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"The Haunting of the Abandoned Mansion"

"The Ghostly Quest for Freedom"

By PreethiPublished about a year ago 6 min read

The night was dark and stormy, the kind of night that made you want to curl up in bed with a good book and a hot cup of cocoa. But Jerry had promised his friend Steve that he would meet him at the old abandoned mansion on the edge of town. Steve was convinced that the mansion was haunted and he had begged Jerry to come along to document the ghostly happenings with his video camera.

Jerry reluctantly agreed, but as he drove down the winding, tree-lined road to the mansion, he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of his stomach. The mansion loomed ahead, its broken windows and crumbling facade only adding to the sense of foreboding. Jerry took a deep breath and parked his car in front of the gate.

Steve was already there, his face a mask of excitement. "I told you it was haunted!" he exclaimed as Jerry approached.

Jerry rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Let's just get this over with."

The two friends made their way up to the front door, the boards creaking beneath their feet. Steve pushed the door open with a flourish and the two of them stepped inside. The air was musty and stale, and cobwebs clung to the corners of the room.

Steve pulled out his video camera and began to film, while Jerry made his way over to the fireplace to see if he could find any logs to start a fire. As he rummaged through the ashes, he heard Steve's voice behind him.

"Dude, come look at this!"

Jerry turned to see Steve holding up his camera, a look of terror etched on his face. "What is it?" Jerry asked, his heart racing.

Steve pointed to the screen. "Look!"

Jerry peered at the screen and his blood ran cold. There, on the screen, was a ghostly figure drifting through the room. It was translucent and ethereal, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

"What the hell is that?" Jerry asked, his voice trembling.

Steve's face was white with fear. "I don't know, but I think we should get out of here."

The two friends turned to leave, but as they reached the door, it slammed shut with a loud bang. They were trapped.

Jerry's mind raced as he tried to think of a way out. He remembered reading that ghosts were afraid of iron, so he grabbed the iron poker from the fireplace and held it in front of him like a weapon.

The ghost floated towards them, its eyes locked on Jerry. Jerry swung the poker at it, but it passed right through the ghostly figure as if it weren't even there.

Steve grabbed Jerry's arm. "We have to find another way out!"

The two of them stumbled through the dark mansion, their footsteps echoing through the empty rooms. They passed through the kitchen and into the pantry, where they found a small window that looked out onto the back yard.

Jerry boosted Steve up to the window and he wriggled through, dropping to the ground on the other side. Jerry followed, his heart pounding in his chest.

They ran to Jerry's car and jumped inside, locking the doors behind them. As they drove away from the mansion, Jerry couldn't shake the feeling that the ghost was still with them, watching from the back seat with those glowing eyes.

They didn't speak until they reached the safety of Steve's house. Jerry's hands were shaking as he pulled out his phone to call the police.

"We have to go back," Steve said, his voice shaking

"Are you crazy?" Jerry exclaimed. "There's no way I'm going back to that mansion. We barely made it out alive!"

"But we have to," Steve insisted. "We have to find out what that thing is and why it's haunting the mansion. It's our duty to uncover the truth."

Jerry sighed. He knew that Steve was right. They couldn't just leave this mystery unsolved.

"Fine," he said reluctantly. "But we're going to need some backup. We'll need to bring some people with us who can handle themselves in a dangerous situation."

Steve nodded. "I'll call Mike and Rachel. They've both had some military training. And we should bring some holy water and crosses, just in case."

The group met at the mansion the next night, armed with crosses, holy water, and iron weapons. Jerry's hands were shaking as they made their way through the front door, the ghostly figure hovering in the corner of his vision.

They searched the mansion room by room, but they couldn't find any sign of the ghost. It was as if it had vanished into thin air.

"Maybe it was just our imagination," Rachel said, her voice trembling.

But Jerry knew that wasn't true. He had seen the ghost with his own eyes. They just had to find a way to get rid of it.

They sat down in the living room to come up with a plan, when they heard a faint knocking coming from the cellar.

"What was that?" Mike whispered.

"I don't know," Jerry replied, his heart racing. "But I have a feeling it's not good."

The group made their way down to the cellar, their iron weapons at the ready. They found the source of the knocking: a small door that looked as if it hadn't been opened in decades.

Mike stepped forward and pushed the door open, revealing a small room filled with cobwebs and dust. In the corner of the room, they saw a figure huddled in the shadows.

As they approached, the figure turned to face them. It was an old woman, her face gaunt and wrinkle, her eyes glowing with the same otherworldly light as the ghost.

"Who are you?" Jerry asked, his voice trembling.

"I am the ghost," the woman replied. "I have been haunting this mansion for centuries, searching for the one who can set me free."

"Set you free from what?" Steve asked.

"From this cursed place," the woman replied. "I was once the wife of the man who built this mansion. He was a cruel and abusive husband, and I was trapped here with him until my death. Now, I am trapped here forever, unless someone can find the key to my release."

"What key?" Jerry asked.

"It is a small, gold key that is hidden somewhere in the mansion. Find it, and you can set me free."

The group set to work searching the mansion, determined to find the key and release the ghost from her eternal prison. They searched high and low, but they couldn't find it.

Just when they were about to give up, Jerry had an idea. He remembered that the old man who had owned the mansion had been a collector of rare and valuable objects. He raced up to the attic, where he knew the man had kept his collection.

And there, tucked away in the corner, he found the small gold key. He raced back down to the cellar and presented it to the ghost.

"Is this it?" he asked

The ghost's eyes lit up as she saw the key. "Yes," she whispered. "That is it. You have freed me from this prison."

Jerry inserted the key into the lock and turned it, and the ghost began to fade away, a look of peace on her face.

"Thank you," she said. "You have given me the rest that I have been seeking for so long."

And with that, the ghost was gone, and the mansion was quiet once again.

The group made their way out of the mansion, relieved that their mission was complete. They had faced their fears and come out victorious.

As they walked down the driveway, Jerry turned to Steve and said, "I never thought I'd say this, but that was actually kind of fun. We should do it again sometime."

Steve chuckled. "Yeah, maybe not in an abandoned mansion filled with ghosts. But there are plenty of other mysteries out there waiting to be solved."

And with that, the two friends walked off into the night, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.


About the Creator


I am a writer, and writing is my passion. I love creating stories and bringing my ideas to life through the written word. Whether it's fiction or non-fiction, I believe that writing is a vital form of self-expression

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    PWritten by Preethi

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