authorelijahdavis

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