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The Haunting of Ram and Meena

A Terrifying Encounter with a Ghostly Presence

By Arivazhagan APublished about a year ago 3 min read

Ram and Meena had always been fascinated by stories of the supernatural. They had spent many nights reading ghost stories and watching horror movies. However, they never expected to have a terrifying encounter with a ghostly presence themselves.

The Old Abandoned House

One day, Ram and Meena were exploring the outskirts of their town when they stumbled upon an old abandoned house. The house was situated on a large plot of land and had been empty for years. The exterior was dilapidated, with peeling paint and broken windows. Despite its rundown appearance, the house had an eerie presence about it that drew Ram and Meena in.

As they approached the house, they noticed that the front door was slightly ajar. Curiosity got the best of them, and they pushed the door open, stepping inside. The interior was dark and musty, with cobwebs covering the walls and ceiling. Ram and Meena cautiously walked around, exploring the various rooms, when they suddenly heard a faint whispering sound.

The Ghostly Presence

Ram and Meena froze in fear as the whispering grew louder and more distinct. It sounded like a woman's voice, but they couldn't make out what she was saying. Suddenly, the temperature in the room dropped, and they could feel a cold breeze blowing through the house. They turned to leave, but the door they had entered through was now locked shut.

Panic set in as Ram and Meena realized they were trapped in the haunted house with a ghostly presence. The whispering grew louder and more menacing, and they could hear footsteps approaching. They turned to face the direction of the footsteps, and to their horror, saw the ghostly figure of a woman.

The Woman in White

The woman was dressed in a white gown and appeared to be floating towards them. Her hair was long and tangled, and her face was twisted in an expression of anger and despair. Ram and Meena tried to back away, but they were trapped between the ghostly figure and the locked door.

The woman in white reached out towards them, and Ram and Meena felt a cold, clammy hand touch their skin. They screamed in terror and closed their eyes, waiting for the worst to happen. When they opened their eyes again, the woman had vanished, and the temperature in the room had returned to normal.

Escape from the Haunted House

Ram and Meena wasted no time in running out of the haunted house. They sprinted through the overgrown garden and didn't stop until they were safely back on the main road. They looked back at the house, and to their surprise, saw that the lights were on and there were signs of life inside.

Confused and frightened, they decided to seek the help of a paranormal investigator. They found an experienced investigator who agreed to meet them at the haunted house to investigate the ghostly presence they had encountered.

The Paranormal Investigation

The investigator arrived at the house and set up her equipment. She conducted a thorough investigation of the property, and to Ram and Meena's surprise, found evidence of paranormal activity. She detected EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) of the same whispering sounds Ram and Meena had heard, and captured images of the woman in white they had seen.

The investigator explained to Ram and Meena that the woman in white was the ghost of the previous owner of the house. She had died in the house under mysterious circumstances and had been haunting the property ever since. The investigator recommended that the property be cleared of the ghostly presence, and Ram and Meena agreed.

The Cleansing

The investigator performed a cleansing ritual to rid the property of the ghostly presence. She burned sage and recited a series of prayers to purify the house and release the ghostly presence. The ritual lasted for several hours, and Ram and Meena watched in awe as the house transformed from a place of fear and despair to one of peace and tranquility.

After the cleansing, the investigator informed Ram and Meena that the ghostly presence had been successfully cleared from the property. She advised them to stay away from abandoned houses and other places known to be haunted.


Ram and Meena never forgot about their encounter with the ghostly presence in the haunted house. They continued to have a fascination with the supernatural, but they also learned to be cautious and respectful of the unknown.

Years later, when they were in college, they met a fellow student who claimed to have experienced a similar encounter with a ghostly presence. They shared their story with her, and together they formed a ghost-hunting club. They went on to investigate several haunted locations around the country, but they always remembered their first encounter with the woman in white and the haunting of Ram and Meena.

FantasyShort StoryMysteryHorror

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