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The Heart of Sarian

A tale of how a young girl became a hero

By Charlotte PricePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

A barren wasteland, the definition of imperfection, lies right in the heart of our perfect, sugar coated city. My dad always used to tell me stories growing up, about a time, long before our generation, of a kingdom that once stood there. Ever since I can remember, I’ve had this dream, it’s the same, reoccurring, every night. In this dream, I’m at the bottom of a stair well, it’s spirally, made of brick, it’s cold and damp, in the back ground I can hear a faint voice, beautiful, almost like a sirens song, calling my name, the overwhelming urge to follow it sweeps over me and I start to climb, one step at a time, growing ever closer to the top, as I get closer, the voice gets louder, I can hardly contain my excitement, I start taking two steps, then three, before I know it I’m running, as I reach the top I come to a solid oak door, with a big brass knob, just as I’m about to open it ... Tiggy, TIGS!! ANTIGONE!! ... I’m shaken awake, as I rub my eyes I’m greeted by my little sister Elsie, she smiles softly and says “Happy Birthday Tigs.” handing me a small gift, wrapped with a bow, I look at her “Thanks Els.” as I start to unwrap the box “Oh, and don’t call me Antigone again.” she laughs and makes her way back out of my room. My eyes swell as I look at the gift, it was my mother’s old heart shaped locket, the chain had snapped not long after my grandma had passed away, I remember how upset my mum was, she had always meant to have it repaired but after she got sick it became her last priority. She had always said when I turned 17 it would become mine, it was sort of a family tradition, passed from generation to generation to the first born girl, I think even before the apocalypse. I undo the clasp and fasten it around my neck. “Finally 17 Mum.” I sigh as I stare at her photo on my night stand, “Wish you were here.” I jump out of bed, tying my unruly curls in a high pony, and throwing a pair of ripped jeans on, I pull a hoodie over my head, slip into my converse and make my way down stairs.

“Hey squirt.” My dad says gently ruffing my hair “Happy Birthday.” He says and kisses the top of my head “Thanks Dad.” I say passingly as I grab a slice of toast from the table, making my way out the door “I won’t be late.” I shout as I pull the door behind me.

I was meant to be heading off for school, but I had other plans, today, I was finally going to the barren wasteland, the one from the stories, I dunno why, but I’ve always had a feeling my dreams are somehow connected to the kingdom from my dads stories, I know it sounds crazy but I need to be sure.

An hour had passed before I arrived, I know my dad described it as a barren wasteland but honestly, this was like something I’d never seen before, our town was immaculate, there was never anything out of place, infact, no where I’d been before was, but this was just a big open field surrounded by a HUGE security fence, it must’ve of been this way for a good hundred years at least, the fence was rusted and the grass was all brown and sunburnt.

I clasped my locket with my left hand, looking around for anything I could use to climb over, and then I spotted it, a gap in the fencing just big enough for me to squeeze through, I took a deep breath and made my way over to it.

As I squeezed half my body through I began to tingle, an eery feeling sweeping over me, but it was too late to turn back now, I was already half way in, with one swift push I was over the other side, except suddenly the field wasn’t so deserted anymore, no, over in the far corner I could see something, I squinted my eyes as I slowly walked closer, surely I couldn’t of missed anything when I was on the other side, yet there right in front of my eyes stood an old, run down shell of what must’ve been the old kingdom from my dads stories. I look around “HELLO” I shakingly call out ... no reply

As I enter the inside of the shell I notice a stairwell, similar to the one I described earlier, but how wasn’t this visible from the other side of the fence?

I know I should turn back, I want to turn back, but something is edging me closer.

Then I hear it, the sirens song from my dreams, calling my name, I take a deep breath and start to climb, just like in my dream, one step, then two, then three ... as i grow closer to the top the voice gets louder and louder, until the only thing standing between us is the big oak door with the brass knob, I take a deep breath, “this is it Tigs.” I whisper to myself, clasping my locket one more time, i make a Fist and knock on the door ... “Come in.” says a familiar voice from the other side.

I put my hand over the knob and slowly twist it, pushing the door open.


About the Creator

Charlotte Price

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    CPWritten by Charlotte Price

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