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The heart shaped locket

By Ms Jasmine Rahman

By Jasmine RaymondPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 9 min read

CHAPTER 1- The nightmare begins

It is dark and gloomy; Jenny's hands are hot and sweaty. Jenny clutches tightly to her baby called Lilly rose and her terrier dog called Betsy. Her heart shaped locket hangs around her neck,

“Where am I?” Says Jenny to herself.

Jenny in central park trying to get home but every path she tries to walk down, she can see dark shadows. There is a full moon.

Jenny hears a loud growling noise which sends chills down her spine.

“Who’s there?” Says Jenny shaking like a leaf.

There is no response but the howling gets louder and Jenny’s heart pumps faster. Lilly rose starts sniffling and Betsy becomes very inquisitive and starts barking!!!

Jenny cannot see anything; her heartbeat starts beating amazingly fast and her pulse is racing.

She has goose bumps on her skin, the hairs stand up on the back of her neck. She wants to scream but it is caught in her throat!

Jenny decides to go for it and run as fast as she can. The howling gets louder, Betsy is so scared she runs ahead. Lilly rose starts crying as she is so frightened, her little fingers clutch onto Jenny’s blouse.

There is a branch sticking out on the ground, but Jenny does not see it and trips and falls onto the ground. It is autumn and there are leaves on the ground, as Jenny falls, she cushions Lilly rose who is crying at the top of her lungs.

“Mama’s got you baby girl. Don’t cry!”

CHAPTER 2- The Beast

Jenny struggles to look ahead as her eyesight is very blurred (as it is full of tears) which start to roll down her cheeks. She can see the outline of a huge creature, dark grey fur on its body, big ears, and sharp teeth.

“Please don’t hurt my baby! “says Jenny screaming

Jenny protectively covers Lilly rose. The Beast comes closer and its inches away from her face bearing its large teeth!!

Jenny cannot move as she is frozen on the spot!!

The Beast plunges its teeth into Jenny’s neck!!

“No!” Screams Jenny at the top of her voice. She can feel something trying to grab the heart shaped locket

And then suddenly.......................................

“Woof Woof!” barks Betsy wagging her tail.

The baby monitor starts to go off and Lilly rose is up. It is 10am. Jenny has had another nightmare!

The tears roll down her cheeks. Her body starts shaking. Betsy looks at her placing it is paw on her arm. She starts stroking Betsie’s fur feeling a great sense of relief!!

The baby monitor is still crackling

Jenny suddenly jumps out of bed and pulls herself together.

“Okay baby girl, Mama’s coming. Says Jenny walking into the nursery to pick up Lilly rose and gives her a big hug!!

“Hello, my darling little cherub. Oh, dear what is that smell? “

Jenny picks up Lilly rose and takes a whiff of her diaper

“WHOA that’s a stinker!!” Says Jenny.

Lilly rose chuckles and makes a cooing noise.

“Mama’s going to change your diaper and give you a quick bath!”

“Woof Woof!” replies Betsy with her tail wagging.

“Why are you so anxious suddenly? Of course, you need your breakfast!”

Jenny pats Betsy’s head and strokes her fur.

It is hard work looking after two little ones.

Betsy looks up at Jenny with her puppy dog eyes. Jenny feels safe having Betsie around as a guard dog. She was bold, courageous and a little trooper!

Jenny starts to drift off and thinks about how she got into this position in the first place.

She and Dave were high school sweethearts from Chicago.

Dave became a Doctor and Jenny became a high school Science Teacher.

(As she graduated in Biochemistry) from the University of Chicago.

Jenny and her husband married young. Dave was offered a job in the big Apple (New York) as a junior Doctor.

She followed the love of her life to a new city. A fresh start but she missed Chicago, her parents, and her sister because she followed her heart.

Dave gave a heart shaped locket on their 1st wedding anniversary. Jenny opens the pendant and looks at Dave’s picture. The tears start to roll down her cheeks.

“I miss you so much!” Says Jenny trying to control her tears. The pain is unbearable!

Dave was murdered one night when he was making his way home from work. It was January 4th, 2019. Jenny remembered the date well.

The police said he was attacked by some wild dogs as there were claw marks on his face and bite marks on his body.

She later discovered she was pregnant with Lilly rose. The one little reminder for the love she shared with Dave.

Jenny was 25 years old and a widow. A single parent trying to make ends meet. Her teaching job paid the bills, but it was not a great salary.

She went on Maternity leave but decided not to return to work as she needed bonding time with Lilly rose. Now that she was a little toddler, she decided it was time to go back to work as she needed the money and the widow’s benefit was not enough to pay the bills.

Lilly rose starts cooing and Betsy tail hits the side of her legs.

“What am I going to do? Says Jenny with a big sigh.

CHAPTER 3- Shop till you drop!

Jenny feeds the dog and gives Lilly rose a bath. Jenny changes Lilly rose into her clothes. The baby looks up at Jenny with her beautiful green eyes and her cute little smile exposing her baby teeth!

Jenny’s train of thought comes to a big halt as her mobile phone starts to beep!

She takes her phone out of her bag and checks the Calendar. There is an important event which has completely slipped her mind!

“OMG! I’ve got an interview at that new Pharmaceutical Company Glaxo international, and I’ve got nothing to wear!”

Jenny checks her purse and remembers she has her Credit card for emergencies!

“This will do!”

The interview has been scheduled for Tuesday. She feels relieved as she has time to prepare for it and gets ready for this exciting opportunity.

Jenny loves Science and the fact it means working for this Pharmaceutical Company made her feel incredibly happy.

Jenny lives in Jamaica estate (a detached house)

Dave’s salary paid well but on a single income, Jenny needed the money so she could live comfortably and look after Lilly rose and Betsie.

Jenny starts calling Claire (one of her old colleagues from work) who became a good friend and was there for her when Dave died.

“Hey girl, how are you?” Says Jenny.

“Hi jenny, nice to hear from you. How are you and Lilly rose?”

“We are well thanks. Listen, I know it has been a while, but I was wondering if you fancied meeting up for a coffee and some cake.” It will be my treat!” Says Jenny with excitement.

A sudden Virus pandemic had reached the USA (from China)

Many people had died, and all the Western countries were trying to create a Vaccine to help cure the disease but to no avail! Lockdown was put into place with no contact with family and friends.

It is November 2020. The Lockdown had been lifted and Jenny missed not being in touch with close family and friends. She held her breath as she waited to see what Claire would say about meeting up. Jenny was praying she would say yes!

“Yes, I would love to meet up. I could do with some fresh air. Just tell me the time and place!” Says Claire.

“Meet me at 12.30pm at the Nectar Coffee shop. See you later. Chow!” Says Jenny

“See you later!” Says Claire.

Jenny quickly gets changed wearing Jeans, a white blouse, and a Jacket. She wears her black ankle boots; she grabs her baby accessory bag and puts it on her left shoulder and Lilly rose on her right hip and Betsie on her lead.

“All ready to go!” Says Jenny.

Jenny walks a few yards to Mrs Angela Pistoia’s house (her next-door neighbour)

Mrs Angela Pistola has black hair with wispy grey bits. Her hair is placed into a neat bun.

Originally from Greece, her family were all grown up and had moved out.

She makes a Moussaka to die for.

Jenny presses the doorbell and waits for her to open the door.

Angela opens the door looking at Jenny through her Bifocal spectacles.

“Hello jenny, lovely to see you. You look very tired, are you Okay?” Says Angela

“I’ve not been sleeping very well, and I’ve been having nightmares. It feels so real, I feel so frightened!!” Says Jenny

“Don’t stress, I’m here for you but please be careful and don’t be scared. Please go to your doctor who might be able to prescribe you something to help you sleep in the meantime,

I might have something herbal in my cupboard. Leave it with me!” Says Angela

Angela gives Jenny a reassuring squeeze and smiles softly.

“Thanks, so much Angela. Here’s Lilly rose and her accessory bag. I hope she’s no trouble!”

Lilly rose gives a little chuckle as jenny gives her a hug and a kiss on her right cheek.

Jenny waves goodbye as she heads off to meet Claire at the coffee shop. Betsy walks in front of Jenny as she holds onto the dog Lead.

Jenny spots Claire waiting for her outside the Coffee shop. Betsy goes up to her sniffing her scent. Claire pats Betsy on the head.

Jenny gives Claire a big hug and suggests going shopping first to pick up an outfit for her interview. Manhattan is lined up with designer shops and boutiques. She is spoilt for choice. Jenny squints her eyes in the bright sunlight to look up at the heading of a new shop called Zara.

“Hey, let us try this new shop called Zara. It is extremely popular in Europe. My cousin raves on about it and I like the look of that dress.” Says Jenny.

Jenny points to the window where the Mannequin stands wearing the gorgeous shirt dress.

Claire points to a crisp white blouse, a black pencil skirt with a small slit and a black blazer. Jenny takes the items and changes into them. Jenny leaves the changing room to show off her clothes.

“Tada!” How do I look?” Says Jenny

“Jenny, you look great! You could wear a paper bag and still look great! That’s definitely a contender!” Says Claire with a wide grin on her face.

Jenny starts to ponder. She put on a lot of weight when she was pregnant with Lilly rose but luckily, the weight came off with the running around and the breast feeding.

Something was missing. The outfit did not look right with the ankle boots.

“I feel a bit restricted and not amazingly comfortable. I’m going to try on the dress that I liked from the window!” Says Jenny excitingly!

Jenny quickly goes to the changing room and tries on the dress. It is made of Polyester but has a nice feel to it. It is a long dress with a collar and is nipped in at the waist. Showing off her curves. She looks at herself in the mirror and starts to smile.

“I wish you were here Dave to help me choose an outfit”

Jenny walks out of the changing room and gives Jenna a quick twirl!

“Jenny, you look so hot in that dress!” Says Claire

“That dress was made for you as it shows your curves so well!”

“Thanks Claire, I’m getting that dress as it has my name on it!” Says Jenny

Jenny and Claire head out of the store and make their way to the Costa coffee shop.

“Coffee here we come!” says Jenny

For the first time in ages, Jenny feels happy with all the tension disappearing.


About the Creator

Jasmine Raymond

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    Jasmine RaymondWritten by Jasmine Raymond

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