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The Heir of the Varcolac


By Clayton CookPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

There weren't always dragons in the Valley. Before the sky was alit by Green Flames Man ruled the blue grass hillside. Man’s conquering of the Varcolac was to be the end of battle between nature and evil. Yet, the Green Flames burn.

Hadryan’s favorite stories were from the time of the Varcolac, the time of the shifters. His father would speak of when Dihanie the Great led Man into the blue grass valley, when they met those with black eyes by day, those who could shine in the darkness.

Hadryan’s bronze sword clanked against Maica’s blade, illuminating the cave in falling light.

Left. Right. Quarter turn. Back step.

Their dance beneath the fading sparks progressed beneath their father’s view. Fiara accepted all he witnessed without enthusiasm and without regret. As brother cut sister, and sister slashed brother. Their wounds would not be known until the journey down the hill, when the dragons left the sky by night. Despite the dangerous training, neither had ever done more than injured each other’s surfaces, never a critical wound.

Without a word spit into the darkness, the growth of bronze against steel sang for the hillside. Echoing from the cave was the storm before the rain. Man’s last defense to eliminate the Green light. So few held bravery to leave their dens while the dragons flew, but Fiara knew the strength his children would bring, and how close they were to their moment to strike.

Tonight, when the darkness would hide their movements, Hadryan and Maica would leave the blue grass valley, they would go in search of the only ones who could truly slay the dragons. Yet, Fiara had not yet told them of their journey. He must know they are ready to face what lies beyond the blue grass valley which gave life beneath the Green Flame. While the bronze and steel warriors would be away, Fiara would gather the remaining factions of Man. The common souls who would strike at the throat of the flame.

The Green moon was entering its rising cycle, the twin to the moon of Man. Fiara could feel his magic growing as the night sky began its transition to showing its second egg. As his magic grew, Fiara felt the dragons must feel the shift as well.

The darkness of the cave hid its occupants from sight, but the noise of their training betrayed every position. Fiara could feel in the air how Maica had gained the upper hand. Her aggression only fueled her skill with the blade. Her agility coupled with her skill made her Hadryan’s better in every way. The sparks of the blades showed the faces of the brother and sister dancing across the red clay floor.

Strike. Block. Return...Swish.

Someone missed the other’s blade. Fiara couldn’t tell who failed in their attempt, his senses tingled to life. In all these years bronze had always answered steel, never a miss. A sudden gasp, and clatter of metal to rock rippled through Fiara’s head. Maica screamed, her father ran, feeling his way through the clouded darkness following her sobs.

“Maica. Hadryan.” Fiara called out. Only Maica’s muffled sobs replied. Fiara tripped over his son’s limp body and he fell to the red clay. Dust filled his lungs. Collecting himself, feeling the wet torso of his son, Fiara spoke softly to his daughter, “come, we must get him to the forest immediately.”

Fiara lifted his son onto his back, tied his hands together to prevent him from slipping. Maica and he crept out of darkness, back into the light of the Green Flame. “If you see a dragon you must hide. Let me worry about your brother until we get to the low plain. All will be handled, he is not dead, his magic will keep him alive longer than another Man,” Fiara touched his daughter’s face to comfort her, and felt the tears which streamed her face now.

Crouching beneath the tall blue grass, taller than any Man, Fiara hurried as well as he could. Rock to rock, trunk to trunk, beneath the canopy of blue grass. Maica cutting her way through the grasses just ahead, clearing her father’s path towards the forest. The forest they had avoided as much as the light of the Green Flame. Fiara's speed was not enough to keep pace with Maica as he routinely stopped until her father could catch up before continuing forward.

They arrived at the short grass plain. Their cover had now abandoned them. The roar from the sky shook the valley.

“Go straight for the rock, take your brother.” Fiara lowered Hadryan onto the dirt beneath their feet.

“What about you father?”

“I must venture into the woods, I must go and find those who will be able to heal Hadryan. You will stay with your brother until I return.”

“Who could be in those woods who could help?” At this question, the one he knew she would ask, but hoped she would not, Fiara lowered his head, without looking at his daughter he answered.

“I will find the Varcolac.”

AdventureFantasySci FiSeries

About the Creator

Clayton Cook

Clayton Cook is a polemicist, essayist, and creative writer focused on the irony of the human condition. On an odyssey in search for The Great Perhaps. A graduate of OHIO University with a degree in Political Management.

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